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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    RimWorld I love this community

    RimWorld I love this community

    I love this community

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:34 AM PST

    Late game strategy

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:31 PM PST

    When the raiders would rather sap through the mountain than walk through the water...oh, nice pathfinding.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:14 AM PST

    Colonists Vanilla vs. Colonists with Facial Stuff Mod

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:08 AM PST

    Guys, I think we're leaking again.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:45 AM PST

    The most stressful thing I've gone through in a while.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:30 AM PST

    17 hours? Old enough to carry cargo!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:03 AM PST

    200+ raiders vs. sometimes raids go wrong vs. 4 devastator mortars.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    America is that you?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    Rimworld of Magic - When the Magicite addiction needs to be fed.....

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 10:25 PM PST

    When the rim meets reality.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:13 AM PST

    800+ hours, 4 am, finally beat Rimworld!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:33 AM PST

    The fact that the end credits had a song surprised me. I got the feels. Than I got to return to my colony, I dismissed the guest and luckily my 18 elephants can survive off the grass, anyone who discovers my colony will have a solid time with all my stuff.

    submitted by /u/Dizzy732
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    My beer went missing in my first ever rim world game and it wasn’t til later that I found out that my pregnant dog had drank all of it and had a miscarriage.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:05 PM PST

    SMBC gets it

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Big Dick Energy

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 04:12 PM PST

    So in my sculpting class we have to make a Oaxacan Sculpture using any animal, real or imaginary. So I chose the thrumbo, here’s how it looks so far.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Probably best if you avoid my colony for a while

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:39 PM PST

    PVT Bear, discovered he can use the Force. Sith Maybe?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:32 AM PST

    Rimworld Corona Virus

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:57 PM PST

    Can I get an F in chat for Babbi, the most clutch colonist in my 1,350 hours of Rimworld?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Scenario Background: Permadeath Naked Brutality Randy Merciless

    Our story starts on 11th Aprimay 5500 (day six of my run).

    After finally getting a roofed in area, making a bed, building a power generator, building a stove, and a light, my one and only colonist Chirpy had a mental break while farming her first crop of rice due to all the mood debuffs she had just fixed (and a psychic drone, thanks Randy).

    She wandered off in a daze, with no meals cooked, and about fifty rice actually harvested and laying on the ground.

    After a few hours of her stumbling about getting hungrier and more exhausted, I got a wanderer join request.

    Babbi didn't have a lot going for her. A bit of interest in crafting, a bit of interest in construction, but those were Chirpy's specialties and her traits were not good overall. The only commendable thing was an 11 in shooting (although no passion for it).

    After carefully weighing my options, I decided to take the risk of a few more hours of mental break and turn her down.

    Except I accidentally clicked accept and was playing on permadeath, so this was irreversible. What follows is the account of her short but highly meaningful stay with my colony.

    The first thing she did was haul the rice and cook five simple meals. Then she built herself a bed and began crafting a bow.

    While she was crafting her weapon, we got raided. She managed to finish the bow just in time to run outside and start firing at the raider who was headed to kill Chirpy still wandering in a daze to the east.

    This being merciless, poor Babbi brought a bow to a gunfight - the raider had an autopistol. When the exchange was done, Babbi lay on the ground bleeding out and unable to move.

    But somehow she managed to riddle the raider with just enough arrows that he collapsed in shock halfway to reaching Chirpy and began bleeding out himself moments after setting fire to the colony's only rice crop.

    At that moment Chirpy snapped out of it. She woke up to find her farm on fire, a dead raider with an autopistol, and the person who had valiantly defended her holdings on the ground breathing her last.

    After putting out the fire (Babbi was already dead by the time Chirpy actually got to her), Chirpy went inside to discover this strange woman had cooked food for her while she was wandering in a fugue state before sacrificing her life to defend a complete stranger.

    Now armed and ready, she's survived (still alone) into Septober. That autopistol has so far kept her safe from angry alpacas and a couple of butthead raiders with clubs. She visits Babbi's grave sometimes, even though she never even found out her name.

    Here's to Babbi, who did the man in black thing better than the man in black ever did, when I didn't even want her in the first place. https://imgur.com/a/5x78cxx

    EDIT: Looking at the image I posted, it looks like this actually happened before I got my power generator built. The stove was fueled.

    submitted by /u/jeremy1015
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    A gift!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 12:11 AM PST

    Slowly going through withdrawals

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 08:09 PM PST

    I just moved 1200 miles away from my fiancé to start my new job and left my gaming laptop with her until she can move here with me.

    Y'alls posts on here are my only way of seeing anything Rimworld related so thanks for everything you do and please keep posting!!

    submitted by /u/rhh91
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    So I had an interesting story unfold in my colony, and couldn't help but write a story about it.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 06:45 PM PST

    How did this happen.

    Ileana sulked on the mattress, the steel frame of the bed creaking as she shifted her weight. Just a couple hours ago, she was about to become a hero to her people, and finally earn her place as a respected raider of the Compact. The first and only good thing that would have happened to her since crashing on this barren rural planet.

    What went wrong?

    She stared at the bandaged stump that was her leg. It still burned, reminding her of her limitations every second of the day. She grimaced as she remembered the events of the raid, only hours ago when everyone in her raiding party was gunned down with brutal efficiency, and her leg was blasted apart by an energy rifle. Ironically, her leg being blown off probably saved her life. Made her fit in with the sea of dead bodies.

    Why am I still here?

    That's when Ileana took stock of her current situation. Someone from the defending militia found she was alive. They rescued her, bandaged the stump where the left leg used to be, stuffed her in this room, and locked the door.

    Why did they save me?

    The question haunted her. Was she to be sold to the next passing slaver ship? Dissected for organs? Many more gruesome thoughts flooded her mind as the door swung open. Her warden stepped in, whom she recognized as the man who shot her down. "Hi, I uh…. I'm Daniel. Daniel Romero." He began to extend his hand, until he remembered that Ileana was restrained. He instead tried his best to make a friendly smile. Caught off guard, Ileana replied "Ileana French."

    "Ileana, listen… I understand that you're kind of in a rough place at the-"

    "I'll go fighting, you know. That's one thing they teach us well at the Compact. I'm not letting myself be sold into slavery. Not again."

    Daniel flinched, cringing as she spoke. "I swear to you, we mean you no harm. We just defended ourselves, and seeing how you were still alive after the battle I couldn't help but tend to you. I actually have a proposal for you."

    "After gunning down all of my allies? By all means, please, go ahead." Ileana clenched her fists in their restraints, her right hand clanking metallically as it tightened. Her first missing limb. Got her hand cut off for starting a fight with a higher up. She smiled as she ran her metallic fingers together.

    Daniel caught this moment of pride. There's something we can reach her with, he thought.

    "You're a fan of bionics I take it?"

    "A metal fist is a lot better for smacking assholes like you than a fleshy one" she spat.

    "I have somebody I think you'd like to meet then."

    A couple minutes passed, the sound of the muffalo outside being the only thing to assure Ileana time was in fact passing at all. Soon enough, the door opened again. A second man stepped in, thin and tan. Ileana prepared to spit out a string of insults, but stopped when she realized why this man was invited in. Half his body glistened under the room's light. His right eye glowed, his left arm glittered with lights and steel, and his right leg audibly whirred as he sat down on the bunk across from Ileana.

    "You know, it's not polite to stare."

    Ileana looked up from the man's cybernetic body, visibly embarrassed, but nonetheless excited.

    "Those are amazing! Where did you get them? The ships that sell parts like those charge tens of thousands for people in the middle of nowhere like us to get them!"

    "Made them myself. They were installed by Dan, our resident surgeon. I think you've met?"

    Ileana paused for a moment, once again considering her situation. There's no way they made those here, she thought. No one on the planet has the technology or resources to machine bionics like those.

    Taking the silence for an eagerness to listen the man continued. "I'm Kay by the way. I was told you might want to hear my story."

    Ileana always felt the human form was limited. On occasion, people from advanced glitterworlds would stop by the Compact's base, modified from head to toe. She envied those people, becoming more than they were using only the best technology available. She looked Kay in the eyes and nodded.

    "Like most people, I didn't set up on this planet voluntarily. Was travelling past when our ship was damaged, and we were ejected out into space. Eventually we landed right here, and here is where we set up. I won't bore you with the details, but like everyone else we made do. Of course the harsh reality of living on a cold planet at the edge of the galaxy doesn't really care if you mind your own business. One of the first things that happened after we landed here was we were attacked by an arctic lion. How we decided on the name for our outpost, actually. We managed to put it down, but not before it bit my eye out."

    Kay's cybernetic eye twisted and focused, as if trying to see into Ileana's soul. Kay wished he could see into her soul. Convince her things would be alright.

    "So you just… built yourself a new one?"

    "Only after months of researching the details of bionics. I'm an engineer by trade, so me and Daniel had to work together to figure out how to make them."

    "I hope you don't take offense to this but… I'm jealous. I dream of being able to live like that, trading my old parts for newer, better ones."

    Kay smiled weakly, trying to feign understanding of how Ileana felt. He remembered each of his injuries like they were yesterday. An arctic lion tearing out his eye. A mechanical soldier blasting apart his arm. A raider disintegrating his leg with an energy pistol. Not a single fond memory.

    "Well, I envy your enthusiasm I guess. Listen, I know the Compact isn't the safest place to live, so how about you join us?"

    Ileana blinked, only then remembering she was being held prisoner in an enemy outpost.

    "Join you? What's the catch?"

    "The catch is I get you a shiny new leg, and you help us build a ship to get off this planet. Think that's a good enough deal for you?"

    submitted by /u/jakavious
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