• Breaking News

    Friday, January 31, 2020

    RimWorld droid i forgot to disassemble cremating corpses after my colony ship left... gritty R18 WALL-E remake

    RimWorld droid i forgot to disassemble cremating corpses after my colony ship left... gritty R18 WALL-E remake

    droid i forgot to disassemble cremating corpses after my colony ship left... gritty R18 WALL-E remake

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Death sentence

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Dog 1 learned haul.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:28 AM PST

    Elmo is one of us

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Timelapse of final base until ship launch. What a ride it was!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST

    wow what a surprise

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Am I the only one who gets happy by seeing this colour on all pawns?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 01:30 PM PST

    "I got so cold my pussy fell off"

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Timelapse video of my latest colony, the Slash. By no means finished yet, but starting to take shape. Rich explorer start, Randy savage

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:57 PM PST

    My colonies' artist next to his last piece. May you rest in peace, Dougie.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:15 AM PST

    When you run out of ideas to name your kid

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:02 PM PST

    Season changed to Outer Space (unsurprisingly everyone died)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:27 AM PST

    So a fun mod interaction occurred - killing my current colony.

    I had a climate bomb go off leading to some unsurprising weather events. Unfortunately I had save our ship installed, and outer space occurred as a weather event with somewhat predictable results.

    Anyone else had anything amusing like this occur?

    submitted by /u/consciousbread
    [link] [comments]

    An update to my thrumbo Oaxacan Sculpture: Got started on the plaster work, didn’t realize how bad I actually made the legs until it started falling over because of the added weight to it :/

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    this meteorite almost crushed 50000+ silver worth of biotics...one room off....

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Cowboy hats for everyone

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Does anyone ever plan their colony the very second your pods land? It's almost a hard requirement for me.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST

    My chicken just overdosed on go-juice and died

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:47 AM PST

    Say hello to my permanent butcher! Inb4 "learn to take a screenshot"

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:35 AM PST

    My self efficient prison. Thoughts or ideas?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:24 PM PST

    What happens in the end?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:21 AM PST

    I am a new player, only about 60 hours. Im just wondering what happens when you launch the ship? Is the game just over then? I have seen that the screen just go black and you get some info.

    Also, if that is the case, is there mods for continuing in space? I saw some screenshots on this sub of a spacecraft and all black around it (space?)

    Sorry if this breaks the low effort post.. It is all just a bit confusing, and really fun

    submitted by /u/deliciatedrunkard
    [link] [comments]

    My second base plan. This one looks more weird than my previous plan (link in comments), but more compact and more optimized. What do you think about it, guys?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    One last stand... 1 more day before reactor bootup... hang in there!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 07:16 PM PST

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