• Breaking News

    Monday, November 2, 2020

    RimWorld It's fun that you can add cute little details like this to your colony.

    RimWorld It's fun that you can add cute little details like this to your colony.

    It's fun that you can add cute little details like this to your colony.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:13 AM PST

    My very own muffalo, sadly not life size...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:07 PM PST

    A nice incentive to work

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Vanilla Expanded mod series || November roadmap!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Built this in Devmode. Will try it out on my next Medieval Run. Castle Alexandria.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:24 PM PST

    One of my favorite colonists pre- royalty update, Mariah age 85 with dementia, the best engineer/sniper in the colony

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:50 PM PST

    Who you gonna call?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:42 AM PST

    This guy is just not having a good day

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:43 PM PST

    The pain of having your best artist also be your best builder...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    R.I.P due to unknown errors i can no longer enter the saved game without being stuck in an infinite loading screen.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Achievements for Rimworld

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:27 AM PST

    If Rimworld had achievements on Steam, no one would actually get them, since everyone mods the shit out of their games.

    submitted by /u/AdamentB
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    A VOID faction member killed me entire colony with 1 bullet, collateral...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:42 PM PST

    Fun idea

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:22 AM PST

    Imagine if you could play rimworld as a story teller, it'd be a fun change in perspective to see a colony grow and try to destroy it; it could even be a multiplayer mode (although it'd last a while).

    submitted by /u/madliamb2003
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    Found my name for the first time and this is the pawn it's on....

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:25 AM PST

    How do I make my prisoners use the nutrient paste dispenser?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:18 PM PST

    Just as I was enjoying myself, things are only going to get worse from here!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:02 AM PST

    Got set up. need some help on what to do next? (i rlly have no clue hoping to get help and planning to make a mountain-less base tho ) :D

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 05:53 AM PST

    Well he moved on fast

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:35 PM PST


    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I guess konosuba didn't work out for her

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 01:56 AM PST

    Rimworld Mod Recommendation Compendium - Part I: 'Essential Mods & Core'

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Greetings and salutations one and all!

    So people often ask for mod recommendations, I'm bored, I want to make a mega-list to help people and share mods I feel are awesome and lovely. Soooo your friend Lord of Coffee will help you today turn your game into a Hellscape best covered by this Comic here by the really talented creator, /u/Accurina.

    The first part will cover stuff what I view as so essential it is integral for any playthrough, and a few things I just adore so much I'm going to gush about them here. This is all opinion based and stuff I have personally used. I have not used everything, not even some of the really big obvious ones. If this list is missing entries you feel, by all means feel free to share your own recommendations.

    Let's go! (If you don't want reasoning and information you can see TL;DR at the end for the mods and mods only.)


    It's dangerous to go on the Rimworld, take these with you.

    Mod Manager by Fluffy.

    Why? - Fluffy's Mod Manager is something I personally consider to be an absolute God-send for debugging, load order adjustments and more. The core feature of this mod is that it has your active and inactive mods in two separate lists next to each other, and, you are able to save your modlist and load it again at any time. Any mods missing will simply be greyed out and can be removed safely.


    Why? - First and foremost you can drag colonists to formation instead of one-by-one. I swear to God I thought that was vanilla, but I guess it isn't. More importantly, haul outside of allowed areas, force work on specific tasks until you tell them to stop, or criteria are met for mood or health problems. They generally won't wonder off to do something else until the task is done, they break, or you tell them to stop.


    Why? – Convenience factor for this is quite high. You can see your pawn's stats, interests and even mood and why they're that way at a glance. No selecting the pawn then hitting bio, or needs each time. Highly convenient period, but especially for larger colonies.

    Allow Tool

    Why? - It's a simple enough mod but the QOL it offers is immense. Haul urgently, select similar across the map, forbid or allow items or tasks, hunt all animals, harvest all ripe plants, and more. Cannot recommend this mod enough, it truly is one of the most useful mods out there.

    Pick Up and Haul

    Why? - Because vanilla Rimworld hauling is bullshit that's why. You mean to tell me my geriatric wooden limbed 92-year-old grandma with end-stage cancer and dementia can haul a Brontosaurus by herself but can't grab two shirts at once?! Well fuck that. This mod makes it so that relative to carrying capacity and item weight, pawns can carry more at once in their inventory.

    But is it balanced?! - I don't give a shit if it isn't. Well I don't but I do admit that unfortunately, it does offer balancing problems with crops. I've seen pawns haul entire rice-fields in one go. It sucks, but I think it's a good trade-off compared to the old system.

    DOES IT WORK FOR 1.2?! - Well, yes. It does for me and other people at least. Others... not so much. I'd recommend trying it by itself if you run into problems. It may be a mod conflict.

    Research Tree

    Why? - Do you know what true terror is? Seeing pictures of the vanilla tree with five dozen mods that add research. Tabs so tiny you can't click on some anymore. This makes the tree one somewhat cohesive unified tree you can scroll and look through at a glance. No separate tech trees for different facets of research or mods. You can queue research too!

    Better Pawn Control

    Why? - I don't use this one that much, but it lets you more easily restrict and set outfit designations for different situations, among other things. Food, drugs, work, animals, etc. It might be a little difficult to understand at first, but once you get it down it might prove useful.


    Why? - Walk-in freezers may be easy to make, but sometimes, I just want a damn fridge, y'know? Aesthetically pleasing, allows for different more efficient designs based on layout, and just a nice alternative to have if it interests you.

    But is it balanced?! - Uhhh, your call on that one. I think it is. Costs more resources in steel and components with extra power drain and breakdowns the more you get, this IMO counteracts convenience of having fridges next to stoves or built into kitchen walls.

    In-Wall Coolers and Vents

    Why? - Why would putting up an AC or some vents require you tear down a wall? It shouldn't. This mod fixes that.

    But is it balanced?! - If intended balance is for raiders to be able to tear through a vent with like, 60 health and get inside your base with walls made of Uranium; then the intended balance can get fucked.

    EDB Prepare Carefully

    Why? - Having freedom to really adjust and customize your pawns when starting a colony opens up the way for a lot more interesting or nuanced scenarios that might require certain pawns with certain characteristics. Also a good way to test certain abilities or traits to ensure they're working. Just a good mod to have in general in my opinion.

    But is it balanced?! - Totally up to you. You can run with whatever you got per usual, you can nerf how well they start out, or make them all Archotech cyborgs with T-Rexes for pets. Whatever you want.

    Simple Sidearms

    Why? - Because hey, people throughout history have always been able to carry more than one bloody weapon at once. Contingencies are a thing! So your sniper can have a shiv for melee, or a pistol for close range encounters.

    But is it balanced?! - So-so I suppose? I think enemies can have them too, so a bowman getting shanked may pull out one in turn. It's highly customizable so you can adjust what is and isn't a side-arm, and what the criteria are. Keep it balanced or go nuts and have pawns with a minigun for a primary and another minigun as a sidearm.

    Show Draftee Weapon

    Why? - It allows you to at a glance, see what weapons your pawns are using. Even whether or not they actually have weapons. No sending unarmed pawns against a Centipede because you mistakenly thought they had EMP grenades.

    Simple Search Bar

    Why? - This mod adds a search bar for recipes, stockpile settings, trading, and caravan menus. That's it. Now imagine going through all of that without one, with 230+ mods like I got. Yeah…

    Dub's Mint Menus

    Why? - Above and beyond one of the best QOL mods around, it does away with that awful shit drop-down menu system where it's just the names of the items in increasingly tiny font, instead has a search menu with the icons for everything you're looking at, their costs, and more. Take a look and see what I mean. Gold standard.


    Why? - If you ignore all the other nonsense, RimmsQOL is a good in-game XML editor, and can eliminate the need of many, many tiny mods like inflammable steel, or more components from mining. You can adjust these in-game, and do so at any time. A good balancing or tweaking tool, for balancing or unbalancing at your heart's content.

    But is it balanced?! - User discretion really. I personally use it to balance mods I like but don't like certain facets of. I.E. I remove Argonian's absurd mining boost, and make Fantasy Metal Reforged's stats a lot less weaker for Scarletite and Orchalcum, which were too high IMO.

    Music Manager

    Why? - If you have any music mods, maybe you want to hear some of the tracks from that mod instead. Or maybe, you're just sick and tired of hearing a certain track after some 500+ hours in the game and every time you hear it you want to rush for the podcasts you've been meaning to get to (check out High Crimes and History). Regardless of reasoning, Music Manager lets you play certain tracks, start or stop the music whenever you want, pause it, or set some to play for certain circumstances only. Based off peace/war, day or night, or seasons.


    Why? - Listen to this. You CAN'T tell me that isn't just a phenomenal track. There are twenty-six new tracks like this. TWENTY SIX. Holy Hell the ones I've heard are incredible too. I usually turn off the music but with this mod and Music Manager I'm just enjoying the game so much more with some fresh music to mix things up.

    Maybe it's not essential, but I think this mod is incredible work and deserves more attention. Go check it out. Hell, look up the playlist on YouTube.

    LWM's Deep Storage

    Why? - I personally abhor Rimworld's storage system as I loathe having to make the big building of neu Berlin (props if you get the reference!) just to store my shit on the floor. LWM's Deep Storage in my opinion is one of the more balanced options for storage mods. Each option has set stack limits, may only store certain stuff, and there is a delay in storage. On top of resource costs. Plus, aesthetics! A beautiful store room versus Hoarders Buried Alive Rimworld edition.

    But is it balanced?! - See above... No, it's not. But, the most balanced option IMO.

    I ain't reading all that shit!

    Well fine, here's the list by itself.

    Mod Manager by Fluffy.



    Allow Tool

    Pick Up and Haul

    Research Tree

    Better Pawn Control


    In-Wall Coolers and Vents

    EDB Prepare Carefully

    Simple Sidearms

    Show Draftee Weapon

    Simple Search Bar

    Dub's Mint Menus


    Music Manager


    LWM's Deep Storage

    And that's the extent of it. I'll probably add more mods as I think of them or people recommend them. But to the short-hand list as doing the why and balance factors is time-consuming. Next part will come... well, when I get around to writing it honestly. But it will cover the blockbuster mods such as Genetic Rim, Rimworld of Magic and more. I hope this was helpful, happy modding!

    submitted by /u/Lord_Of_Coffee
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    Need recommendations for youtubers who like to chill and build a settlement instead of cranking everything up to 11.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:45 AM PST

    (I know what I am asking is probably heresy but anyway) I have tried searching on YouTube but every video I see is Randy Random max difficulty hell run with all the overpowered mods and war crimes. I just wanted to ask if there are any youtubers who play the game just for fun, building community, making a wonderful base, decorations and all. I am okay with the series being modded, but I just get annoyed when there is a raid every 5 minutes.

    Please don't burn me, playing peacefully is also fun sometimes. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/LordVipul
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    Which should I choose?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:41 AM PST

    First time playing on randy has been interesting

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Two of my colonists had children, one had twins. I didn't want the children so I sold them to a neighbouring faction as slaves and a few hours later a shuttle crashed and it was full of the 3 children I sold. I rescued them and they joined so I sold them again only for randy to give me another shuttle with 2 of the 3 children

    submitted by /u/BrokenRealityx
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