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    Sunday, November 1, 2020

    RimWorld Just let me sleep first man

    RimWorld Just let me sleep first man

    Just let me sleep first man

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:01 AM PST

    The smell wasn't great but it got the job done.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    The Geneva Conventions of Rimworld

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:11 AM PST

    Summer 2021 (158 °F)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I’m back! +40

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I forbade that wall blueprint specifically so they didn't entomb themselves. When you make something idiot proof, nature builds a better idiot.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    This isn't something to joke about.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Just trying to summon Link

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Kind Solutions, Eh?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    Remember your coat.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Lily Hospital and Undead Research Center

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    May RNG guide your Halloween

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Tip: Keep medicine in your doctor's inventory. If someone is bleeding out on the field, make a sleeping spot and patch them up right then and there.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:24 AM PST

    Can't believe it took me 300+ hours of playing to think of that.

    EDIT: Guess this requires Pick Up and Haul, my bad!

    submitted by /u/Afropenguinn
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    Look at my horse, my horse is....drunk.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Kidnapped colonist

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:04 AM PST

    Is there any chance to get a kidnapped colonist back if they already has joined the faction that kidnapped them?

    I lost one of my main characters, and I really miss him and he was also the second main characters husband. And he got kidnapped so I can see that he's still alive in the social tab of his wife. And I can see that he "belongs to the red ram toxga) who we are neutral to.

    Is there any chance that I will get him back or anything? Is there anything I can do to speed things up. When he got kidnapped it said that it will come a quest so that I could get him back "in a few days or years" but it has already gone many years I don't even know how many.

    If there is anything I can do, please help me

    submitted by /u/pandalusen
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    RNG & Luck! I call bullshit����

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:15 AM PST

    Don't get cocky

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    This is Emma Rollbar, wife of this journals owner Crow. I'm writing this entry because my husband is dead.

    I've never been one to document myself. I've always believed the past should stay where it is, the present should be enjoyed while you have it, and the future should be hoped for without attempting to control it. Part of me thinks writing this goes against that, but I know I'll never forget him, and this feels like the best way to honour him.

    I met Crow roughly a quadrum ago. We were living very different lives. He was a tribal, and I was sitting in the lap of luxury as part of a noble's fleet. I'd been openly bored with the lifestyle for years, when suddenly my baron offered me a unique opportunity. This new settlement had established itself in the empire's eyes and was working hard for favour and honour. The latest task they'd undertaken was distracting the enemies of another smaller sect of the empire. My baron told me I could leave to the settlement as a reward for their success. One of my few hobbies being marksmanship made me clearly valuable to the frontier of the rim. I also had a passion for cooking and medical studies, skills that would never be overestimated. He told me it could be the change I craved, a life that wasn't handed to me. I almost jumped at the chance.

    I hesitated when he continued, and told me the settlement was compromised entirely of tribals. I'd seen a fair number of videos and heard plenty of stories. I had a clear image in my mind of what a tribal was like. Thankfully it wound up being incorrect. Still, I was nervous, almost afraid of the idea when I heard that I'd likely be some of the first civilised modern contact these people would experience. My mother's voice rose in my ears in that moment. "If you can't tell if something is scaring or exciting you, it's probably worth doing."

    As soon as my pod landed I was welcomed warmly. Their english was better than I expected. When I finally asked about it, they told me they had met several traders before my own arrival. On top of that, the tribe they came from had welcomed and rescued people from vehicles similar to the one I arrived in. I quickly realised that this tiny group of five was likely more cultured than the fleet of thousands I'd recently called home.

    Crow was the quietest of them, always focused on his work. Whether it was sowing the fields, tailoring new clothes or even just sweeping dirt out the door, his mind was like a laser. That's probably why it shocked me so much the first time he talked to me. I was hauling back a kill, a hare that had been particularly annoying. I don't exactly remember what he said, something about lakes and the folly of man. It took me a minute to realise he'd even managed to flirt at the same time. We shared a bed that night, and from then onward. A few months later he proposed. Looking back it was definitely fast, I'd never heard of a relationship moving that quickly, let alone into marriage. Of course, on the rim everything is urgent so nothing feels like it's gone quickly because you're always focused on whatever is coming next.

    In hindsight, he died a stupid death. That's not to say I think less of him, or anyone else for that matter. We were all equally stupid, and we had a right to be. We were high on our own success. Having harnessed wind power for limitless renewable energy, fending off raids from other tribes and pirates alike, mad animals were calibration tests for our turrets and little else. Then, the empire called. It was a simple job. A pack of wild animals had been discovered on route to another Imperial settlement. All we had to do was broadcast a high frequency signal and distract the beasts our way. We focused on the wrong detail. Cats, that was all we had to bring down. A pack of cats riddled with scaria. The man we called Hedgehog had brought down a warg with only a club. I'd made a name for myself hunting small prey. Cats would barely fill the evening. That was what we thought. We glossed over the number of cats though. Thirty-four of them to be specific. They outnumbered us three to one. Those odds got slightly better if you considered our automated defences, but with only a couple turrets for each approach angle, it was a negligible increase.

    We were overrun in minutes.

    Eight of us died that day. Most of them on their way to the infirmary. Cat's claws had never looked like much to me, but when enraged by pain and disease, they can cut deep.

    Vex and I are the only survivors. He's the only one left of the original five who set out on their own. I want to believe his inaction is caused by guilt, or grief, or anything along those lines. I've been here long enough to know better though. He's barely skilled enough with his hands to lay flagstones, and has always been adamant about his unwillingness, or inability to haul anything over any distance. My days now are filled with building coffins and carrying the bodies of men and women I called my friends into them. Honestly, if it weren't for all the smokeleaf I'd probably put a bullet, or a magazine through his skull.

    The next time I write in this journal, I hope I have better news.

    "You see anyone?"

    "Negative, don't hear anything either, save for those air conditioners."

    "Well, that's a good sign right? If the place is still running then whoever lives here can't be too far."

    "Open your eyes rookie. There's a small wind farm to the north. As long as there's a breeze the lights will stay on." The shorter of the two recon troops stepped forward and ran his eyes along a wall. There was some deterioration, but barely more than regular wear and tear. "Move around to the east, I'll head in here.

    Inside the compound was eerily quiet. A gentle hum from electricity coursing through cables in the walls was all he heard aside from his thoughts. The interior was well lit, and he discerned he was in a warehouse. Shelves full of wood and steel, enough for considerable expansion. There were a few weapons tucked into a corner, then he saw it. Another shelf, this one was full of silver. Well over a thousand pieces. He wanted to believe the residents were still alive and simply travelling if an amount of currency like this was still lying around. He knew better, or he was just too jaded and cynical. Either way, he knew how hungry for work this settlement had been. Their sudden silence quickly became cause for alarm.

    "There's still food in this freezer!" The younger voice echoed down a hallway. "You said ten people used to live here?"


    "There's enough for months! If these guys really are dead and gone, shouldn't a place like this have been picked clean?"

    "You did see the perimeter right? There's almost twenty double guns surrounding this place. I don't think they've been gone long, the name these people made for themselves still carries some weight in the surrounding settlements." He took off his helmet and knelt down to get a closer look at a small sculpture. "You find anything else worthwhile?"

    "Just this thick journal in an end table."

    "Let me see it, there's something I'm hoping to find. Radio back for another shuttle, there's plenty here we can bring back to the fleet."

    submitted by /u/writerunblocked
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    Imagine trying to sleep next to the burning shield generator during a space battle... and your name is Donkey.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:03 AM PST

    Some soap opera going on here

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Much better than a hat.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    dont talk to me or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog or my dog ever again

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:43 AM PDT

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