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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    RimWorld Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- September 29, 2020

    RimWorld Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- September 29, 2020

    Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- September 29, 2020

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    Please use this thread as a week-to-week space to ask your fellow /r/RimWorld colonists for assistance. Whether it be colony planning, help with mods, or general guidance, post any questions you may have here! If you have an effort post about a game mechanic then this is also fine space for that but please consider making a separate subreddit post for maximum visibility. I am a bot, so I can't make jokes. If you'd like a Typical Tuesday joke, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    So I err, probably missed the greatest battle of the ages, cause I found this random corpse and checked the logs.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    I got nothing but a scenery art of my colony for celebrate our community.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Love when my infestations come with instructions

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:09 AM PDT

    Halloween's cancelled, but here's what I've been working on anyway

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I needed some rhino skin, but when I saw these two friends sleeping together, I just couldn't bring myself to harm them.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    Vanilla Factions Expanded: Buccaneers Fan Ideas

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    NOTE: I am not in any shape or way associated with the VFE team, I'm just a fan who likes to do creative things and share them. I have no idea about balancing or even how to make mods, I'm just doing this for fun.

    Hello r/RimWorld, its me again, that weeb dude who made the VFE Samurai Idea thread about a week ago. I'm back with another round of ideas because I need something to distract me from the shambles of life irl. And because I've been on something of a pirate-y kick. Yarrrgggggg.

    First to clear something up, Pirates vs Buccaneers. Pirates are dicks. They will kill and loot and murder you for money. Buccaneers are less dicks. They will still kill and loot and murder you for money, but they prefer trading and exploring for wealth first. Basically, while Pirates are plain raiders, Buccaneers are more like adventurers. They also start at a medieval level of tech but can move up as the game goes on to represent how their adventures have netted them some new digs.

    Important note: Like Vikings, they would be greatly benefits from having ships. I've heard on the pipeline that apparently there is/was a vehicle mod that included ships and cars in the works. All of these ideas are going to be based on the idea that its not going to be required. I know, I know, lot of sad yarr's all around mateys. If Rimworld ever came out with an update that overhauled the seas and ocean tiles, that'd be grand as well.

    Storyteller - Material Matty (or Pierce Plunder)

    Matty has a similar mechanic to the Raid Restlessness of from the Vikings mod: Avaricious Acquisition. Every quad/year/something else, the colony will have to grow in wealth by a certain amount. Your are pirates and adventurers after all, you want the money. This isn't just silver, its the overall colony wealth. For example, say you have it set so that every quad, you need to add 1000 more wealth to your colony. If you fail to do that by the end of the 15 days, you're hit with a stacking -10 mood debuff of "no plunder". However, the inverse would also be true, if you say got 3000 more wealth added in the quad, you'd get a stacking +5 mood buff of "lotsa booty!" that would decay over time, effectively giving you a cushioned safe zone for you to not have to do build more wealth.

    I'm not so sure about balancing, maybe that after each year, the wealth increase goes up so by year 2 you need 2000 wealth per quad. The whole idea is that your pirate lads and lasses are greedy fucks who always want more and aren't ever satisfied. Part of the challenge is being able to control your colony's wealth growth so that you don't end up in a spot where you have to face down huge raids you aren't ready for.

    Beyond the AA mechanic, Matty would act similar to Pheobe except that he doesn't do cargo drops as much and prefer creating quests that requires you to go on adventures outside your base. The best way to think of Matty would be to think of him as the sea; when its calm, things are pretty nice and you'll a series of nice events back to back. However, when the seas get rough and the waves get nasty, so does he and he'll also send back to back bad events that will make you scramble to try and cover it all.


    • Buccaneer Landing - The generic Buccaneer faction. Their base is often situated around a central crashed or beached ship. They will naturally spawn 2 "factions" with random relations. They are lead by Captains and can use the payment mechanic of Bandits even when friendly. Can also use the Viking raid types.
    • Adventurer's Outpost - The friendlier version of the Buccaneer Landing that is always going have at least a neutral relation under normal circumstances. Their bases are smaller and more compact but will have a mix of Adventurer and Tribal pawns.


    • Blunderbuss - Privative shotgun that can hit multiple targets at once due its huge spread.
    • Powder Bombs - Simple grenades of iron orbs, sometimes with shrapnel; can't be thrown as far and has a longer fuse but has a larger area of effect than a normal frag.
    • Stinkpot - Aka "the weaponized chamberpot", a nasty concoction stuffed into a pot that acts like a privative and fairly disgusting tactical grenade. Anyone hit by its noxious burst has a chance to be stunned by the smell or even become affected by Major Food Poisoning that should hopefully go away soon. They're very messy weapons.
    • Grog Bombs - Privative firebombs made by using Grog (or Rum if you're a monster). Weaker than molotovs but can be made at a crafting spot.
    • Swivel Gun - Typically reserved for the deck of ships, carrying one into battle is heavy and slow task. Its a bitch to load but when it fires, its strength is only matched by proper artillery guns.
    • Trident - The mythical weapon of the sea, it is similar to a spear but also gives a little boost to fishing speed.
    • Cutlass - A pirate's trusty blade, little bit stronger than the gladius but less armor piercing.
    • Boarding Axe - A tough axe used in bloody business, its used by raiders to tear down fortifications, barrels and bones. It gives a mining/deconstructing bonus.
    • Jar of Dirt - An ancient tradition. The jar is kept on the utility slot and when used, the users will chuck dirt into the eyes in the three tiles in front of them. Putting the "dirt" in "dirty fighting".
    • Jolly Randy Flag - A terrifying black banner with a grinning skull. As long as this banner stands, no buccaneer or pirate worth their salt will run in fear.
    • Energy Cutlass - A modified shipbreaking tool, this advanced melee weapon is an upgraded version of a Cutlass with better armor piercing.


    • Sea Legs Pants - Insulating and allows to the wearer to always move at 100% movespeed, regardless of the terrain
    • Buccaneer Greatcoat - A less insulating parka that looks more akin to the duster, it removes the "Soaking Wet" mood debuff from rain
    • Armored Greatcoat - Dashing outerwear for the paranoid privateer. Its the same as the above but has a little bit of armor due to the plates sewn into it.
    • Buccaneer's Bandana - A colorful bandana to wrap around one's head. Useful in keeping the beating sun off the top of a head.
    • Tricorn - A classically colonial hat, improves trade prices.
    • Fuse-lit Tricorn - What kind of mad idiot would carrying lit fuses on their hat? Someone who clearly doesn't care. It gives a small buff to fire rate and pain tolerance.
    • Powder Belt - A belt of powder and spare rounds, decrease time between shots.
    • Morion Helmet - The iconic metal helm of conquistadors and adventurers. Try not to topple too many native empires if you can.
    • Captain's Hat - The ultimate sign of authority aboard a ship, its even good enough for those landlubber nobles to wear.
    • Captain's Greatcoat - A "prestige" version of a normal great coat that comes with some armor and able to satisfied royal titles.


    • Blood Orange - Genetically modified oranges that can grow in sand and gains a boost next to water, thought to have been some ancient corporate project. It has a bitter taste, even after cooking (think of the insect meat debuff), but it can greatly improve blood filtration/immunity gain rate and natural healing. Can be turned into Blood Orange Mash by combining it with Molasses at a brewing station so it can be administered as a drug to patients.
    • Molasses - A refined version of sugar known for its slow consistency. When used as a condiment, its a more potent version of sugar. Can also be used in the process of making Rum.
    • Rum - The drink of the high seas! Its made by combining Blood Oranges and Molasses into Blood Orange Mash then sticking it in a Rum Fermenting barrel. An alternative version can be made with just sugar and oranges but it'll take more of each resource. It improves movement and social impact but can easily intoxicate a person.
    • Grog - Watered down rum that has less of an effect than the real thing but also will get someone drunker much slower. Can be made at a brewing table for a 1:2 conversation between rum and grog.
    • Whale Fat - Can only be obtained via fishing and can be refined into chemfuel very quickly at a very efficient conversion rate.
    • Figurehead - A special type of statue that can only be made of wood. Its a thing of beauty rumored to be able to reduce stormy weather.
    • Crow's Nest - A defenseive structure high off the ground that can't be built under a roof. When manned, a pawn will enter it and gain a huge boost to accuracy and a little boost to range. However if they are shot off or the support is destroyed, they will fall to the ground, hurting themselves.
    • Captain's Wheel - While not connected to anything, it serves as a fun gathering place for the crew who often sing sea shanties around it. People with better social skills sing better shanties like the Royalty "speech from the throne".
    • Deck Gun - A small defensive cannon with a narrow firing arc in front of it. Its "explosion" is more stretched out to simulate its ability to punch through multiple targets in a line. Legends say that those around them sometimes find better romantic prospects.


    Found only during the Treasure Hunt event or as a quest reward, they will could as having gained a level of colony wealth for Material Matty's Various Acquisition mechanic.

    • Dead Man's Chest - "Trust me laddie, no treasure is worth dying over. Especially not twice."
      • Put in the utility slot. If the wearer dies, they will be resurrected for a short time before succumbing to the "Dead Man's Curse", an incurable disease, and taking the chest with them.
    • Kao Mang's Magical Map - "This map doesn't lead anywhere!" "Take another look. It leads to places other than those you can see."
      • A one time use item that will instantly teleport a caravan to a destination, arriving on the map edge if attacking.
    • The Sparrow's Wayfinder - "Where does this compass even lead?" "Exactly where you want to be."
      • When brought along on a caravan, it will increase the caravan's speed while decreasing its visibility a it leads people into strange shortcuts.
    • Nanofiber Jolly Randy Banner - "Heave ho! / Haul together! / Thieves and Beggars / Hoist the colors up high!"
      • An ancient banner made of a strange psychically resonating material. When placed down, it increases labor speed and pain tolerance in a sizable area.
    • Cursed Gold - "Oh! How glittery! How shiny! This gold is mine you hear? None of you can have it! Not even you voices! Shoo! Shoo!"
      • Extremely beautiful gold that dramatically increases the value and beauty of anything made from it. However, anyone in contact with it for too long may start to randomly break as its curse takes hold of their mind.
    • Bionic Hook Hand - "Nanotrans is not responsible for any damages done by the hook or its user."
      • An discontinued line of bionic hand. It causes noticeable pain but is a regular bionic hand that transforms into a gnarly hook, allowing its user to deal considerable damage even without a weapon.
    • Abyssal Anchor - "You didn't pay the tithe, captain? YOU DIDN'T PAY THE TITHE???"
      • A huge, unwieldy anchor of mysterious origins. It swings extremely slowly but can crush nearly anything in a single blow. Its so big, that it even provides a little armor.
    • Queen Maeve's Revenge - "You idiot... Blackjeer always... gets the last... laugh... even... in death... hah..."
      • A heavily modified rocket launcher that carries a single use antigrain rocket. Excellent for sending a final "fuck you" to anyone to tries to sink your ship.
    • Kraken Armor - *"Oh shit its got me, oh shit oh shit oh shit, HELPPP***ppppppppp!"
      • Heavy power armor used in boarding actions. It comes equipped with a Whaler-pattern Harpoon launcher, capable of stunning and dragging an enemy to the user.
    • Starmetal Cutlass - "Thing o' beauty ain't she? Sent from the star 'em selves."
      • An beautiful blade made of an unknown advanced alloy with an insane level of armor piercing and cutting ability.
    • Celestial Telescope Uplink - "T-T-Targeetttingggggg aRRAy-y-y Al-al-ALP-ph-a F-four Nin-n-ner... re-re-REAdy fo-fo-for tAS-king..."
      • Can be used like a normal telescope for fun, but can be "manned" like a turret to mark a location for an ancient decaying satellite to drop an orbital strike at. Has the same cooldown as the Orbital Strike permit.
    • Riptide Psylink - "Alright, I ain't gonna lie, this'll hurt something fierce. But on the bright side, if you live, you'll be able to take your revenge!"
      • A bootleg psylink, its used to learn either Kiss of the Deep, Bermudian Fog, or Watery Grave. Kiss of the Deep can force pawns in a tiny AOE to suddenly become incapacitated as their lungs fill with seawater. Bermudian Fog will blanket an area in fog that's the inverse of smoke; enemies inside will have a much lower accuracy and higher time between shots. Watery Grave creates a large patch of marsh that will disappear over time, slowing enemies within.
    • Tidebreaker Artillery - "Sir! They're all around us!" "Good, that means we won't waste our shots."
      • A huge super mortar that takes 8 mortar shells to load and fire. It takes a long time to load and aim, but it can single handily lay down a barrage of 8 shells to carpet bomb an area. No kill like overkill.


    • Megaturtles - Nature's walking tanks. They are huge, they are heavily armored and they do not like to be poke. They do lay some nice big eggs though.
    • Powder Monkeys - Some sick cross between a boomrat and a monkey that detonate upon explosion. (Could be used to man certain guns?)
    • Figurehead Maidens - For every sailor that drowns at sea, there is a maiden waiting their impossible return upon the shore. Its said that these heartbroken lovers walk into the tide, letting the salt water fill their lungs. In death, their spirit possess a sunken Figurehead in the hopes that they might, might find their love again. Extremely aggressive, untamable and can terrify pawns. (Could be tamed/made from a dead lover?). Can be deconstructed at a smithy for wood and gold.
    • Shipcat - Aboard a ship, mice are a grave danger so cats have long been used as hunter and mascot. Buccaneers have bred this breed of marine meow-ers to be large and smart enough to help haul.
    • Landsharks - Because some jackass just had to find a way to make them even more terrifying. A hybrid animal that resembles a shark on legs, its a predatory beast without repute. Can be surprisingly derpy and cute. (nuzzles often when tamed)
    • Crabs - Skittish little things that can be hunted for their delectable crab meat.
    • Crabboth - A very, very large crab that's difficult to take down due to its armor and dangerous due to its large claws. Some crews test their mettle by trying to bring one down for the meat.


    • Treasure Hunt - Similar to a ruined base exploration event, however there is a chance that instead or among the treasure, there is a Treasure Map fragment that will lead you to another location to explore and fight over. These hunts can take a long time and take your colonists far from home in the hopes of getting a legendary artifact! You can also find masterworks and legendaries of other items. Sometimes you might not find anything and the real treasure was the friends and warcrimes we made along the way!
    • Adventurer Hosting- Similar to hosting refugees but your pawns may be offended or flattered by the adventurers as they try to learn about your culture. Be careful! They might betray you by holding the highest ranking noble hostage in exchange for wealth. Or they might have been using this opportunity to scout out your base for an attack! On the next raid, you might find any turrets you have suddenly destroyed or inoperable and the raiders wiser to your defenses.
    • Adventurer Expedition - Some adventurers are requesting some help and want to hire one or a few of your pawns in their next expedition. This could end in one of several ways with them coming back with some money, a lot of money, treasure, wounded or not at all.
    • Council of Captains - The Buccaneers are holding their annual council of captains meeting, an important event that by tradition, has to be held on open sea or neutral ground. They are requesting to use the area by your settlement as such a neutral ground. If you accept, many Buccaneers will arrive and hold their meeting for up to a few days during which they may break out into social fights. You could betray them all if you're willing to pay the consequences.

    Pawn Types

    As the game progresses, Buccaneers will start to use better weapons. By the end of the game, they'll come with charge weapons and more advanced equipment. While anyone has a chance of spawning in with a Jolly Randy, only the Bosun is guaranteed to do so while staying in the back lines.

    • Swabbie - Basic mixed enemy with terrible skills and equipment, rely on mass and numbers.
    • Deck Hand - Standard buccaneer crewmen, metal flavored.
    • Deck Gunner - Standard buccaneer crewmen, gunpowder flavored. Leans towards pistols and smgs.
    • Swashbuckler - Skilled speedy swordsmen who know how to stick em with the pointy end and also carry grenades.
    • Gun Lubbers - Skilled gunners who prefer to use rifles when they can along with their bombs.
    • Quartermaster - Master gunners who use the fanciest guns and carry swivel guns and bombs. Tend to be the best armored.
    • First Mate - Master fighters who are the arm of their captain and never break.
    • Bosun - The crewman entrusted to carry the flag of the Jolly Randy, they tend to stay in the back to make sure no one else falls back.

    • Conquistador - An upgraded elite Adventurer with the best armor and gear they could find or buy.
    • Explorers - Adventurers who use longer ranged weapons such as rifles and snipers.
    • Mercenary - Most basic version of an Adventurer who come in a variety of colors.
    • Allied Warrior - Tribal warriors who aligned themselves with the adventurers for one reason or another; same as regular tribal down to relying on numbers.
    • Allied Archer - Same above but with bows or other ranged weapons.
    • Allied Champion - Elite versions of the two above with better stats and equipment.


    • Rogue Privateers - Differences between you and another crew have boiled over on a trip and it has escalated to a fight! Grab you guns and get to cover! Start right next to some hostile pirates that you have to first fight.
    • Very Lost - After an ambush, you were separated from your group with limited supplies. Thankfully, you could grab a few things and found a few survivors. More importantly, you still know the location of a treasure spot! Basically you start out with sleeping bags and food with your goal being to reach a treasure hunting spot far away. Almost like a nomad play through. Starts with 3 Adventurers and two random natives.

    Again, thank you for reading my semiconscious stream of thought I wrote instead of going to bed at a reasonable time. Seriously, its like 1 AM now that I'm done writing and I've had pirate music in the background for most of it. Jack Sparrow is going to find me in my fucking dreams in a Randy costume. Speaking of which, I had a good bit of fun making eater eggs to other pirate-themed media and myths, hope someone finds them as amusing as I did.

    submitted by /u/ClocktowerEchos
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    Rimworld is a wild right

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    So, I bought this game last night and I've already had some really dumb shit happen, and I wanted to share them on here because they're just really really dumb.

    First one is when Johnny saved a Geologist single handedly, without getting hit, which isn't that dumb on its own, what was dumb about it was I had a character get the art bonus bit, and I got a masterwork statue, which, is a statue dedicated to Johnny's little fight.

    Second thing was when Johnny went off to go and save some doctor, but that isn't the focus of this bit, no no, what happened was the geologist fucking hit one of the other pawns, who then broke one of his legs. Only to then, look at the log tab to see right after, the geologist tried to hit on the one pawn, which lead to another fight, leading to his other leg being broken.

    Third thing was when after two hours of nothing important happening, was a mega sloth self taming, the cat I started with dying instantly to a squirrel, the geologist i saved going mad from said dead cat, and digging up some corpses and slapping those fucks in the dinning room table, and finally, part of the power grid exploding.

    A really good fourth thing which is miner was my crafting room. Which also had a wood burning engine in it, left it for a bit to find out it was 150 Degrees Fahrenheit.

    A few other bits were me putting my butchery right next to a med bed

    I've only played for 8 hours but I love this game


    EDIT: I just realized I put right instead of ride. Woops!

    submitted by /u/DrVonTacos
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    I knew they had low moods but jeez

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    The story of my first colony

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    I have like 1700 hours on steam so ill share my first colony that I had (yes I kinda remember it)
    I had a cook, researcher/hunter and a builder/miner. My colonists land near a small hill (maybe 30x40 at max) with a river next to it. I, as if it was encoded into me, build a house partially into the mountain and would continue to expand further. After some time, the builder's brother decides to join the colony. Unfortunately for me, something happened to my medicine and he has asthma. meanwhile, I expand enough that I find an ancient danger inside the mountain. (the red one) As I am new, I foolishly think "I can handle whatever is in there" WRONG. 4scythers and 2 lancers, and the only decent weapons I have are the starting ones so this colony is pretty much dead.

    submitted by /u/Arxid87
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    It's moments like this that make me cry when i see a pawn dying...

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    That's a yikes right there

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    How to stop paralytic abasia crash victim auto-joining the colony?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    I keep getting transport pod crashes. The person inside has paralytic abrasia. I can decide whether or not to heal them up and have them join, or not. Just like a normal transport pod crash, except the person is harder to heal and more likely to join.

    I don't mind the event itself, it's thematically fun.

    Except ... I can't decide to not let them join. At best, I can let them die where they crash - which gives all my pawns a "colonist died" debuff.

    But is there any way to tell the game that I want to choose whether or not this person is invited to the colony? This auto-join is as bad as the "wild (wo)man joins" event.

    No, I don't want to accept that misandrist pyromaniac glutton who's incapable of dumb labour. I wouldn't accept them as a free colonist, I don't want them forced into colony membership just because they also have the bonus of a crippling disease.

    TLDR; other than disabling the event entirely, is there a way to make the Abrasia person not be automatically added to colony roster?

    submitted by /u/dalerian
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    First I got confused then laughed hard when I saw this message.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    well, isnt this some interesting fighting method ��

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Animals are starving while they are actually sleeping on food

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    This problem started after I got more animals, they are sleeping on grass and food but they don't eat ... most of them are boomalope

    I have to train them so my colonist give them food or they will die

    I'm not sure what is wrong?

    submitted by /u/Handsome-camel
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    "From here on out, we'll make our mark."

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Loving these persona swords!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    So in my first "Ancient Danger" area, I came across two persona swords. One gave my character "Painless" which means he feels no pain. The other was a stronger sword, but if the user didn't kill anything within 20 days, it would start complaining to the user.

    Anyway, a year or two in, my Painless pawn has fibrous mechanites. Basically he gets a big boost in some abilities, but feels a lot of pain.... but he feels no pain ;). Anyway, just wanted to say I'm loving this game, year after year. That is all.

    submitted by /u/Dakkonfire
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    My doctor is a chad

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    So I'm pretty new to rimworld, and my colony had a flu outbreak, the two people who caught it were my main gunner, and my doctor.

    Gunner lad was fine, was at 60% immunity before flu reached 30%

    Doctor though. Not so much, even with best medicine was always behind, got him to 1% behind eventually.

    He was nearing 100% and I was bouta cheat and just re-load, then, when he got to 100%, before he died, his immunity reached 100%, too.

    My doctor just decided he didn't feel like dying that day. Glad too, he has 14 medical with inspiration.

    submitted by /u/SunbroRyguy
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    Question about Android Tiers

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if it's possible to permanently upload a copied mind from the skycloud into an android surrogate? The only options I'm seeing are to remotely control something, but not to transfer the consciousness entirely.

    submitted by /u/thrall079
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    started a VE mercenaries scenario for the first time and this was one of the random abandoned rooms. like a weirdly compulsive hoarding situation...

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Please help me figure out this bug that's causing sevre lag , which mod is causing this

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    can anyone please help me figure out which mod is causing this ,

    severe lag , and this error comming up every 5 seconds


    Speedy threw exception in WorkGiver VisitSickPawn: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at RimWorld.SickPawnVisitUtility.CanVisit (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Pawn sick, RimWorld.JoyCategory maxPatientJoy) [0x00074] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at RimWorld.WorkGiver_VisitSickPawn.HasJobOnThing (Verse.Pawn pawn, Verse.Thing t, System.Boolean forced) [0x0000c] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at RimWorld.JobGiver_Work+<>c__DisplayClass3_1.<TryIssueJobPackage>b__0 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00013] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at Verse.GenClosest+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<ClosestThingReachable>b__0 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00034] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at Verse.GenClosest.<ClosestThing\_Global>g__Process|5_0 (Verse.Thing t, Verse.GenClosest+<>c__DisplayClass5_0& ) [0x00047] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global (Verse.IntVec3 center, System.Collections.IEnumerable searchSet, System.Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1[T] validator, System.Func`2[T,TResult] priorityGetter) [0x0008d] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at Verse.GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable (Verse.IntVec3 root, Verse.Map map, Verse.ThingRequest thingReq, Verse.AI.PathEndMode peMode, Verse.TraverseParms traverseParams, System.Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1[T] validator, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] customGlobalSearchSet, System.Int32 searchRegionsMin, System.Int32 searchRegionsMax, System.Boolean forceAllowGlobalSearch, Verse.RegionType traversableRegionTypes, System.Boolean ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions) [0x0014e] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at ExpandedRoofing.ClosestThingReachableHelper.ClosestThingReachableWrapper (Verse.IntVec3 root, Verse.Map map, Verse.ThingRequest thingReq, Verse.AI.PathEndMode peMode, Verse.TraverseParms traverseParams, System.Single maxDistance, System.Predicate`1[T] validator, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] customGlobalSearchSet, System.Int32 searchRegionsMin, System.Int32 searchRegionsMax, System.Boolean forceGlobalSearch, Verse.RegionType traversableRegionTypes, System.Boolean ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions) [0x00049] in <f814eb4228dc4aa0a801e6bf24509816>:0

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch1(RimWorld.JobGiver_Work,Verse.Pawn,Verse.AI.JobIssueParams)

    Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

    RimWorld.JobGiver_Work:RimWorld.JobGiver_Work.TryIssueJobPackage_Patch1(JobGiver_Work, Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_PrioritySorter:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Tagger:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Subtree:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Conditional:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)

    Verse.AI.ThinkNode_Priority:TryIssueJobPackage(Pawn, JobIssueParams)



    Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker.EndCurrentJob_Patch1(Pawn_JobTracker, JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean)









    there is also this error every minute or so :


    Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at SimpleSidearms.rimworld.Gizmo_Brainscope.GizmoOnGUI (UnityEngine.Vector2 topLeft, System.Single maxWidth) [0x001b0] in <131cbe718ce549358c7074e40983b850>:0

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.GizmoGridDrawer.Verse.GizmoGridDrawer.DrawGizmoGrid_Patch1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Gizmo>,single,Verse.Gizmo&)

    at DubsAnalyzer.H_DrawInspectGizmoGridFor.Prefix (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] selectedObjects, Verse.Gizmo& mouseoverGizmo) [0x0007e] in <15f5e117e65b44ccb628985a5dc8f929>:0

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InspectGizmoGrid.RimWorld.InspectGizmoGrid.DrawInspectGizmoGridFor_Patch2(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<object>,Verse.Gizmo&)

    at RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Inspect.DrawInspectGizmos () [0x00006] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at RimWorld.InspectPaneUtility.ExtraOnGUI (RimWorld.IInspectPane pane) [0x00022] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at RimWorld.MainTabWindow_Inspect.ExtraOnGUI () [0x00006] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at Verse.WindowStack.WindowStackOnGUI () [0x00038] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI_Patch1(RimWorld.UIRoot_Play)

    at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root.Verse.Root.OnGUI_Patch1(Verse.Root)

    Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)


    thank you for any suggestions

    mod list :







    <li>Humanoid Alien Races 2.0</li>


    <li>Androids Expanded</li>

    <li>I Clearly Have Enough! (Continued)</li>

    <li>Remove All Bodyparts (Continued)</li>

    <li>[1.2] Small Shelf</li>

    <li>[FSF] Growable Grass</li>

    <li>Trade Ships Drop Spot</li>

    <li>Range Finder</li>

    <li>Expanded Roofing</li>


    <li>Food Alert (Continued)</li>

    <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser</li>

    <li>Vanilla Fishing Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw</li>

    <li>Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network</li>

    <li>Quarry 1.1</li>

    <li>Cleaning Priority (Continued)</li>

    <li>Prisoner Arena (Continued)</li>

    <li>Realistic Rooms</li>

    <li>[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time</li>

    <li>Level Up!</li>

    <li>Dub's Paint Shop</li>

    <li>Vanilla Events Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Apparel Expanded</li>

    <li>Taming Artifact</li>

    <li>[KV] Change Dresser</li>


    <li>Colony Manager</li>

    <li>Medical Tab</li>

    <li>Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering</li>


    <li>Questionable Ethics Enhanced</li>

    <li>Recipe icons</li>


    <li>Replace Stuff</li>

    <li>Fluffy Breakdowns</li>

    <li>Mad Skills</li>

    <li>Allow Tool</li

    <li>Tilled Soil</li>


    <li>Defensive Positions</li>

    <li>Work Tab</li>

    <li>Wall Light</li>


    <li>Miscellaneous 'CORE'</li>

    <li>Simple sidearms</li>

    <li>Stack XXL</li>

    <li>Interaction Bubbles</li>

    <li>Prisoner Harvesting</li>

    <li>[KV] Trading Spot</li>

    <li>Share The Load</li>


    <li>Kill For Me</li>

    <li>RT Fuse</li>

    <li>Better Pawn Control</li>


    <li>Everybody Gets One</li>



    <li>[WD] Fast Moisture Pumps</li>

    <li>More Trade Ships</li>

    <li>Repair Workbench</li>

    <li>[SYR] Set Up Camp</li>




    <li>Auto Seller</li>


    <li>Export Agency</li>

    <li>Cremate Auto Strip</li>

    <li>Feed The Colonists</li>

    <li>Grenade Fix: Rearmed</li>

    <li>Let's Trade!</li>


    <li>Mechanite Forge</li>


    <li>[KV] RimFridge</li>

    <li>Skilled Stonecutting</li>

    <li>Snap Out!</li>


    <li>Tradable Meals</li>

    <li>What Is My Purpose</li>

    <li>Relations Tab</li>

    <li>[T] MoreFloors</li>

    <li>Door Mat</li>

    <li>EdB Prepare Carefully</li>

    <li>Misc. Robots</li>

    <li>Animal Tab</li

    <li>Friendly Fire Tweaks</li

    <li>Predator Hunt Alert</li>

    <li>More Batteries</li>

    <li>Go Explore!</li>

    <li>Real Ruins</li>

    <li>Smart Speed</li>

    <li>MiningCo. Spaceship</li>

    <li>Mercenaries For Me</li>

    <li>Tradable Stone Blocks</li>

    <li>[KV] Faction Control</li>

    <li>[KV] Adjustable Trade Ships</li>

    <li>Better Workbench Management</li>

    <li>RimCities - Citadel Update</li>

    <li>Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod</li>

    <li>SRTS Expanded</li>


    <li>Rimworld: Spartan Foundry</li>

    <li>Build From Inventory</li>

    <li>A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics</li>

    <li>Genetic Rim</li>

    <li>Enhanced Raiders 1.1</li>

    <li>Rimsenal - Core</li>

    <li>Centralized Climate Control (Continued)</li>

    <li>CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]</li>

    <li>Beautiful Outdoors</li>

    <li>Utility Columns</li>

    <li>Simply More Bridges (Continued)</li>

    <li>Reinforced Walls</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module</li>

    <li>Vanilla Armour Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Arid Shrubland</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production</li>

    <li>Vanilla Hair Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Rainforest</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Swamp</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming</li>

    <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Australia</li>

    <li>Vanilla Expanded Framework</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art</li>

    <li>Vanilla Textures Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module</li>

    <li>Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power</li>

    <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor</li>

    <li>No Prison Breaks [1.1,1.2]</li>

    <li>Tech Advancing</li>


    <li>Rich Traders</li>


    <li>War Crimes Expanded</li>

    <li>[CP] Prisoner Outfit</li>

    <li>Vanilla Cooking Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Plants Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews</li>

    <li>Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent</li>

    <li>Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Empress Evil</li>

    <li>Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids</li>

    <li>Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi</li>

    <li>Vanilla Brewing Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Hair Expanded - Beards</li>

    <li>Vanilla Books Expanded</li>

    <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades</li>

    <li>Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents</li>

    <li>Doors Expanded</li>

    <li>In-game wiki</li>

    <li>Antimatter Annihilation</li>

    <li>Architect Icons</li>

    <li>Area Unlocker</li>

    <li>Armor Racks</li>

    <li>Auto-Cut Blight</li>


    <li>Better ModMismatch Window</li>

    <li>Better Vanilla Masking</li>

    <li>Bionic icons</li>

    <li>Blood and stains</li>

    <li>Bulk Stonecutting</li>

    <li>Chatting on Comms</li>

    <li>Cheaper Components</li>

    <li>Common Sense</li>

    <li>[KV] Configurable Maps</li>

    <li>[KV] Consolidated Traits</li>

    <li>Damage Indicators [1.2]</li>


    <li>Disasters: Tornado</li>



    <li>Down For Me</li>

    <li>Dubs Performance Analyzer</li>

    <li>Epic Rivers</li>



    <li>Heat Map</li>


    <li>Labels on Floor</li>

    <li>LWM's Deep Storage</li>

    <li>Metal Don't Burn</li>

    <li>Mod Manager</li>

    <li>No Job Authors</li>

    <li>[FSF] No Default Shelf Storage</li>

    <li>[WD] Partially-Passable Wind Turbines</li>

    <li>Prisoner Capture and Manipulation</li>

    <li>[RF] Rational Romance (Continued)</li>



    <li>Rimworld: Altered Carbon</li>

    <li>Room Food</li>

    <li>Show Draftees Weapon</li>

    <li>Simple Search Bar</li>

    <li>Smarter Construction</li>


    <li>Stackable Chunks</li>


    <li>Optional Icons for Architect Icons</li>

    <li>Startup impact</li>

    <li>Synergistic Traits</li>

    <li>TD Enhancement Pack</li>

    <li>Mo'Events (Continued)</li>

    <li>Temperature Control Unit</li>

    <li>More Mechanoids</li>

    <li>[KV] More Trait Slots</li>

    <li>Toggle Harvest</li

    <li>No Burn Metal</li

    <li>Various Space Ship Chunk (Continued)</li>

    <li>Wall Vitals Monitor</li>


    <li>More Linkables</li>

    <li>Yayo's Meteor</li>

    <li>Centralized Climate Control</li>

    <li>Just Ignore Me Passing</li>

    <li>Textile Stats</li>

    <li>Animals are fun</li>

    submitted by /u/thepurplemirror
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    The age old tactic of using explosives in a crowded room as a means of escape

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:32 AM PDT

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