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    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    RimWorld Update 1.2.2753 add new gear, new permits, and many refinements :: RimWorld Events & Announcements

    RimWorld Update 1.2.2753 add new gear, new permits, and many refinements :: RimWorld Events & Announcements

    Update 1.2.2753 add new gear, new permits, and many refinements :: RimWorld Events & Announcements

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    After eight years, the Biological Research Institute shut down following a slow but certain decline.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    The green valley kinship - year 11

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Alistair is smart. Be like Alistair

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    My boys before going off to raid a stone-age tribe with anti-mech rifles

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    You can't make this stuff up...

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    The REAL WAY to escape the Rim!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    I think this flashstorm contains a not-so-subliminal message.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    A Farewell to Arms part 2

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    My man David right here

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I see lots of people draw their Rimworld stories out, so I'm gonna try to do the same even though I can't draw at all. Here's my three random guys to start.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    thanks rimworld, great path finding

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    The perfect thing to engrave into a sarcophagus

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    What should I do with this guy? My best crafter collapsed from a drug overdose and now he won't get better. :(

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    "Encouraging Speech"

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Of mods and men, how flying too close to the sun led one of my favorite colony's to destruction.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    I created the Northstar Blazers on 9/6/2020 and it finally died on 9/12/2020 (24h 42m total playtime) this is its story.

    I usually don't take rimworld too seriously. As you can see from the list of mods for this save I give myself quite a bit of extra "basic" resources. So when I decided, spurred on from the 500% void runs that are so popular to take on a 500% threat scale iron man run it was me finally pushing the boundaries of my skill.

    The run started off as all runs do, the basic randomize until you get something good. I got a competent 3 starter colonists. Only one way notable, that being Sherbet. A insanely lucky pull of a Freza race with the "Super immune" & "Hard Worker" Traits

    Very OP I know, plus he picked up the "arcane mage" & "Steady hands" traits later

    Things began as normal start a small base and prepare for the first raid (day 5)

    "Hosting a friend" & "Desperate refugees" help round out the colony and added my ever loyal drone Zepp, A southern hive soldier and a "Natural Genius"

    And the final character (of note) being Taisia, The wild Draconian who despite being wild born and living her life in the wilderness still somehow had the "Architect" trait?

    Anyway then the stage was set for the growth and eventual chain of events that would lead to the destruction of the colony.

    The story begins on day 79 when the Northstar Blazers got a call from the city of Finmennot. They were under heavy siege and requested reinforcements. We obliged sending our one man army the mighty and terrible Sherbet to crush the feeble attack. This netted NB 1700 plasteel and a pretty good helmet.

    Things went well as the current storyteller was Perry Persistent giving me a steady supply of both raids and resource drops.

    This was a time to stock up because little did I know but shortly after the hotseat put Nora Nothing in charge forcing me to bolster my farming as I was relying of trading to keep food on the table. This is when Zepp truely shined, as he quickly hit the upper levels in farming shifting my main source of silver from warmongering to farming.

    After a short stint with Rick Astley in control, the hotseat put the Empress of Evil in charge, a devious storyteller where no good events will ever happen. For that full (in game) month the colony was put to the test. Between nonstop raids disease and animal attacks my colonists had no rest. Thiis is when the constant fighting allowed Sherbet to unlock the "Steady Hands" trait and he became a 360' no scope champ.

    When the dust settled my colony had almost completely changed hands. Other then the aforementioned 3, not a single colonist made it through hell month.

    Things went back to normal for quite a while. Taisia married Zepp and they had a child, Hayes who had a combination of their skills and traits that made her extremely op. She became the Swiss-army knife of the colony just doing anything the needed to get done quick.

    From there we advanced to the late game, crafting our worriers each their own power armor and at some point obtaining Sherbet a coil gun.(Think sniper mixed with anti tank weaponry).

    I was having the best of luck. I managed to buy a MedPod, a hospital bed capable of healing any wound, even to the point of regenerating limbs. Not only this but after visiting an abandoned settlement I found something that I actually couldn't believe. All the walls of the whole settlement were made of alpha poly. Alpha poly being a insane End-Game materiel that is almost impossible to find. It has 5000% hp meaning equipment made out of it (and the people inside) are almost invincible.

    I gathered as much of the Alpha poly as I could before 2 raids of around 50+ pawns/mackanoids each came in and forced my 5 man looting party to retreat.

    When I arrived back home I constructed some Alpha poly marine power armor and Alpha poly bio armor for Sherbet (they were stackable). this brought his overall armor to 212% and gave him enough heat resistance to jump into the sun.

    I thought I was the shit, that nothing could touch me that it was a clear victory. But rimworld had other plans for me.

    on day 205 I accepted a quest. It was supposed to be simple. Guard the leader of the Monler Nation and in return, our factions would be at peace, one more step the the endgame. 2 raids of x2 strength and peace between our factions would be secured. However I failed to factor in the 500% threat scale... 3 days later the horde appeared. A massive army of elite troops in power armor, heavy gunners and their gattling guns, Slashers, snipers, and a huge amount of suicide mechs descended on the Northstar Blazers.

    They crushed my defenses obliterating most of my defenses and pushing me back into my mountain base. The firefight lasted roughly 30 IRL minutes as I desperately tried to keep enough of a fighting force alive to defend. It was at this point Hayes got caught in the crossfire and got domed. With 1hp for her brain I panicked and stuffed her in an ancient cryosleep casket I had picked up.

    Eventually Sherbet killed enough of them to cause their retreat and I began to rebuild. No sooner than my perimeter walls were back up did the second wave hit. They set up a seige and as they did I smiled, equipped Sherbet with the coil gun and set to work picking them off, one shot one kill.

    With the crisis averted I took a break IRL to get a snack and mentally recover from the beating I just took. What was once a thriving colony now lay in shambles and 23 hours in I considered quitting. Loosing Hayes would be a terrible loss and I wondered if a brain transplant or the use of a "Cortical Sack" (a conciseness that can be put in a new host of the old one dies) wound revive her. Then in a flash I remembered that I bought a mech serum almost 3 IRL days ago. I quickly reloaded my save and unloaded Hayes and set her to had the serum administered.

    Then I laughed at the absolutely busted power of the MedPod as my colonist automatically put Hayes in it and the MedPod restored her brain (Pls nerf).

    Feeling rejuvenated now that t least I would have healthy, functional colonists moving forward I continued work, getting my base up and running once again.

    And this is where everything went wrong. After winning the hardest battle in my rimworld career the unthinkable would happen. The hotseat put Sereniz Sadistic in charge.

    Now whoever made this storyteller is an absolute C__T. This storyteller disguises bad intentions in good events. And it was only a few events more before my utter defeat.

    It all began with 2 simple wandering pack animal events. One group of animals held some interesting crafting items, simple enough. The other however contained 450 NUCLEAR WARHEADS. Suddenly the game grabbed enough boom the level the whole planet and said "HERE HAVE FUN!!!!!!!"

    My first reaction was of course "wtf are thoes black triangles that just appeared like a black sea around my pawns". Then "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THESE ARE NUKES". With nowhere safe to store them i left them where they sat and began mining out the mountain as a vault to store them.

    I had no idea what could set them off, if damage or weather or deterioration could cause them to wipe my colony off the face of the planet.

    Now I had big plans at this point, first to test them on nearby raiders, then to try to load them onto a small ship and Hiroshima the nearby settlements gathering the remaining loot for myself and immediately winning the game. So it was ironic that I was tunneling deep into the mountain because like the dwarves of LOTR I had let my greed blind me.

    For those of you who dont know, rimworld bases its progression off of your colony's value, aka the $value of all pawns items and buildings in the map. The higher the wealth of the colony the stronger the enemy's it throws at you. Now each warhead had a market value of 14,000$ times 450 that brought the wealth of my colony from a reasonable 400,000$ total to 7,300,00$ over-night.

    Let this be a lesson to you, in rimworld mo-money really is mo-problems. That and Sereniz Sadistic is a D__K

    on day 219 it happened...

    My screen darkened as red lightning began to strike. The earth rumbled and darkness overtook my colony as a red message popped up on the right side of the screen. And it read "Demon attack"

    I didn't stand a chance as around 70 demons came up from the earth. They rained down what was essentially gattling doomsday rockets and they leveled the whole map. or at least they would have if my game hadn't crashed shortly after they began to murder everything in sight with more explosions than the 4th of July.

    So I guess in a way the colony lives, the demons appearing before a autosave and thus those few moments of destruction not saved. But in my mind that is where the story of the Northstar Blazers ends. I may continue to play that save, minus the warheads but who knows. Maybe I will have another story for you guys

    A list of my mods here


     <li>brrainz.harmony\_steam</li>!< <li>ludeon.rimworld</li>!< <li>ludeon.rimworld.royalty</li>!< <li>unlimitedhugs.hugslib\_steam</li>!< <li>haplo.miscellaneous.core</li>!< <li>jecrell.jecstools\_steam</li>!< <li>fluffy.modmanager\_steam</li>!< <li>torann.arimworldofmagic\_steam</li>!< <li>configurablemaps.kv.rw\_steam</li>!< <li>thebird956.doublepopulation</li>!< <li>adjustabletradeships.kv.rw</li>!< <li>supes.autoseller.core</li>!< <li>rikiki.miningco.spaceship</li>!< <li>automatic.autocleaner</li>!< <li>razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight</li>!< <li>falconne.aff\_steam</li>!< <li>wemd.barbedwire</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.varme\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vfesecurity\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vwel\_steam</li>!< <li>syrchalis.universalfermenter</li>!< <li>dismarzero.vgp.vgpvegetablegarden</li>!< <li>garthor.moretraits</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vfecore\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vfefarming\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vbookse</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaeis\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vappe\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaet\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaets\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaetr\_steam</li>!< <li>unlimitedhugs.mapreroll\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaebf\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaeed\_steam</li>!< <li>meltup.beautifuloutdoors</li>!< <li>madeline.modmismatchformatter\_steam</li>!< <li>frozensnowfox.betterspiketraps</li>!< <li>owlchemist.bettervanillamasking</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaeas\_steam</li>!< <li>hobtook.mortaraccuracy</li>!< <li>automatic.bionicicons</li>!< <li>solaris.bioreactor</li>!< <li>fluffy.blueprints</li>!< <li>vanya.tools.bulkcarrier</li>!< <li>fuglypump.bulkstonecutting</li>!< <li>brrainz.cameraplus\_steam</li>!< <li>mlie.centralizedclimatecontrol</li>!< <li>void.charactereditor\_steam</li>!< <li>goudaquiche.clonebay</li>!< <li>crashm.colorcodedmoodbar.11\_steam</li>!< <li>jaxe.coastlines</li>!< <li>avilmask.commonsense\_steam</li>!< <li>consolidatedtraits.kv.rw</li>!< <li>doomsday343.traitsplus</li>!< <li>tikubonn.dontblockdoor\_steam</li>!< <li>syrchalis.doormats</li>!< <li>dubwise.dubsmintmenus</li>!< <li>dubwise.dubsmintminimap</li>!< <li>dubwise.dubspaintshop</li>!< <li>dubwise.dubsrimkit</li>!< <li>edb.preparecarefully\_steam</li>!< <li>frozensnowfox.encountermapresources</li>!< <li>hams.eternalyouthtraits</li>!< <li>ykara.epoe</li>!< <li>factioncontrol.kv.rw</li>!< <li>mlie.fallouttraits\_steam</li>!< <li>wemd.fastmoisturepumps</li>!< <li>crlsniper.realisticrooms\_steam</li>!< <li>frozensnowfox.filthvanisheswithrainandtime\_steam</li>!< <li>zylle.gemstones</li>!< <li>sarg.geneticrim\_steam</li>!< <li>anubis.genetically.engineered.trait</li>!< <li>roolo.giddyupcore\_steam</li>!< <li>nanoce.glasslights</li>!< <li>gt.sam.glittertech</li>!< <li>avilmask.grazinglands\_steam</li>!< <li>frozensnowfox.growablemushrooms</li>!< <li>jkluch.haultostack</li>!< <li>orion.hospitality</li>!< <li>impassablemapmaker.kv.rw</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vfepower</li>!< <li>frozensnowfox.improvedvanometricpowercells</li>!< <li>vanya.tools.incidentpersonstat</li>!< <li>syrchalis.individuality</li>!< <li>brrainz.justignoremepassing</li>!< <li>earthyturtle.letstrade\_steam</li>!< <li>krafs.levelup\_steam</li>!< <li>sarg.magicalmenagerie\_steam</li>!< <li>supes.mapwideorbitaltradebeacon</li>!< <li>crlsniper.metaldoesntburn</li>!< <li>bigveech.metalstrader</li>!< <li>wexman.mines</li>!< <li>uuugggg.miningpriority</li>!< <li>rikiki.miningco.drillturret</li>!< <li>haplo.miscellaneous.robots\_steam</li>!< <li>alaestor.miscrobots.plusplus</li>!< <li>moloy559.moloytraits</li>!< <li>4loris4.morelinkables</li>!< <li>orion.moremechanoids\_steam</li>!< <li>bichang.moresculpture</li>!< <li>pinochemicali.moretradeships</li>!< <li>moretraitslots.kv.rw\_steam</li>!< <li>paradox.morevanillaturrets</li>!< <li>telkir.tmods.morefloors</li>!< <li>bishop.music</li>!< <li>orion.onebigfamily</li>!< <li>battlemage64.peoplecanchange</li>!< <li>ogliss.perfectlygenericitem</li>!< <li>fluffy.pharmacist\_steam</li>!< <li>extracting.organs</li>!< <li>samo.raretraits</li>!< <li>syrchalis.prosthetictable</li>!< <li>hatti.qualitybuilder\_steam</li>!< <li>hatti.qualitysurgeon</li>!< <li>ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry</li>!< <li>kongmd.qee</li>!< <li>rah.rbse\_steam</li>!< <li>mastertea.randomplus</li>!< <li>smilijan.realgodstrait</li>!< <li>twistedpacifist.reasonablecomponents</li>!< <li>automatic.recipeicons</li>!< <li>ethereal.rejuvenate.surgery</li>!< <li>uuugggg.replacestuff</li>!< <li>notfood.researchpal\_steam</li>!< <li>kyrun.reunion</li>!< <li>dubwise.rimatomics</li>!< <li>cabbage.rimcities\_steam</li>!< <li>jaxe.rimhud</li>!< <li>spoonshortage.rimkea</li>!< <li>arandomkiwi.rimthemes</li>!< <li>halo.rsf\_steam</li>!< <li>ratys.rtfuse\_steam</li>!< <li>ratys.rtsolarflareshield</li>!< <li>kentington.saveourship2\_steam</li>!< <li>syrchalis.setupcamp</li>!< <li>gguake.ui.simplesearchbar\_steam</li>!< <li>dhultgren.smarterconstruction</li>!< <li>weilbyte.snapout\_steam</li>!< <li>albion.sparklingworlds.full</li>!< <li>smashphil.neceros.srtsexpanded\_steam</li>!< <li>indeed.stackxxl</li>!< <li>earthyturtle.stackablechunks</li>!< <li>automatic.startupimpact\_steam</li>!< <li>auxiliusm.supersoil</li>!< <li>rsev.synergistictraits</li>!< <li>hanhinen.tablesplus</li>!< <li>kikohi.tamingartifact</li>!< <li>uuugggg.tdpack\_steam</li>!< <li>orion.therapy</li>!< <li>uuugggg.thickarmor</li>!< <li>gt.sam.tilledsoil</li>!< <li>smashphil.dropspot</li>!< <li>timmyliang.tradehelper</li>!< <li>automatic.traderships</li>!< <li>carnysenpai.traitraritycolors</li>!< <li>danielcoffey.traitscorpsehandling</li>!< <li>jelly.transportcargopod</li>!< <li>nephlite.orbitaltradecolumn</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vweg</li>!< <li>murmur.walllight</li>!< <li>zzz.wallvitalsmonitor</li>!< <li>gloriousyuri.mcrretexture</li>!< <li>fuji.srts.rimheli</li>!< <li>ratys.madskills\_steam</li>!< <li>spoonshortage.adogsaidanimalprosthetics\_steam</li>!< <li>gewen.additionaltraits</li>!< <li>dylan.csl</li>!< <li>troopersmith1.agemattersupdated</li>!< <li>unlimitedhugs.allowtool\_steam</li>!< <li>sarg.alphaanimals\_steam</li>!< <li>atlas.androidtiers\_steam</li>!< <li>hh.atgynoids.atgvariantsubmod</li>!< <li>erdelf.humanoidalienraces\_steam</li>!< <li>chjees.androids</li>!< <li>neceros.androidsexpanded</li>!< <li>dylan.animalgear\_steam</li>!< <li>ohgodspidersno.animalarmor.vanilla\_steam</li>!< <li>oblitus.animalslogic\_steam</li>!< <li>archotech.droids</li>!< <li>fluffy.colonymanager\_steam</li>!< <li>n7huntsman.combatshields\_steam</li>!< <li>thewirelord354.conduitdeconstruct\_steam</li>!< <li>unlimitedhugs.defensivepositions\_steam</li>!< <li>drzhivago.docpawnoverhaul</li>!< <li>gloomylynx.dragonianrace</li>!< <li>nilchei.dynamicdiplomacy\_steam</li>!< <li>dkpepper.emppistol</li>!< <li>youhaveavirus.extendedturrets</li>!< <li>jdt.patasiteinfections2</li>!< <li>ssulunge.bbbodysupport\_steam</li>!< <li>fluffy.followme\_steam</li>!< <li>kikohi.forsakens\_steam</li>!< <li>forsakens.fauna\_steam</li>!< <li>mengde.dbz.friezarace</li>!< <li>druid.fungilite</li>!< <li>roolo.giddyupcaravan\_steam</li>!< <li>roolo.whatthehack\_steam</li>!< <li>roolo.giddyupmechanoids\_steam</li>!< <li>daylight.glittertstation</li>!< <li>velc.hatsdisplayselection\_steam</li>!< <li>automatic.incidenttweaker</li>!< <li>catachat.inspirationtweaks</li>!< <li>jaxe.bubbles\_steam</li>!< <li>sharpedo.kenshihivers</li>!< <li>sharpedo.kenshiskeletons</li>!< <li>ssulunge.kijinrace2\_steam</li>!< <li>beelzebelt.klickmala</li>!< <li>dingo.lessrebuff\_steam</li>!< <li>avius.locks\_steam</li>!< <li>goudaquiche.ltfmantisrace</li>!< <li>uuugggg.mealsonwheels\_steam</li>!< <li>fluffy.medicaltab\_steam</li>!< <li>sumghai.medpod</li>!< <li>notfood.mendandrecycle\_steam</li>!< <li>haplo.miscellaneous.training\_steam</li>!< <li>sirmashedpotato.morrowrim.trolls</li>!< <li>showhair.kv.rw</li>!< <li>ayameduki.harnearmare</li>!< <li>mlie.novakidrace</li>!< <li>farmradish.nyaron</li>!< <li>aant.onlinecity\_steam</li>!< <li>pathavoid.kv.rw\_steam</li>!< <li>peppsen.pmusic\_steam</li>!< <li>erdelf.powerindicators\_steam</li>!< <li>nilchei.powerfulfactionbases\_steam</li>!< <li>erdelf.prisonerransom\_steam</li>!< <li>runnelatki.rabbieracemod</li>!< <li>brrainz.rangefinder\_steam</li>!< <li>woolstrand.realruins\_steam</li>!< <li>ryflamer.rimcraft.core</li>!< <li>ryflamer.rimcraft.alliedraces</li>!< <li>ryflamer.rimcraft.factions</li>!< <li>yrtwof.rimpedia</li>!< <li>scruffy.content.ricka</li>!< <li>newcolonist.adaptive.threats</li>!< <li>arquebus.hotseat</li>!< <li>brucethemoose.storytellers.hybrid</li>!< <li>sierra.rtgt</li>!< <li>oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core\_steam</li>!< <li>hlx.rimworldalteredcarbon</li>!< <li>rimsenal.core\_steam</li>!< <li>rimsenal.evp\_steam</li>!< <li>rimsenal.federation\_steam</li>!< <li>rimsenal.feral\_steam</li>!< <li>rimsenal.security\_steam</li>!< <li>rimsenal.storyteller\_steam</li>!< <li>roolo.runandgun\_steam</li>!< <li>uuugggg.sharetheload\_steam</li>!< <li>petetimessix.simplesidearms\_steam</li>!< <li>sirrandoo.msf\_steam</li>!< <li>neptimus7.storytellerenhanced</li>!< <li>argon.stw</li>!< <li>kerevan.ottodrow\_steam</li>!< <li>hoboofserenity.thrumbohusbandry</li>!< <li>tarojun.thrumboianrace</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaecd\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vaed\_steam</li>!< <li>vse.empressevil</li>!< <li>vse.perrypersistent</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vwe\_steam</li>!< <li>won.hair\_steam</li>!< <li>won2.hair\_steam</li>!< <li>ayameduki.harxenoorca</li>!< <li>khamenman.armorracks</li>!< <li>goudaquiche.batteryinwall</li>!< <li>dhultgren.buryonthespot</li>!< <li>sielfyr.characteristic</li>!< <li>tammybee.colonisthistory</li>!< <li>porquenolosdos.colorcodedmoodbar</li>!< <li>wemd.expandedfloors</li>!< <li>falconne.heatmap</li>!< <li>notfood.infused</li>!< <li>zylle.nightlights</li>!< <li>sellprisonernoguilt.velcroboy333</li>!< <li>torann.caravanoptions</li>!< <li>vitmax.craftluciferiumremake</li>!< <li>mlie.cyberneticwarfare</li>!< <li>lanilor.lootboxes</li>!< <li>erdelf.minifyeverything</li>!< <li>nykot.rpgstyleinventory</li>!< <li>dimonsever000.prosthesesplus.specific</li>!< <li>teok25.archotechexpanded.prosthetics</li>!< <li>cucumpear.embrasures</li>!< <li>ancientstructures.velcroboy333</li>!< <li>steelchicken.devilstrandhydroponics\_steam</li>!< <li>sf.more.steel.from.slag</li>!< <li>uuugggg.smartmedicine\_steam</li>!< <li>sarg.smartspeed\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vee\_steam</li>!< <li>mlie.thewitchertrials</li>!< <li>tradingspot.kv.rw\_steam</li>!< <li>oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.medievalmodule\_steam</li>!< <li>oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.settlersmodule\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vcef\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vfeproduction\_steam</li>!< <li>vanillaexpanded.vplantse\_steam</li>!< <li>orion.xevarimhair</li>!< 



     <li>Harmony</li>!< <li>Core</li>!< <li>Royalty</li>!< <li>HugsLib</li>!< <li>Miscellaneous 'CORE'</li>!< <li>JecsTools (Unofficial)</li>!< <li>Mod Manager</li>!< <li>A RimWorld of Magic</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Configurable Maps</li>!< <li>Double Population</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Adjustable Trade Ships</li>!< <li>Auto Seller</li>!< <li>MiningCo. Spaceship</li>!< <li>Autocleaner</li>!< <li>Auto-Cut Blight</li>!< <li>Avoid Friendly Fire</li>!< <li>\[WD\] Barbed Wire</li>!< <li>Vanilla Armour Expanded</li>!< <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security</li>!< <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser</li>!< <li>\[SYR\] Universal Fermenter</li>!< <li>VGP Vegetable Garden</li>!< <li>Vanilla-Friendly Trait Expansion</li>!< <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded</li>!< <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming</li>!< <li>Vanilla Books Expanded</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet</li>!< <li>Vanilla Apparel Expanded</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Swamp</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Rainforest</li>!< <li>Map Reroll</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert</li>!< <li>Beautiful Outdoors</li>!< <li>Better ModMismatch Window</li>!< <li>\[FSF\] Better Spike Traps</li>!< <li>Better Vanilla Masking</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Arid Shrubland</li>!< <li>Mortar Accuracy</li>!< <li>Bionic icons</li>!< <li>BioReactor</li>!< <li>Blueprints</li>!< <li>Bulk Carrier</li>!< <li>Bulk Stonecutting</li>!< <li>Camera+</li>!< <li>Centralized Climate Control (Continued)</li>!< <li>Character Editor</li>!< <li>Clone Bay</li>!< <li>CM Color Coded Mood Bar \[1.1+\]</li>!< <li>Coastlines</li>!< <li>Common Sense</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Consolidated Traits</li>!< <li>DD Traits Expanded</li>!< <li>DontBlockDoor\[1.0-1.2\]</li>!< <li>\[SYR\] Doormats</li>!< <li>Dubs Mint Menus</li>!< <li>Dubs Mint Minimap</li>!< <li>Dub's Paint Shop</li>!< <li>Dubs Rimkit</li>!< <li>EdB Prepare Carefully</li>!< <li>\[FSF\] Encounter Map Resources</li>!< <li>Eternal Youth Traits</li>!< <li>Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Faction Control</li>!< <li>Fallout Traits (Continued)</li>!< <li>\[WD\] Fast Moisture Pumps</li>!< <li>Realistic Rooms</li>!< <li>\[FSF\] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time</li>!< <li>Gemstones</li>!< <li>Genetic Rim</li>!< <li>Genetically Engineered Trait</li>!< <li>Giddy-up! Core</li>!< <li>Glass+Lights</li>!< <li>Glitter Tech</li>!< <li>Grazing Lands</li>!< <li>\[FSF\] Growable Mushrooms</li>!< <li>Haul to Stack</li>!< <li>Hospitality</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Impassable Map Maker</li>!< <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power</li>!< <li>\[FSF\] Improved Vanometric Power Cells</li>!< <li>Incident Person Stat</li>!< <li>\[SYR\] Individuality</li>!< <li>Just Ignore Me Passing</li>!< <li>Let's Trade!</li>!< <li>Level Up!</li>!< <li>Magical Menagerie</li>!< <li>Map Wide Orbital Trade Beacon</li>!< <li>Metal Doesn't Burn</li>!< <li>Metals Trader</li>!< <li>Mines</li>!< <li>Mining Priority</li>!< <li>MiningCo. DrillTurret</li>!< <li>Misc. Robots</li>!< <li>Misc. Robots++</li>!< <li>Moloy Traits</li>!< <li>More Linkables</li>!< <li>More Mechanoids</li>!< <li>More Sculpture</li>!< <li>More Trade Ships</li>!< <li>\[KV\] More Trait Slots</li>!< <li>More Vanilla Turrets 1.1</li>!< <li>\[T\] MoreFloors</li>!< <li>Music on the Rim</li>!< <li>One Big Family</li>!< <li>People Can Change</li>!< <li>Perfectly Generic Item</li>!< <li>Pharmacist</li>!< <li>Prisoner Harvesting</li>!< <li>RareTraits</li>!< <li>\[SYR\] Prosthetic Table</li>!< <li>QualityBuilder</li>!< <li>QualitySurgeon</li>!< <li>Quarry 1.1</li>!< <li>Questionable Ethics Enhanced</li>!< <li>Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion</li>!< <li>RandomPlus</li>!< <li>RealGodsTrait</li>!< <li>Reasonable Components</li>!< <li>Recipe icons</li>!< <li>Rejuvenate Surgery</li>!< <li>Replace Stuff</li>!< <li>ResearchPal</li>!< <li>Reunion</li>!< <li>Rimatomics</li>!< <li>RimCities - Citadel Update</li>!< <li>RimHUD</li>!< <li>RIMkea</li>!< <li>RimThemes</li>!< <li>Rimworld: Spartan Foundry</li>!< <li>RT Fuse</li>!< <li>RT Solar Flare Shield</li>!< <li>Save Our Ship 2</li>!< <li>\[SYR\] Set Up Camp</li>!< <li>Simple Search Bar</li>!< <li>Smarter Construction</li>!< <li>Snap Out!</li>!< <li>Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod</li>!< <li>SRTS Expanded</li>!< <li>Stack XXL</li>!< <li>Stackable Chunks</li>!< <li>Startup impact</li>!< <li>Super Soil</li>!< <li>Synergistic Traits</li>!< <li>Tables+</li>!< <li>Taming Artifact</li>!< <li>TD Enhancement Pack</li>!< <li>Therapy</li>!< <li>Thick Armor</li>!< <li>Tilled Soil</li>!< <li>Trade Ships Drop Spot</li>!< <li>TradeHelper</li>!< <li>Trader ships</li>!< <li>Trait Rarity Colors</li>!< <li>Traits - Corpse Handling</li>!< <li>Transport Cargo Pod</li>!< <li>Utility Columns</li>!< <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades</li>!< <li>Wall Light</li>!< <li>Wall Vitals Monitor</li>!< <li>Misc. Craftable Robots Retexture</li>!< <li>RimHeli</li>!< <li>Mad Skills</li>!< <li>A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics</li>!< <li>Additional Traits (Heroes + Gods Optional)</li>!< <li>Children, school and learning</li>!< <li>Age Matters Updated \[1.0\]\[1.1\]\[1.2\]</li>!< <li>Allow Tool</li>!< <li>Alpha Animals</li>!< <li>Android tiers</li>!< <li>Android tiers - Gynoids \[VARIANT\]</li>!< <li>Humanoid Alien Races 2.0</li>!< <li>Androids</li>!< <li>Androids Expanded</li>!< <li>Animal Gear</li>!< <li>Animal Armor: Vanilla</li>!< <li>Animals Logic</li>!< <li>Archotech Droids</li>!< <li>Colony Manager</li>!< <li>Combat Shields</li>!< <li>Conduit Deconstruct</li>!< <li>Defensive Positions</li>!< <li>DocPawnOverhaul</li>!< <li>Dragonian Race</li>!< <li>Dynamic Diplomacy</li>!< <li>EMP Pistol</li>!< <li>Extended Turrets</li>!< <li>Faster Parasites (Restored)</li>!< <li>FemaleBB BodyType Support</li>!< <li>Follow Me</li>!< <li>Forsakens</li>!< <li>Forsakens: Fauna</li>!< <li>Frieza Race</li>!< <li>Fungi lite</li>!< <li>Giddy-up! Caravan</li>!< <li>What the hack?!</li>!< <li>Giddy-up! Mechanoids</li>!< <li>Glitter Special Trade Station</li>!< <li>Hats Display Selection</li>!< <li>Incident Tweaker</li>!< <li>Inspiration Tweaks</li>!< <li>Interaction Bubbles</li>!< <li>Kenshi Hiver Race</li>!< <li>Kenshi Skeleton Race</li>!< <li>Kijin Race 2.0</li>!< <li>Klickmala Race (Humanoid Insect Alien Race)</li>!< <li>Less Rebuff</li>!< <li>Locks</li>!< <li>Mantis race</li>!< <li>Meals On Wheels</li>!< <li>Medical Tab</li>!< <li>MedPod</li>!< <li>MendAndRecycle</li>!< <li>Misc. Training</li>!< <li>MorrowRim - Trolls</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.1</li>!< <li>\[1.2\]Nearmare Race</li>!< <li>Novakid Race (Continued)</li>!< <li>Nyaron race</li>!< <li>OnlineCity</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Path Avoid</li>!< <li>P-Music</li>!< <li>Power Indicators</li>!< <li>Powerful Faction Bases</li>!< <li>PrisonerRansom</li>!< <li>Rabbie The Moonrabbit race</li>!< <li>Range Finder</li>!< <li>Real Ruins</li>!< <li>\[Ry\]Rimcraft</li>!< <li>\[Ry\]Rimcraft Allied Races</li>!< <li>\[Ry\]Rimcraft Factions</li>!< <li>Rimpedia</li>!< <li>2020 Storyteller: Rick Astley</li>!< <li>Adaptive Threats</li>!< <li>Hotseat - Dynamic Storyteller Switcher</li>!< <li>Hybrid Storytellers</li>!< <li>RimTraits - General Traits</li>!< <li>Vanilla Expanded Framework</li>!< <li>Rimworld: Altered Carbon</li>!< <li>Rimsenal - Core</li>!< <li>Rimsenal - Enhanced Vanilla Pack</li>!< <li>Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack</li>!< <li>Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack</li>!< <li>Rimsenal - Security pack</li>!< <li>Rimsenal - Storyteller pack</li>!< <li>RunAndGun</li>!< <li>Share The Load</li>!< <li>Simple sidearms</li>!< <li>Solar Flares Affect Mechanoids</li>!< <li>Storyteller Enhanced</li>!< <li>Sunray Tech - Weapons</li>!< <li>The Drow Race Continued</li>!< <li>Thrombo Husbandry</li>!< <li>Thrumboian Race</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs</li>!< <li>Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert</li>!< <li>Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Empress Evil</li>!< <li>Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent</li>!< <li>Vanilla Weapons Expanded</li>!< <li>Won hair\_men</li>!< <li>Won hair\_women </li>!< <li>\[1.2\]Xenoorca Race</li>!< <li>Armor Racks</li>!< <li>Battery in wall</li>!< <li>Bury On The Spot</li>!< <li>Characteristic</li>!< <li>Colonist History</li>!< <li>Color Coded Mood Bar</li>!< <li>\[WD\] Expanded Floors</li>!< <li>Heat Map</li>!< <li>Infused</li>!< <li>Night Lights</li>!< <li>Sell Prisoner With No Guilt(patch method)</li>!< <li>CaravanOptions</li>!< <li>Craftable Luciferium - Fan Update</li>!< <li>Cybernetic Warfare and Special Weapons (Continued)</li>!< <li>Loot Boxes \[CONTINUED\]</li>!< <li>MinifyEverything</li>!< <li>Sandy's RPG Style Inventory \[1.2\]</li>!< <li>Prostheses+</li>!< <li>Archotech Expanded Prosthetics</li>!< <li>Matching Embrasures</li>!< <li>Ancient\_Structures(continued)</li>!< <li>Devilstrand Hydroponics</li>!< <li>SF More Steel from Slag</li>!< <li>Smart Medicine</li>!< <li>Smart Speed</li>!< <li>Vanilla Events Expanded</li>!< <li>The Witcher Trials (Continued)</li>!< <li>\[KV\] Trading Spot</li>!< <li>Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval</li>!< <li>Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers</li>!< <li>Vanilla Fishing Expanded</li>!< <li>Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production</li>!< <li>Vanilla Plants Expanded</li>!< <li>Xeva's Rimhair</li>!< 



    submitted by /u/thomasblod
    [link] [comments]

    Onion Base Design

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Just got the game and it’s genuinely giving me the most joy I’ve gotten out of a video game in years.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    It has me googling things like "replacing genitalia for reproduction" and "how to imprison refugees". Which would be concerning were it not for this game.

    submitted by /u/The-Bean-Boy
    [link] [comments]

    I accidentally the stonks

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    How the hell am I supposed to deal with this

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    ★ [H.C] Giant main art + working mod current status. by HellCross. Super TLTR!

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    My First Mountain Base, Conclusion: Heroes of the Bugs War

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    This is Trogo. While his fellow colonists were fighting off 50 manhunting elephants, he was busy building a roof in one of the caves where an infestation had just broken out. The results speak for themself. Don't be like Trogo

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    A duke wants to send *what* to my colony? So much for escapism in gaming.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:02 PM PDT

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