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    Wednesday, September 9, 2020

    RimWorld Tycho build final testing

    RimWorld Tycho build final testing

    Tycho build final testing

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    We are reaching the end of the Tycho build testing. The hope is to have everything working flawlessly, of course! We are looking for people to start hunting down incompatibilities and testing new features.

    New Features:

    New items: gunlink, beret, cape, eltex skullcap.

    New permits (steel, Glitterworld Medicine, silver, food).

    New caravanning system, it should be much faster as animals instantly follow loaders. Also check out changes to loading shuttles from non-base locations.

    To access the Tycho build, right click on RimWorld, select Properties, go to the Betas tab, and select the Unstable Build - Public Testing.

    Feel free to comment here, or jump in to the development discord server here: https://discord.gg/qEEX5Mg

    Edit: For those curious about a changelog, it is actively posted with each update in the development discord, look in the #Builds channel. The changelog for Tycho starts on 8/11.

    submitted by /u/pheanox
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    The XD Pirate Traders

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Drew my starting colonists for my current Zombieland run. It makes their inevitable deaths harder to deal with

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 01:13 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I almost forgot to upload my 1.1 playthrough, may it rest in peace

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    My Tirbals Accidentally Destroyed their Homeworld, Turning it from a Rimworld to a Ringworld

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    check in your trader

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Reunion, Part 5 (082)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Me humble Imperial Guard Outpost (40k modded, in comments)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    Prisoners with 2 withdrawals are immobile, can be kept in one cell and can be harvested without the risk of a break-out. Addictions are useful!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Spence, why in the hell are those coconuts in your bed?!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Randy is super fun

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Over the last couple colonies I've played, I do randy on the hardest difficulty with no reloads. To make it another step harder I take the first 3 colonists that are provided, and I pick the first random site I'm given.

    I had a bad habit of choosing my colonists carefully and only doing temperate forest. This new form of playing the game has sharpened my skills quite a bit. I've gotten used to eating the bodies of my victims, even when my colonists can't grasp the reality they live in. I see it as a punishment for them deciding to sad wander rather than plant and harvest when they need to.

    My current play through is going great. Desert tile with mountain. Got a good roll with my colonists (one is a sociopathic cannibal, and he's living his best life right now!). I'm just about 6 days away from my first full year, with no deaths. I haven't really come close to starvation as randy has given me plenty of drop pods with food, random animals self taming, and also the occasional raid or transport pod crash. I have no bad feelings about eating the transport crash people because they're from an enemy tribe, and my growing period is 20 days out of the whole year.

    Here's a little more about my little tile my base is on. It's near the Antarctic circle of the planet, so my summers are scorching hot, and my winters are ice cold. Pretty much from beginning of fall to mid spring I have snow covering the desert. My base is kind of built on the edge of a mountain going in. I only have 3 colonists, so they eat, sleep, recreate, and research all in the same room. In the Center of the room there's a Stelle commemorating the time my cannibal was chilling at the horseshoe pin. He hates everyone in the group, and everyone loves him. I like to imagine he's the leader since he's kept his shit together and is the main researcher.

    Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share my excitement of the game and this form of play style I have. It's rare that I get a good play through with this scenario I've built for myself. More often than not I end up with at least one dumb labor person or something else that really sets me back. The truly random play style will forever be my favorite, because it gives me greater appreciation for the successful colonies I build

    submitted by /u/curbybradley
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    Today in "colonists that probably aren't worth the risk"

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    I think having two settlements at once is really cool

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    This tortoise knows that it's only seen as meat

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    RIP Borba, a pyromaniac with the genius idea of starting a fire in the chemfuel/munitions room

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Yes, I was screaming the whole time.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    my second rimworld animation ( mg fires down corridor )

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Meet Nag a bionically enhanced supersoldier and his persona assault hammer Paul they just recently massacred 20 people at a pirates base

    Posted: 08 Sep 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    The True Purpose of Stone Beds

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Stone beds are great. They're sturdy, fireproof, look good (especially marble ones) and the material is abundant on many maps. Their comfort rating is identical to steel/wood beds of a comparable quality level. The only downside? They get an inferior rest multiplier, which means pawns spend more time sleeping in them to refill their rest need bar. This makes them pretty bad for general use.

    There are some pawns that you're better off keeping asleep, however. That's right- stone beds are great for prisons! Unless you're running a prison labour mod, prisoners don't do any actual work during the day except wandering around (read: becoming gradually more uncomfortable) and plotting breakouts- so you're actually better off if they're asleep.

    submitted by /u/Snowscoran
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    Another Colonist Satisfied.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Serenity Falls, end of 4th year, population 19.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 04:23 AM PDT

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