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    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    RimWorld Made fan art for Cassandra Classic!

    RimWorld Made fan art for Cassandra Classic!

    Made fan art for Cassandra Classic!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:00 AM PDT

    my interpretation of rimworld creatures

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    I don't recruit. I assimilate.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Spacecraft lands next to the tribe. Out pops 10 fully cyborged out madmen with tranquilizer guns. All 19 members of the tribe are downed and dragged into the spacecraft.

    They wake up a few hours later, in a hospital bed with no legs, eyes, arms, spine, or jaw. They are analyzed for their skills. If they are important skills that the hundreds of robots swarming the base can't do, they are allowed to keep their brain intact. If they are not as useful, they will either be joywired and used as a hauler cleaner, or I will replace their brain via brain scanner with a copy of a more useful brain.

    Recruiting attempts begin. When they finally accept, they are fully outfitted with every possible bionic and after about 19 hours of nonstop surgery, they join the hive. They are assigned a tranq rifle, and sent out in a ship to try to find and capture all their relatives with their new unit.



    submitted by /u/antibodee
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    Living Tribal Headdress of pacifist

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Idk what they told my mayor but the poor sod is scarred for life now

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Randy gave me a house and a geothermal generator start...

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Finding plasteel without having to mine into the mountain is amazing.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Damn, I wonder what's inside that ancient danger

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    I have become the Raid.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Mods used: Vee's Decorating, Gloomy Deco and Gloomy Furniture, Vanilla Furniture Expanded

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    My most successful base.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Mutton chops for years

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Lone Baron gloriously charging the mech backline on a thrumbo, followed by a pack of ripper hounds.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    If someone needs an idea for a mod, how about a mod that lets colonists finish a crafting job even when their bill is satisfied?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    The Widow (aka. when raiders kill your husband but you are a renowned master crafter, so you do all the drugs and start making weapons to avenge him)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Saving Weiss

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Nobody loved Weiss but me. She was moody - always away hunting, alone, at night. Maybe that explains why her bedroom was always only hers, while everyone else was hooking up and breaking up.

    But I loved her. I loved to watch her while everyone else was asleep. I built her recon armor and bionic legs and eyes. I built her an excellent charge lance so she could obliterate animals (and raiders) with a single shot. I had such confidence in her abilities I'd send her on raids with just a couple noncombatants as backup. She was almost too good - guys I'd like to have captured would go down in one shot.

    So maybe it's fitting she died the way she did.

    We got raided. They hit us from three directions at once - a small group from the north, and two large groups from the south. Weiss and one other guy went to deal with the group coming from the north. We'd just built a series of embrasure walls up there to protect the power plant and let us engage raiders, and this was their first real test. Weiss took position in the embrasure enclosure, and easily downed the first raider. The second guy - Jesse the Oaf, armed with a "poor" sniper rifle - took cover behind a corner of embrasure wall. It was a nearly impossible engagement - each behind an embrasure wall, with a third embrasure wall in between them. Weiss' first shot hit a wall. The raider poked his rifle through the embrasure and fired. The bullet traveled through an intervening embrasure, into the embrasure Weiss was firing from, pierced her recon armor, and destroyed her liver. She died instantly.

    Her bonded animals went berserk and were torn to pieces by their packmates. I reassigned all her animals to her teammate and sent them after Jesse the Oaf. He died, of course. I just wish I could have made it last longer.

    I hauled Weiss' body to the meat freezer. I built her a one-tile deep freezer, and there she lies at -190 C. Then I came on r/rimworld to ask how to get ressurector mech serum, because I haven't played since 0.8.

    I tried opening the ancient danger. Lots of baddies, but no serum.

    It's now the dead of winter, and a quest has arrived. Mech cluster, with a reward of resurrector mech serum.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

    submitted by /u/dlogos13
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    I want to make a mountain base

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    How do i fight infestations most effectively? How do you truly move everything underground, how many hydroponics do you need for ~8 colonists? What kind of power do you prefer? You need trees and farms still?

    submitted by /u/Laccountnotforkarma
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    Lycanden - My last 1.0 Base (medieval werewolf playthrough), what should I play next?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Why do bears eat so little?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Nutrion needed per day

    Iguana: 0.45

    Grizzly and Polar Bears: 0.56

    Labrador Retriever: 0.64

    TIL a grizzly eats somewhere between an iguana and a lab.

    submitted by /u/PYLON_BUTTPLUG
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    Can't decide which beer to equip lol

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Body Size and Drugs: An argument for giving teens yayo

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    All entities have a body size that starts at a base infant level and increases as they age with various increments; for example, a husky is born with a body size of 0.17 and reaches adulthood within a year to max out at 0.86. A muffalo is born at 0.42, and ends up at 2.10 within a year. Humans start at 0.85 at 13* and stay that way until gaining their maximum body size of 1.0 at adulthoodx at age 18. This stat is important for determining how much food a given pawn eats and how drugs impact the body of the imbiber.

    Smaller body sizes result in much stronger effects than a "standard" adult colonist would have. This is why your 2-day old husky puppies are absolutely hammered and serious alcohol addicts despite only having a single beer, and also why some of your colonists develop psychite / alcohol addiction despite following the schedule of 1 beer / day and 1 psychite tea / 2 days that is shown on the wiki. Those colonists are teenagers and, due to their body size of 0.85, require special care to avoid overdoses and tolerance buildup. The buildup of tolerance / appearance of addictions is NOT due to drug policy scheduling; sure, you may set the schedule and have a colonist take their beer at noon, then the next day they take it right after they wake up at 8AM, but after that day they are pretty consistent and thus wouldn't gain cirrhosis after a month of doing this cycle. No drug that avoids risking addiction of the first dose is sensitive enough that +/- 12 hours on a 24/48 hour drug policy will cause tolerance to climb, as long as the drug timer is not consistently on a lower timer over months. I cannot stress enough that drug policy scheduling works perfectly fine for managing long-term drug usage.

    Here is a graph on the effective difference between teenagers and adults when it comes to drugs. https://imgur.com/t7XpPye

    Note that, while tolerance is significantly higher at approximately ~140% the gain of adults per dose (which makes traditional drug policies on the wiki completely outdated for teenagers), severity is also slightly higher at ~118% of adult levels. This means that drugs last ~18% longer on teenagers than adults, which gives them a decent advantage in priority for drugs.

    For example, look at this side-by-side comparison for how beer interacts with teens and adults. https://imgur.com/hyU3NBE (yellow line is the effective cutoff for number of doses for maximizing mood, red line is the cutoff for hitting blackout levels).

    In this situation, a teenager can hit the same positive mood boost that being drunk gives for about 50% longer than an adult, at 4 beers. That's enough time for most raid-related negative moods to go away without a problem, whereas an adult would need another beer / be closer to a break.

    Still, though, this does require careful drug usage if you're trying to consistently use drugs on teens. Because of the higher tolerance gain per drug, a drug table specifically for teenagers (or babies / toddlers / other races, if modded) is required to safely use them on a long-term basis. Copying the wiki's format, here's a drug table specifically for teenagers. Do remember, though, that you have to round up the numbers for each safe-dosage intervals to completely avoid tolerance building over several years to noticeable levels. https://imgur.com/TUNWVzs

    One specific area that hasn't been covered yet is overdoses. All of the hard drugs (Yayo, Flake, Go-Juice, Wake-Up. Despite what the wiki says, Penoxycline does not risk overdoses, and binges on them are perfectly fine) increase a unique overdose severity, from 18-35% on regular pawns and a higher amount on teenagers (testing a range for higher values is difficult. Minor overdose level at 50% doesn't seem possible from a single dose, making a single hit safe or at least incredibly unlikely to cause negative effects). While adult pawns risk short-term minor overdoses at around a 50/50 by mixing two drugs, teenagers run a much higher chance of hitting that threshold. As a result, mixing drugs is not recommended for younger pawns, especially those below vanilla's age limits.

    \)While humans CAN technically be lower than 13 through mods, it's not possible in an unmodded game.

    xDespite reaching "adulthood" at 18, adult backstories only generate on pawns created with an age of 20+.

    TLDR: For Teenagers:

    Beer every 2 days

    Smokeleaf every 3 days

    Wake-up every 5 days

    Ambrosia every 3 days

    Psychite tea every 3 days

    Children should be prioritized for drugs to maximize their benefit.

    submitted by /u/Spazgrim
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    Why can i not build a roof here? it still says outdoors while hovering in the room is indoors

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    does rainy thunderstorm reduces accuracy of turrets?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    PvP mode ?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    How about Rimworld PvP, where after "peaceful" 5-10 min, two warring bases can do at each other ?

    Just w twist.

    submitted by /u/snuffmachine
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