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    Friday, November 13, 2020

    RimWorld WIRED: I've Played RimWorld for 700 Hours. I May Never Escape

    RimWorld WIRED: I've Played RimWorld for 700 Hours. I May Never Escape

    WIRED: I've Played RimWorld for 700 Hours. I May Never Escape

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:03 AM PST

    What are you doing stepdad?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Slaver riding a Tuna across land to sell me slaves. Just Rimworld stuff...

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:35 AM PST

    My wife doesn't care that I beat 72 Guinea pigs without a scratch

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 10:15 AM PST

    There was recently a showdown in my colony. I decided to try and draw it

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:26 AM PST

    So you love him or not?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 07:13 PM PST

    The helmet stays ON during sex

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 11:57 AM PST

    A dog has gone madhunt, it will attack everyone it sees

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:00 AM PST

    My army of Mechanoids is nearly complete!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Enjoying peaceful life as a change

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 04:43 PM PST

    In my 800 hours of Rimworld, I've had my fair share of bad behavior. I've run a psychopath-only colony of human leather merchants. I've roasted raiders alive in heated tunnels. I've performed bilateral leg amputations on every captured pawn and released them to hop away with only one peg leg.

    But in my current run, we just sell furniture. And it's a surprising amount of fun! We grow cotton, build armchairs, and put them on the muffalo express to the nearby town. We even burn the dead bodies of raiders who try to storm our heavily fortified IKEA, instead of laying the rotting corpses in front of the entrance like I used to as a polite warning to the others. Furniture building has some price penalties and isn't extremely lucrative, but it's honest work.

    I like to think that my starting colonist, who landed on a new planet with nothing but a rifle and a dog, has finally found purpose and contentment as the boss of a flourishing furniture fortress out on the rim. :)

    submitted by /u/nightswatchman
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    My raccon is sick. Robot has the best medice ever.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Oookay wtf was that? A raid came 8 in game hours into my arrival and bashed everyone's skulls in.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:59 AM PST

    What are some things that players are forced to abuse to "beat" the Rimworld?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:16 PM PST

    I wanted to talk about the games mechanics and game design to discuss why people generally resort to the same tactics to achieve one of the two "endings".

    It's no secret that Tynan's vision for the game is to be a dramatic storyteller, constantly putting the odds against you, and forcing you to lose more often than not. However, people can only start over so many times before they get frustrated losing, which is when they resort to "cheese" tactics. The first of which I'd like to discuss are "killboxes".

    Killboxes were popularized as a way to deal with raids at just about any level, usually as a singular path with traps, or an open room lined with turrets. This, in turn, completely trivializes the game, especially in the late-game where most people will have bases developed enough to withstand any type of event thrown at them. However, once you have an effective killbox, the game loses its sense of urgency; you have gotten rid of essentially half of the games threat autonomously.

    This is one of the reasons turrets were nerfed, because it rewarded these setups disproportionately. However, in doing so it made them far less effective in any other scenario not in a killbox. So it puts players who don't make a killbox just flat out at a disadvantage. Which causes them to make killboxes. It feels that you're forced to go the killbox route to have a chance at dealing with stronger raids.

    Next up are mountain bases. It's no secret that mountains are the single greatest defense to most threats, so much so that Tynan had to create a threat specifically designed for mountain bases. People will re-roll map after map just to get the ideal mountain layout (usually with a large opening almost completely surrounded by mountain) and then proceed to build their colony, which will have a massive advantage over other tiles, even in the same biome. Now insects do work in theory, however there is a ton of counter-play to them.

    Firstly, simply not mining under thick roofs is a valid strategy, especially if you are already in an ideal fortified position. Next you have the freezer strategy, which you keep the base that's in the mountain under -17C, so that the insects cannot spawn. You have bait rooms, fire traps, even melee blockers (my favorite). Insects only seriously impact the new and unprepared. Seriously, I haven't been threatened by insects since the time I started playing the game (due to the above methods).

    However, without these cheese strategies, you almost have zero chance against them, since they scale on wealth and have high armor, and spawn quite numerously. However, even just using one of the above strategies will make them inconsequential. Which I feel is the problem with the design of Rimworld: If you want to make it to the end of the story, you have to abuse game mechanics. If you want to have a large, thriving colony, you have to resort to these strategies. But abusing these strategies takes a large portion of the threat out of the game. And sure, you don't have to use these strategies, but you'll almost certainly fail since the game is designed to ramp up the more your colony develops.

    These are just the two examples that stick out in my mind, however I'm sure there are more. I'd like to hear other opinions: How could the game be balanced or changed so that you aren't forced to "cheese" the game to succeed?

    submitted by /u/Demoboca
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    Would you be interested in a mod that made the research look like this? Info in comments.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Thrumbo farm is a go!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:19 AM PST

    He's real....

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 09:21 PM PST

    Oh how cute, you two are now lovers and want to sleep in the same bed... Except for the fact that she's a prisoner, and that can't be healthy you guys can't share a bed!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:22 PM PST

    My prisoners love me

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 02:28 AM PST

    It was all a Lie....

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Honestly, if she were to betray or abandon the colony, can't really blame her.... The only things I can offer for vegetables are Corn, Potatoes, Rice and Strawberries....


    submitted by /u/Euzio06
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    The diary of Frank the Janitor

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 08:54 PM PST

    Aprimay 1st, 5500

    I don't know what it was but something hit the ship hard enough that I felt it shudder from the inside. Alarms started blaring, warning lights flashed all over, and a voice came over the intercom: "Attention all crew and passengers! Make your way to the nearest escape pod in an orderly fashion. The ship has been compromised. I repeat, make your way to the nearest escape pod." I was so disoriented from all the noise and flashing lights that I'm not sure how I even found one but somehow I did, thank the gods. I grabbed my little dog Enrique, hopped in, hit the launch button and huddled down, hoping that whatever hit the ship wouldn't hit my little pod too. I don't know how long I was in there. Days? Weeks? Minutes? I think I was probably in shock until the landing sequence alarm went off. That was probably about an hour ago and so here I stand now, on whatever godforsaken planet this is. Luckily the pod had some basic supplies. Some steel, survival meals, a gun. It looks like this planet happens to have a lot of natural resources too, plenty of wood to build with and animals to hunt. Building I can handle but hunting is going to be tricky, I'm not even entirely sure how to use that gun. I better get started on figuring out some shelter though, something tells me this won't be a very friendly place.

    Aprimay 12th, 5500

    I think I've been here for almost two weeks at this point, at least going by this planet's days. I found a little valley between some mountains nearby that seemed like a good place to hole up. I've blocked off two of the entrances and lines the third with traps, hopefully that'll keep anything less than friendly at bay. There's a weird part of the mountainside here that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I went near it, I'm not sure what that's about. It almost looks like that section might be some kind of wall built into the mountain. At some point maybe I'll see if I can figure out what's on the other side but I'm guessing I won't like whatever's on the other side.

    I managed to get a few little cabins built as well, luckily I've got a little know-how when it comes to building. One is my room, one is for storage, and one is my kitchen. My room isn't finished yet, I still need to build myself a bed and some furniture but I need to cut down some trees first. I also got a little garden set up to grow some corn so I won't have to spend all my time hunting just to survive. Things aren't looking too bad at this point, but I still need to figure out how I'm going to get off this rock. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life here.

    Aprimay 13th, 5500

    Today I received a message on my little radio that survived the escape pod. It was just from this planet but hey, that's evidence that I'm not alone here! It wasn't what I was expecting at all though, that's for sure. It's from someone called "Beatriz" who says they were banished from their tribe and wants to rest here for a few days on her travels. A tribe, here? This place is full of surprises. I don't think I trust this person but I could really use the help so I told her to head this way. I guess I'd better get started on another cabin. To commemorate having another person here for the first time, I've decided to name this place Happiness Settlement! After all, your attitude is the most important thing, right?

    Aprimay 14th, 5500

    This planet can go straight to hell. Just one day after Beatriz arrived and she just kinda wandered off. She wouldn't even acknowledge me when I tried to get her attention. What a useless piece of human garbage. She better start pulling her weight around here soon or we're going to have a problem.

    And my poor little Enrique died! He wandered into the trapped passage and... well, it wasn't pretty when I found him. This is all my fault. I set up the traps and then didn't make sure to keep Enrique away from them. This is on me. I killed him. I'm not sure how I can live with myself.

    Jugust 2nd, 5500

    Beatriz has been helping out more so that's good. I was kinda miffed there for awhile but she's snapped out of and has been a hard worker since then. She even offered to stay permanently and I can't really afford to be picky right now so I took her up on the offer.

    We received a message today from someone representing a group called "The Black Imperium" asking us to kill someone from a group called "The Murderer Faction". These both sound pretty evil but The Murderer Faction sure sounds like the more evil of the two. Like, come on, how could anyone be part of a group with that name and not think "hmm, might we be the bad guys?" In any case, it seems like we could probably use some friends here and something tells me The Murderer Faction probably isn't very interested in friendship. It's just one guy, how hard could it be to handle him? The Black Imperium wants us to send them a message challenging them to lure them here and kill them so I guess we'll do that.

    Jugust 5th, 5500

    Well this was another eventful day. That guy from The Murderer Faction arrived today. He walked into my traps and they made short work of him. So... I guess I killed someone for the first time. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, it's not like I did it directly, right? I didn't make him walk into the traps. He was here to hurt us!

    In other news, an escape pod crash landed near us. Someone who seems to be named Gideon was in it, alive but hurt. We set up a spot in my room to put him while we try to help him recover.

    Jugust 9th, 5500

    This is a good day for civilization! We got a freezer built so we can effectively stockpile some food. It seems like a small thing but we've got to celebrate the good stuff, right?

    Jugust 12th, 5500

    We got a message today from some kid named Beltran. Apparently they're being "hunted" by a couple guinea pigs? How pathetic is that? Whatever, we're going to invite her in. We can always use more help. The corn is ready to harvest as well so we're definitely going to need an extra pair of hands.

    Jugust 13th, 5500

    So, uh, I guess I kinda fucked up. I got a little pissed off and started breaking stuff in my own room and the others arrested me! They threw me into this little room with nothing but a cleared spot on the floor to sleep on. I know I was being a little unpleasant but come on! Screw them, I'm done helping them. Those two certainly don't know how to build anything, they NEED me!

    Jugust 16th?, 5500

    Day 3 of my imprisonment, I think. It's hard to tell for sure but from what I can hear outside it seems like Beltran got caught by one of my traps. Serves them right. That's probably going to leave just Beatriz still in action and good luck running this place alone at this point. Serves her right!

    Septober 1st?

    It's hard to keep track of the days in here. I get barely any light, I can't even really tell when it's day or night anymore. There's enough light to see that some nasty looking sores have shown up all over my body though, and I feel pretty awful. I'm sure it's ok though, they'll give me some medicine and fix me up. They've got to, right?

    Septober 3rd, 5500

    Hey. Beatriz here. I guess we didn't realize how bad Frank's infection was. I tended to him last night and then this morning I found him dead. I kinda feel responsible, I'm the one the arrested him and put him in this hellhole. We found this journal on his body so I guess it's my responsibility now and I feel like I should continue it, it's probably what he would have wanted.

    Hey everyone! This is a new project I'm doing where I try to document a colony from the perspective of someone in the colony keeping a journal. Poor Frank, he started off so hopeful but things went so wrong for him, both of his own doing and things out of his control. Any criticism, comments, anything at all are welcome! The journey will be live on Twitch every Wednesday, if anyone is interested then you're welcome to come by and hang out while the story unfolds (and remember, you can follow to get notified when it starts, the plan is for 7:30 Central).

    submitted by /u/Vandrel
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    Insects don't like my deep drilling. The prisoners can take care of it!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    when you're facing the tundra winter, and that's no time to be Picky

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:58 AM PST

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