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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    RimWorld Something I carved for a very special friend.

    RimWorld Something I carved for a very special friend.

    Something I carved for a very special friend.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:32 PM PST

    This map generated with a natural "5"

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:37 AM PST

    Do you maybe want to postpone the wedding, dear? No, no, I can do this.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:33 PM PST

    I did not know such name was in game, i guess im communist now.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:50 PM PST

    We need to represent Rimworld in the Steam Awards

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Rimworld is an absolute masterpiece, and with the December steam awards we need to make this game win.

    submitted by /u/EtienneT007
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    How I discovered that one Rimworld file took up more than half of the storage of my computer (caused by mods)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:14 PM PST

    TLDR:>! I unknowingly allowed my Player.Log file to reach 541GB because of mods spamming error messages. This made me think I had a computer virus because of the Windows popups I was getting!<

    A week ago I started getting random Windows popups that my disk drive was full. When I verified this in my file explorer my C: drive showed 0 bytes free. Initially I thought nothing of it because I had some Steam downloads going on and I assumed that I needed to delete some games I don't play anymore. After doing this I had ~400GB of free space. My computer ran fine for the next week and I didn't think of it again.

    Fast forward to today. I played Rimworld for ~2-3 hours before I decided to get some work done around the house. I manually saved my game, then clicked "Quit to OS" as I always do. Note that for the past week (around the time the first disk space problem occurred) my Rimworld wouldn't close properly. It would sit there greyed out and Windows would mark it as "not responding". Usually at this point I would click my Rimworld instance so Windows would tell me it's not responding and give me a prompt to close it. Today for whatever reason I didn't do this, and my Rimworld sat open and "not responding" for many hours.

    I got back on my computer this evening to see the dreaded popup was back on my computer. I freaked out knowing that I haven't had any large downloads since I initially freed up the 400GB. Why was my disk drive full again? Do I have a computer virus? Is someone in my house using my computer without my knowing and downloading a bunch of stuff? Is my disk drive dying? All of these questions ran through my head.

    I scoured the internet looking for why this would be happening and couldn't figure it out. After 30 minutes of frustrated searching with no result I decided to search my disk for the culprit (I probably should have done this first). I made the assumption that whatever was hogging disk space must be coming from the same file or at least the same folder and as such should be ~350GB or larger.

    With this assumption, I checked the size of all of my folders that were in my C: drive. Only one file had the ~350GB requirement which was Users. Immediately my mind jumped to the old Minecraft days of messing with files in AppData and how data in those folders changes constantly. I thought it wouldn't hurt to check and boy was I happy I did. I watched as the size of the file kept increasing as Windows searched through it. A few KBs, a few MBs, then suddenly it jumped to 558GB! LocalLow in my AppData folder was massive! I looked at the few folders that were in there and the only one that made sense to me was Ludeon Studios. Sure enough, there it was. a Player.Log that was 541GB.

    Now that I knew what to lookup, I searched the internet for large player log files and see I'm not the only one that gets this and the problem is likely from one of my mods spamming errors. Every text editor I have wouldn't open the file because it was too big so I can't be certain which mod was at fault. I was scared my PC was gonna be messed up by not having free memory for other programs so I just deleted it after taking a screenshot. It didn't go to my recycle bin either. It was just gone and I recovered more than half of my SSDs space. I loaded up Rimworld to check if my save still worked and it was fine. I closed Rimworld before making this post and sure enough, it didn't freeze when I quit to OS. It instantly closed like it should.

    So if you find that Rimworld doesn't close right, or you're wondering why Windows is suddenly showing full disk storage, check your player.log file. If it's huge, then read it (if you can) to see what mod is spamming error messages before deleting it.

    submitted by /u/DueToday1
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    Went 70 days with Randy without a single attack, and I was getting worried that he was planning something. Finally on day 72 I got hit with a big raid, a manhunting pack of labrador retrivers, and a massive infestation all at the same time. My suspicions were correct ;-;

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Petiotion to nominate RimWorld for the Steam Award as "Work of Love"

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    So I have been playing a little bit since I bought RimWorld (now around 985 hours). I still really enjoy the game, the DLC and most of all, all the mods that are beeing created and updated throughout the game versions. Can we all appreciate the game not only by playing it or creating lots of content but also by achieving a nice reward to thank Tynan for the nice work? This might seem unneccessary but I beleive we can achieve this as a community. Let me know what you think

    submitted by /u/Scha123f
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    I just got this game and I'm HOOKED

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:25 AM PST

    So I just got rimworld because of the sale. I knew it was pretty good but I didn't know that it was this good. I've only played for like an hour after the tutorial, but this is what's happened in my first settlement:

    Picked 2 colonists who won't commit any acts of violence no matter the situation Forgot to allow them to eat food This guy "Scott" angered a squirrel, so it attacked him. Scott's a pacificst, so he doesn't fight back Scott runs into a narrow cave My only colonist who can be violent shoots the squirrel Scott stands in front of the squirrel My colonist keeps accidentally shooting Scott Scott nearly dies from the bites and the gunshots

    I don't know how psychology or health works in this game but I still love it.

    submitted by /u/literally_a_toucan
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    That high pitched hum...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:06 PM PST

    I have over 5k hours playing this game - probably more than any other in my gaming life (which goes all the way back to these gems: Master of Orion, Starflight, and UFO Defense). I still get excited when I hear those few seconds of the opening theme and know that I am about to gladly lose another 4-5 hours of my life to this game. Thank you Tynan and all the modders out there for creating this masterpiece of recreation.

    submitted by /u/graymalkincat77
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    Fearful Chef name Basil 'BB' Batter seeks refuge...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:11 PM PST

    How many think of clean kitchen while cooking Thanksgiving

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:42 AM PST

    So I was cleaning my kitchen before starting to prep the bird and I couldn't help but think of illnesses caused by people walking through the kitchen area

    submitted by /u/bigmikef53
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    What do you guys think about my base design? any suggestions for improvement?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:57 AM PST

    The idea is to create a functional and well-organized base as small as possible, kinda like urban living in Rimworld. This one is 48*48, able to provide accommodations for 12-16 colonialist, 8 prisoners and 11 guests.

    The hospital room was built outside the base (near the kill box) for safety reasons. The freezer room is divided so that the colonists won't have to see corpses when they get their food.


    submitted by /u/SWATgoose
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    Lost colonist in caravan (How to recover) DEV MODE

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:21 AM PST

    with dev mode on, goto debug actions and under "spawning" select "Spawn world pawn" find the pawn, spawn and return to the debug actions menu, select "recruit" now and click on pawn, all done!

    submitted by /u/DrayerDX
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    Guys, what you think is the best modpack for rimworld 1.2?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:16 AM PST

    I start feeling tired of vanilla, I need new challenges 😂

    submitted by /u/thesadhornyguy
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    Do you need multiples layers of walls to isolate from cold?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:40 AM PST

    I kept building multiples layers of walls and doors to isolate my food from heat, but it doesn't seem to work the other way around as I have absolutely no difficulty to heat my rooms in my arctic biome, even when it's -60° outside.

    I'm wondering if I'm missing something.

    submitted by /u/EcceLez
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    Infestation spawn according to wiki :D Temperatures under -8°C gradually reduce the spawn chances, with the chance dropping to zero at -17°C. RIMWORLD hold my beer.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Trying something a little different to pass the time during quarantine, gonna do yearly reports on my current colony run. Here's the castle of the Solaris Vanguard and their first year in the pov of one of the colonists.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:57 AM PST

    { Details: I got a little bored playing with relatively easy starts like tribal and naked brutality, so I opted to give Zero to Hero a try. The challenge is fairly simple, start with four colonists with a low or zero on everything. No passions allowed save for race forced traits. Start with nothing, start with no research done, not even simple furniture or pemmican. Not allowed to research higher tier nodes until I've finished every node for each age. I'll have to make sure all four of the starting colonists survive until we finish every research node available, then journey to the stars.

    It is NOT a cakewalk. I've taken for granted the almighty coolers and electricity.}

    <Day 60 - Happy New Year!>

    This is Circuits speaking! Our very first entry towards an amazing goal set upon us by the Omnissiah, this excites me to no end, especially when you're on the brink of insanity due to isolation, starvation and the constant looming dread of death! So first things first, introductions. My name is Merridith, but you can refer to me as Circuits. I am currently writing on the band's journal book, since it has come to my attention that someone has to perform some sort of log entries while we're in this desolate and merciless rimworld. You might ask why, and I answer you with "DISCOVERY AND SCIENCE!". Every good wasteland survivor knows that if you're ever isolated in an area you may not get out off, you make some sort of journal to make sure the next person gets that ominous and dreadful feeling of hopelessness if they ever find themselves in the same situation. Plus, think of all the lore they'll get when they find this massive castle. Assuming, of course, we survive for another year.

    To start this first yearly entry, I'll introduce to you my fellow survivors of the recently crashed Perseverence, starting with a guy named Hearthblood. He never told us his actual name when we first met onboard the military ship, that name was given by our captain Siris. I'm assuming he has some sort of tragic backstory, unusually good at melee and shooting supports this theory. We gave him the nickname 'Starchild' for the time being, dude's obsessed with star gazing.

    Next up is Freya Hildegarde, the ship's mechanic and engineering expert. She's almost as interesting as the star dude, since she was apparently from a medieval rimworld that had a technological boom after a glitterworld cargo ship crashed into it. Might have to ask some questions on that soon, not right now though. There's some sort of invisible murderous vibe I'm getting between her and Hearth, like they're exes or something. If I asked right now, she might throw an axe into my head.

    Next is, or was, our ship AI named Yvagun. It had to perform an emergency upload into a worker droid when the ship began to crash into the planet's atmosphere. It's currently very angry that it lost the ship, but the ai is willing to help us out. Stating we were its best chance to get off this heap of rock and back to the Sol system. And help it has, it's been organizing our supplies, food, infrastructure and the likes. Coolest thing about the metal man is the massive databank it managed to save prior to the crash, I've been tasked in deciphering it in hopes that we get info and blueprints to help us in this situation.

    And of course, you have me. Merridith Solstrakes, also called as Circuits for my invaluable skills in anything related to technology. I came from a particularly low-end industrial world as a blacksmith, helped out my old man in melding and creating metalworks. After the ripe old age of 18, I moved out and took the first ship off of the world to pursue my interests in technology. I'm not exactly the cleanest person here, since I was somewhat obsessed with inventing and creating new forms of tech for use. After a particularly bad attempt at recreating some 20th century concept of a floating moon base capable of destroying planets. The galactic corporations forced me to be drafted into captain Siris' tour in fighting a robot insurrection on some glitterworld. The rest is history, I'd say.

    Now. Our stay here has been very welcoming, Metalman initially thought that the world was not populated due to it being placed extremely close to the maelstrom. But it was quickly proven wrong when a very angry tribe of humans showed up and started to throw rocks and clubs at us as we were recuperating from the crash. We had to make a break for it, leaving behind the emergency supplies for those tribals to claim. After a fair bit of running and even more interactions with the local tribes, we finally found a safe spot to make a camp and recover. Freya got started in creating a small shelter made of wood to keep us safe from the outside elements, star dude got tasked with cutting down the nearby trees as per Yvagun's request. The AI and I meanwhile, beat up the local wildlife to death with rocks and wooden sticks since food was surprisingly a very essential aspect for our survival.


    After the first three weeks, we got pretty comfortable on our spot. Freya's been busy building the campsite into a full on dependable settlement, Star dude worked on a farm ( I don't actually know where he got rice seeds or how does he even know agriculture 101, but it's a good thing he does! ) to make sure we don't starve once, or if, winter hits this planet. I worked on decoding the databank I mentioned earlier. It's a really deep well of information, It has stuff like 'how to make pemmican, a long lasting food' and basic fundamentals for woodworking and furniture. While our AI tried it's best to call a ship or passing by security force but to no avail, it's been suggesting we may need to figure out a way off this planet on our own. Which was a very thrilling concept to ponder on.

    Of course, this settlement building didn't come without hardships. We've been getting raided by local tribesmen and, I kid you not, cat people. It was manageable though, the first five attempts were made up of groups of 3, thankfully the art of bow and arrows weren't lost on us or we would've been heavily injured during these raids. Most of them unfortunately died to their injuries, save for this young girl named Cambiar. Yvagun suggested to put her out of her misery, but the group agreed to patch her up and send her back to her tribe. We're not animals after all.

    Surprisingly, after we tended to her wounds and got Cambiar back to her feet. The girl suddenly declared that "My water blood are no stronger than this blood bond, I'm yours to command. Sky people.", then she got up and began helping us around the settlement. Moving things where they need to be and cleaning up rooms, I'm guessing the blood bond thing is their colloquial saying for being a maid. This didn't bode well for Freya, since that meant an extra mouth to feed. But Hearth and Yvagun said if she's willing to contribute, then there's no reason to reject a helping hand. Much to Freya's annoyance, she had to agree.

    The comfy period didn't last long however. Meat began to rot in our supply room due to heat and moisture, the raids became more and more frequent to the point where we had to start mining the nearby metals to build ourselves some protection against the arrows and spears. It became clear that this was only gonna get worse... Until our local AI finally got a reply to his calls, but it wasn't from a galactic security force or outside ship orbiting the planet. It was from the ship's captain, Siris, apparently marooned here on the planet same as us. He told Yvagun to spill the beans on why the ship crashed here, and why there's no-one answering the calls. Believe it or not, that military expedition was a suicide tour. Meant to take out key figureheads and generals from the corporations via acts of mutiny during space travels. Siris was supposed to reinforce the local moon of the glitterworld, as a last ditch attempt in culling the insurrection from reaching the stars. He doesn't know why or who was behind this traitorous act, but he assured us we weren't the only survivors. Afterwards, Siris gave Yvagun specific instructions to turn the settlement or area we had into some sort of bastion for the rest of the survivors to regroup.

    With this, Freya ecstatically grabbed her pick and shovel and ran off towards the nearby mountain. Stating "I'll build ourselves a castle if the captain says so!" while the weird dude just clapped at the newfound hope. Cambiar was mostly confused and horrified at Yvagun's raspy and changing imitation of the captain's voice, I forget the girl's a tribal. And so, we're now up to date on present times. That's pretty much it... Uh... This has been Circuits, signing off from the journal!

    < End of day 60 log entry >

    The vanguard's first year in the lawless rim.

    submitted by /u/OptimisticBreadPiece
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    A bunch of raiders tried to mortar my mountain base and eventually slept so I decided to pay them a visit

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    Our time has come...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST

    When making caravans with the boat mod, the colonists won't leave, they just stand there.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:07 AM PST

    I am running 1.2

    I can provide a hugs lib log if I need to.

    submitted by /u/verycoolookingbanana
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    What do you listen to on the rim?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:05 PM PST

    I recently discovered this band called Dirtwire, and I just put their discography on loop when I'm committing mass war crimes just to survive. It sounds like it was basically created just for long rimworld sessions.

    I've also enjoyed the few mod music packs I've found.

    So what do y'all listen to when you're out in the sticks giving tribals what for?

    submitted by /u/DoctorScientist_M_J
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