• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    RimWorld Flesh is so limiting! I wish I had some kind of artificial body part.

    RimWorld Flesh is so limiting! I wish I had some kind of artificial body part.

    Flesh is so limiting! I wish I had some kind of artificial body part.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:56 PM PST

    Vanilla Achievements Expanded released! || Link in the comments!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Well, I mean, I guess he would know...

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Hey im Peter Mcdade, but you can call me MacDaddy.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:32 AM PST

    The almighty danger of rimworld vikings stealing your precious dining chairs

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Why does this remind me of a scene from a certain movie.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:46 AM PST

    In retrospect I shouldn't have sent all of them on the same raid

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Nothing like a near-death experience to raise the hearts

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Had to put down a crashed survivor as their skillset didn't meet my expectations. Later, one of my colonists illustrated the event etched into a knife. Randy was not kind with his recollection of the event.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    Am I cruel?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Am I becoming a cruel human being? That's what I asked myself last night.

    Backstory: I was playing on my second ever colony of 6 colorists, 3 have passion for doctoring but only one had high skills. So after going through the tabs discovering the game I came across the operations tab. Here comes the brilliant idea, I had two prisoners of the pirates that I was keeping to sell as slaves, I realized they are the perfect candidates to train my other two doctors. I was queuing to install both peg legs and hands then remove them for so many days (I had a lot of spare herbal medicine xD) After a while I realized I can harvest their organs, and sell for good profit, the big brain move was when I realized I can operate on my colonists. I already had one colonist who had a damaged right lung, so I harvested a fresh one from a pirate who survived my defense raid and operated with my skill 14 doctor (who had a lot of training xD) in a masterwork medical bed on that single colonist. So after she wakes up she is doing really amazing, no more lowered movement speed and her breathing efficiency become 100 percent.

    I am still training my doctors with the same way whenever I have too much herbal medicine.

    While releasing a prisoner with peg legs, no hands, no jaw , one less lung and kidney. I said to myself "that will teach you and other pirates what happens if you try to raid my base" I was laughing about the whole thing. Am I cruel to laugh about the whole thing?

    Ps: I think I know the cure to Asthma, just harvest fresh ones and transplant them to your colonists LOL

    submitted by /u/ClientVisual7558
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    So apparently the tribal prisoner I turned into a war animal was the leader of one of the hostile factions, and the game still registers him as the leader of it.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:04 PM PST

    Ways to die in Rimworld

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:35 PM PST

    How I die in Rimworld:

    -infection, can't self-tend, eclipse, ew darkness better go lie down and shake back and forth until i die

    -the one large animal turns manhunter

    -hey look over there *slap*

    -why does rice last 36 days

    -eclipse, heat wave, raid, random disease downing my one guncapable.

    -didn't pay enough attention

    -spent too much time deciding

    -i saw all the corpses and now i have to burn things

    -i saw corpses because i just really felt like walking all the way around the mountain instead

    -lemme starve 1 sec before cutting that plant containing food so i can D a z e

    -their ai decided to walk back and forth between tasks never farming the food and now they're depressed and it is winter

    -raider with 5 melee skill takes on 3 pawns with above 7 melee and they all get crippled instantly

    -somehow someone loses their fucking legs

    -the frail person goes to pick up the fine meal dropped by a raider in the insect cave

    -pawns need to sleeeeeeep some more

    -even though i live on a propane lake, i want some drugs right now so i'm gonna burn the explosives

    -my 12 intellect pawn spends 5 years researching passive coolers because naked brutality is fun

    -a expensive thing lands and i wealth and raider say die

    -fire spreads to my warheads

    -more situations where the best reaction is to sigh and start a new game because no thing can be done

    -my new recruit literally bruises a pawn's legs away during a social fight so everyone gets depressed

    -i eat the forbidden fruit

    -i used all my silver to buy metals

    -the artwork was not worth a winter's worth of rice

    -more pathing through insect caves

    -i forget to unforbid the bedroom door

    -my pawns get depressed because people come to chill in their bedroom at night

    -more leg loss

    -i know your legs got broken and i know you are in pain, don't you think you should patch your self up?No

    -my bedroom is ugly better vomit and die

    -this room made out of dirt is dirty :((((

    -i married the new recruit and she burned down my house and crushed my hamster's neck

    -there is no food on this map, welp

    -there is no compacted steel so i can't make my wooden research table with those glass vials on top

    -more untimely dazings

    -brought to you by: mood

    -this thick person is abrasive so i had to stab them to death

    -i took a detour into a deadfall trap

    -the agave is 53%

    -the slaver's pyromaniac goes on a spree

    -their social fight blew up my dog

    -the dog master burns down the pawns

    -i take a risk

    -opens casket

    -that thing where you run away and your pawn keeps doing the slowdown

    -bullet flies into partner face at 45 degree angle

    -the art was racist

    -the only cook writes the unholy book

    -my cool idea doesn't work

    -i build my floor out of wood, wood is now needed and its gone.

    -i beat up the metal because i was drunk and this dead man's hat did the trick

    -apply meteor directly to forehead

    Got any funnies write emm downne

    submitted by /u/Affectionate-Youth94
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    I turned this colonist into a walking war crime

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:31 AM PST

    Space battle directly on my blazebulb farm, while a trade caravan was visiting, that also activated ancient danger.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:30 PM PST

    I don't know what I'm gonna do when I have to tell her we don't have yams

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 03:42 PM PST


    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:04 AM PST

    An epic moment

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:13 AM PST

    Well I just had one of my favorite gaming moments. I am playing commitment, Losing is Fun Cass, and I am entering end game territory. My game is modded with mostly qol stuff, but I do have pickup and haul which is..er.. anyway my goal on this run is to win using the new Royalty win condition, and join the imperial fleet.

    As much as I have been trying contain runaway wealth growth, its ialways a challenge and needing to build 2 extremely impressive throne rooms and bedrooms is.. not helping. I had just past 250k total wealth with 11 pawns.

    Suddenly a massive mech cluster fell to earth. The thing was, it had both high shields and low shields. For several long moments I really believed I was f'ed... I had no emp mortars and trying to keep my wealth down meant I didn't keep have a lot of resources lying around. In 2 days my Map would be toxic soup. I haven't gone down the hydro path and once again I have avoided large stock piles. This needed to be dealt with now.

    I noticed I had one doomsday rocket dropped by pirates, but on my flat map there simply wasn't any cover to run behind and the only angle to hit the high shield brought me to the opposite side of the cluster from my base.

    The Baron Shadow had been a bit of a disappointment in his progression. Starting with painblocker then water skip, solar pinhole.. actually vertigo pulse is pretty good.. and then finally skip. These mostly seemed like good party tricks, but how would... Wait a minute!

    Restricting my peeps and animals in the base, I ran the well armored Baron around behind the cluster and inside the low shield. He aimed carefully and the doomsday sped across the grass annihilating the high shield.

    Now was the moment of truth, with mechs falling from the sky and a rain of charge blasts flying around him he cast skip.. on himself. He was hit a couple times as the cool down from the doomsday ticked away, then he teleported half way around the cluster.

    Their electric brains took no time to adjust and the charge blasts never even paused. But this time without a cool down he teleported again, and then again. Finally he was safe behind some crumbling ruin. His neural heat was maxed out, but from here he could run home.

    The mortars and the kill box handled the rest without breaking a sweat.

    submitted by /u/LaVerner
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    The love life of Gust.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:45 AM PST

    TL;DR : I accepted a refugee hospitality quest. My og guy asked the refuge girl out and spent some time together. Some months after she left, a quest to rescue her pops up and my guy turned into a super hero running through a mortar bombard to save his girl. Lastly, they are expecting a kid!

    Gust used to be a clever engineer up on the glitterworld. He is too smart for his own good and messed with the wrong kind of crowd. Luckily, everything can be fixed with all the techs there so he went under a surgery. One anesthetic later, he found himself on a Rimworld. Lands of violence and survival of the fittest. Also, he was buttnaked.

    Fortunately, Gust has a strong will. He quickly learnt how to conquer his new surroundings and make a home for himself. On a normal raining day of Septober, Gust was reviewing his observation notes in order to make salted meat when he was interrupted by a faint signal.

    "Gale was exiled after having an argument with her leader and asked if she could rest at his home."
    Being an excellent engineer that he is, it was a no brainer. Extra hands to work are welcome. Knowing that, he accepted the plea and let her in.

    Little did he know that what she will turn out later!

    Half a month went by, they grew close. Closer that for "people helping each other out" normally are.
    Gust hit on Gale twice and failed. Guess it didn't work comparing a girl to a Rhino or being edgy about politics.

    But you heard it before. Third time's the charm. Gust carefully forged his words and compliment on her outstanding foxfur tribalwear she had worn for the past half months.

    He succeed.

    They have a happy life together. But not's where it ends. This is a Rimworld not a Disney film.
    Gale had to go. On the day she departed, both promised that they will find each other again. Gale took on her journey and Gust get back to his research table.

    Half a year passed by. He bought one slave, her name was Annie, and have her be the main chef. Their home is getting bigger, safer and more comfortable. A man and woman under the same roof, it's just a matter of time for a romance to happen.

    Unfortunately for Annie, Gust isn't only a strong willed man but also a faithful one. He still loves Gale like when it was the first day they share a bed.

    One evening, Gust was tending the rice field. He, once again, received a signal. This time it wasn't a faint sound but a radio.

    "Gale!!" loudly shouted from his lungs.

    It was so loud it almost drove chemshine drunken muffalos manhunter. Gale said she was held captive in a camp nearby with 2 outlanders, 3 turrets and a devastating mortars, a device of technology which can annihilate an army of soldiers with just one push.

    " I had a trade deal went wrong with the outlanders after I was elected to be the new chief so they took me as a guarantee." - said Gale.

    Now, even Gust himself fully admit as a fact. He is no fighter and has no knowledge of firearms. Only a headbutt from an alpaca and he would be going through pain shock. But if it comes to Gale, he isn't going sit around and let her be captured.

    Clang! Clang!

    the sound of many complex components for analyzing herbs was thrown out as he swiftly started a new project. One that he can use to save his love.

    A Greatbow.

    Another two weeks passed. Gust loaded himself up with a psychic lance and Go-juice he got from a trader and his companion to the success only rescue mission, the greatbow.

    Arrived at the scene, he did. The advanced mortar started firing ASAP it was like raining hell. However, he came prepared. His system doped up with both Go-juice and the greatbow he carefully crafted, he closed in the distance that the mortar couldn't hit him.


    A silently yet conceivable sound of an arrow flying through the air piercing through one of the jailor's leg and had him bleeding. A slowed down raider and another stuck aiming mortar is no match for him.

    He dealt with both of them and rescued Gale, the love of his life. Now they share the very same bed they used to, again. Gust and Gale also are soon to be parents!

    The future of them are promising.

    PS : thanks for reading. I think I might go overboard with the details so I have TL;DR at top. But man, gotta admit. When he run through all the barrage because the mortar bomber sucks ass was super cool.

    submitted by /u/feriou02
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    Happy Birthday, you shall not be harvested

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Suggestion on Speech from the Throne

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    It's a little thing, but I really wish Speeches from the Throne came with flavor text about the speech itself, much like art pieces have.

    The framework clearly already exists to reference events within the colony, and it would make things even more entertaining with the weirdness that would inevitably be generated!

    submitted by /u/LunaticTribble
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    Decided to make a another wall sign for my mod.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:10 AM PST

    How lucky am I to get this potential Thrumbo 43 minutes into a playthrough?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Fyrkat - A viking ring fortress.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:10 PM PST

    The delicate business of running concentration camps for money (Rimworld Royalty DLC)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:19 AM PST

    It all started very fast, sometime in the second year of my colony...

    I was asked by a duke to keep 20 prisoners at my base, so I made my colonists erect a box-like structure with several rooms meant for different purposes. First, there was gen pop, an overcrowded cell with several open cubicals, a table and some art pieces for lifting mood of the prisoners. Then, there was isolation: 4 cells with luxurious wooden furniture, meant for volatile prisoners and harvesting operations. These rooms doubled as colonist quarters when things got rough. Lastly, there was a med bay with 4 beds. I accepted the prisoners for 16 days, and after the time had passed, they were completely broken down piece by piece by my lvl14 psychopath surgeon and sent on their merry way via shuttle. The payment was received.

    In the later years, I would fill up the camp with prisoners of war and sell them off to a tribute collector for honor. But, at one point I was asked with hosting a knight and his court for 20 days. So, I got to work refurbishing the gen pop room into royal quarters for the knight, and erect a temporary wooden box to serve as a throne room outside of the walls. The plan worked perfectly, and the knight spent his entire stay in the refurbished concentration camp cell, and had no idea. Other than the agonizing screams of dead prisoner ghosts coming from the walls, the plan worked out perfectly!

    As soon as the knight was gone, I had gen-pop refurbished back into an overcrowded cell. My methods for riot suppression had become more and more inhumane. Having a berserk rage because we sent your entire family to the armchair factory? No problem! Say hello to the .44 magnum and PRAY that the guard doesn't aim for the brain! Oh, you decided to break down the door of your solitary cell during a raid? It's my personal pleasure to introduce you to a plasteel sword that will mutilate your extremities with orgasmic precision, you cunt! Overall, with 95% success rate– all prisoners were repatriated into their respective cells after a couple bullets to the chest or severed legs. Business is booming, I love my job!

    submitted by /u/dan_prisoner
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