• Breaking News

    Monday, October 5, 2020

    RimWorld These refugees betrayed me and set fire to the mini-base I built for them. While they were still inside.

    RimWorld These refugees betrayed me and set fire to the mini-base I built for them. While they were still inside.

    These refugees betrayed me and set fire to the mini-base I built for them. While they were still inside.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:23 AM PDT

    When you have too many mods...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    What a wonderful mental image

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Rest In Piece, You Are A Legend.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    So, i was going to deal with a huge raid that i thought i wouldn't be able to deal with. And then... A ally faction came to help me. I'm genuinely touched by this. This game has some really strong narrative potential...

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Troubles with the monosword

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    This grave looks really cool with the berry bushes around it :)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:41 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Forgive the phone cam cos I took this to show my BF but what in tarnation?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    I think that is a little dangerous trader

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 07:06 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:59 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Bugs Vs Bugs

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    Landmine Roof Traps!! 192 Tribals failed to get through the front door

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    A fitting statue for my organ farm

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Dr. Randy, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the pain

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Caesar, being his usual self, was busy researching how to make a chair when, suddenly, a call comes on the comms. A man named Steven was running from a small band of pirates, and wants to hole up in my colony.

    Shrugging my shoulders, I think, "Ah, what the hell."

    Drafting all my colonists, I send them outside behind the barricades to await their arrival.

    Steven comes onto the map. Looking at his stats, he's a real catch. Good shooter, a lot of passions, not incapable of anything, perfect health, and most importantly, is a pretty good doctor.

    My mood was soaring at this point. Just gotta kill 5 pirates for this one amazing colonist. How hard could it be?

    They arrive. Split up, because of course. I have to split up my defense party to deal with the two in the north, while the rest of them deals with the 3 in the south.

    Their shitty revolvers and bolt actions won't do any good against Lanius, who has 11 in melee and punched a bear to death. Caesar covers him with his pump action while Lanius runs towards the pirates and stabs them, downing two, making the last one flee. However, he just couldn't run faster than buckshot.

    Meanwhile, in the north, Salamander and Lucius were fighting off the stronger than expected northern party. They were equipped with a revolver and a club, respectively. What can I say, I'm a cheap bastard.

    It's looking fairly well for the two. Hiding behind their barricade, she pops off a few shots while Lucius waits for the opportune moment to close the distance.

    But then I hear a weird noise. Thinking it might be a headphone glitch, I quickly pause the game and alt-tab out, but it stops. Going back into the game window, I hear it once I unpause.

    Then I see it.

    The entire eastern section of the map was on fire. How? No clue. How did I miss that? Who knows? The point was that there was a raging inferno headed straight for my base, which was made of wood.

    Quickly, I send the southern party away from reinforcing the north to fight the huge blaze, which was creeping its way over to Lucius and Salamander. Finally, she gets a lucky shot off and kills a pirate, making the last one flee. I don't have time to chase him down, though. The whole burning to death thing wasn't really in my best interests.

    After hours of firefighting and some colonists dropping of exhaustion, we did it. Half the map is burnt, sure. The anima tree and the nature shrines had to be destroyed to make a firebreak, granted. But at least we were alive.

    That was until a boomalope turned manhunter.

    Slamming my head against my table, I order all doors shut. Not dealing with this.

    Thinking I was safe, I look over the damage of the east, seeing the burnt grass everywhere. It was a hellscape.

    [Colonist needs rescue]


    I move over back to the base and find the worst sight imaginable.

    Someone had left a knife in the door, keeping it open. The boomalope is INSIDE MY WOODEN BASE.

    I try to lure it outside, but it just seems to want to go to my makeshift hospital, instead. It starts biting my injured colonist, and, foolishly, I order it to be killed.

    "Well, if you punch it to death, maybe it doesn't explode."


    The fire raged throughout the base.

    My pants now thoroughly soaked in piss, I order my colonists to put out the fire.

    Most of them were injured from either the pirate fight, the boomalope explosion, the inferno, or in two cases, all three. Only two were able to walk.

    Cursing the name of Randy, I order the fire to be put out.

    Lanius and Steven got to work putting it out. Well, mainly Lanius, though. Steven, for some reason, kept trying to tend to the colonists even after I removed the doctor job from him because I NEED HIM TO PUT OUT THE FIRE. HEALING CAN COME LATER, STEVEN.

    But it was now too late. The hallway peaked at 1000F. Both Lanius and Steven passed out, either from the burns, or the heatstroke. Nobody else could do anything as the fire slowly raged on, killing every single person in the base.

    The only ones left after the fire were my four slaves, in a rice plantation just far enough that the fire didn't spread.

    'Is this karma? Is this what I get for the countless atrocities?' I think to myself.

    But then I realize something. Randy did those things because Randy loves me, and I love Randy. Randy taketh, and Randy taketh more. Randy is God, God is Randy.

    submitted by /u/Mushroomian1
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    Got off the planet right as the Mechs broke in. Knowing my people are safe and seeing my settlement crumble was bittersweet.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    This is Meteor Bait. I got him randomly from an event and didn't care much for him. I wasn't needy for food so I let him live and named him 'Meteor Bait' for the laughs. I teased fate like this and yet this bison has survived twice as long as any other animal in my colony so far. Randy likes irony

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    My pawn made an sculpture that seems to be a subtle reference to a certain someone

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Cataphract - WIP.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Any mod that 'fixes' this? I need a double bed for royalty, but I want this setup (3 spaces wide)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Me and the droids after decimating peaceful tribals

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Randy can be brutal

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    OMG, i have angered Randy. It's Septober of my 2nd year and everything is going great. I have 8 colonists and I like them all. 3 colonists are out on a mission to retrieve a melee skill trainer near camp, while at home we are making 50 cowboy hats (to get a masterwork charge lance!), brewing psychite tea, sleeping in our royal beds, and waiting for crops to grow. Life is good.

    Toxic fallout. Oh crap, well I don't actually have a barn built but i have one sited out. I send the construction team to build the barn, while I mark the smokeleaf and corn for early harvesting. My caravan arrives at the destination. IT'S AN AMBUSH! That was expected. Everyone is wearing flak pant/vest/helmet. What was not expected was that my 2 gunners would shoot like dog crap and miss every shot. The ambush is 5 melee armed tribals. We do no damage before hand to hand time and my man Radar drops them 1 by 1 with his spear, but goes down just as the enemy breaks and runs. Randy informs me that it's time for RAID #1! Okay, I survey the damage. Radar is immobile but should be walking in a day or so. Each of the girls has a light cut and that's it. Head home guys.

    RAID #1: 11 tribals attacking from 3 directions; 6 from the west, 3 from the north, 2 from the east. One of my colonists is Incapable of Violence but the rest are strong fighters. I decide to defeat the enemy in detail, striking at the isolated East group first since they are nearest. I quickly crush the East 2 (1 killed, 1 flees only to be killed by a spike trap), then wheel to the Western defenses to meet the main attack. I get there just in time, everyone performs beautifully, and we win and put the survivors to flight. The northern group reached my village but I quickly eliminated them in street to street combat. A near-flawless victory! The only casualty was Engie who took an arrow to the guts. Mid-battle Randy had informed me that both of the girls in my caravan had developed infections. And also that 3 of my muffalos (including both in the caravan) had the flu. Oh boy, my caravan is immobile.

    I send Engie to the hospital to get patched up. Everyone else has a meal and heads to bed. But they won't get a full night's sleep. Because it's time for RAID #2! It's a siege. OMG, this is bad. They set up base in the middle of the most open spot on the map. The only cover is a meteorite that struck near there. Hmm, from that spot I could pour LMG fire into their base. It's not between them and my base, which is risky, but i can't just let them shatter my base (during toxic fallout no less). We sneak around and set up. It's 4 of us against a lot of them. The LMG announces our presence while we release our boomalopes to attack their base. The pirates swarm our little meteorite from both sides, but each time they do so we quickly devastate them with our short-range weaponry (masterwork revolver, masterwork SMG, excellent sword). Their bolt-action rifles are starting to wear us down and one of my troops drops. The non-violent guy runs in and carries her out to safety. The pirates break and run! Victory! Hard-won victory. Everyone is wounded. On the walk back to the base Engie collapses from blood loss and needs to be carried to the hospital.

    Rios gets to patching up the wounded. Everyone is wounded and has reached minor toxic buildup. The boomalope fire is consuming the pirate dead and i make sure to haul my dropped weapons back inside. I am informed that Rosalinda, from the caravan, has died from her infection. This causes one of my donkeys to go manhunter and he heads straight for the hospital and attacks Rios while he's patching up the wounded. He is incapable for fighting back so he has to run around the base getting bit by a donkey until i can get someone in place to kill the damn thing. While this is going on we find out it's time for RAID #3!!

    RAID #3: 8 tribals attacking from the near-side of the map. They stream past the burning pirate corpses and attack with reckless fanaticism. I have 2 conscious fighters to oppose them: Bray, the 71-year old MVP of the colony with his masterwork SMG, and Walls, rocking the masterwork revolver and who has come up clutch again and again. Both are slowed from their not-yet-treated wounds. We will need to meet the enemy in the streets of The Rift. Each shooter drops an enemy in the first volley! But there are too many. Eventually Bray is stabbed and drops. They charge Walls to do the same but she drops another and another. They decide to grab Bray and run. Walls can't give chase as she can barely move, and instead hunts down the final enemy that has broken down the dining room door and is breaking stuff. She makes quick work of him. Then heads to the hospital to be tended. As Bray is taken off the edge of the map our Labrador retriever loses his mind and goes manhunter, heading straight for the hospital. With 1 conscious fighter i realize that i could be TKed by my own starting animal. But Walls has had enough of this shit. 1 bullet, brain shot, Then she lies down and goes to sleep.

    submitted by /u/HotSteak
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    A Farewell to Arms, part 5

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

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