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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    RimWorld Ammo Dump

    RimWorld Ammo Dump

    Ammo Dump

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I don't care how "gentle" you are, I'm not sending you a trade caravan

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Just landed with a cat. Random event 10 cats joined my colony. Now the games audio is filled with meows.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    I question the legitimacy of your title

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    "New Recruit" - Jugust 5th 5500

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    What's the meaning of this?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Standing Lamp Radius

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    ★[Foretell] coming up Moyo 1.1 update - Glitter in the depth. (Super TLTR) by nemomone3003

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Might be the start of a mega-city

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    A naked brutality run I started over quarantine. Decided to start anew with a medieval run since 1.2 came out. Plans were to add a bar alongside the underground river and a big prison/slave labor camp on the west side around the open area which was planned to be a dropship pad for SRTS ships

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    I got a breeding pair of huskies at the beginning of the game. All the other huskies are descendants of them... The original huskies were called Biggus Dickus and Incontinentia B

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    New to rimworld: 1 pyromaniac and 2 incapable of firefighting

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    New to rimworld and I just learned what most of you probably already knew: Don't just pick the crew with the best stats.

    Appearently I picked 1 pyromaniac and 2 incapable of firefighting. Two weeks into the game I had to watch my colony burn down and there was nothing I could do about it. I savescummed and the same just happened again some days later...

    I guess rimworld comes with some Dwarf Fortress #fun in it.

    submitted by /u/Itchy58
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    First Ship Win on 200% Randy! (Story and Pics attached)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Overseer's Diary: Septober, 5504

    "This is it. The day has finally arrived. We're getting off this cursed rock. I've lived here for nearly five long years, and we're finally getting to go home... Or, well, wherever this AI decides to take us. This place has been turned into a warzone over the past two weeks, I've never seen anything like it. Honestly I can't blame them for wanting to leave, but I never realised just how badly some people want to get out. One of the worst days was when the pirates attacked our base at the same time as the mechanoids... The poor bastards never stood a chance against so many Caterpillars. I've attached a photo."

    "But that's by far not the worst part, we were raided pretty much every day of these two weeks, how we got through it with no serious losses I have no idea. Probably lucky that we had a such a good roboticist."

    "We had to call for support from our allies every single time, sending off thousands of kilos of plasteel and gold just to make sure they didn't leave us to die out here. In the end most of them still had cordial relationships with us. They probably got tired of hearing my voice."

    "The worst part about the whole ordeal is the sheer amount of death and destruction outside the walls as a result. There was no way to safely collect all the bodies since there might be another raid any minute. I won't lie, we had to take some pretty drastic measures, hacking fellow androids and causing them to self-destruct was but one single thing in a sea of many that I regret."

    "All the pod debris... You'd think it might stop them from coming, but no. Every day, they just kept arriving. So be it. I can see my friends boarding the ship already. I have to say, it certainly doesn't look flight worthy, but if the AI says it works I believe it. Ahah, I keep calling it an AI... So are we I suppose... I hadn't thought about that."

    "I said my goodbyes to Scarborough... I don't know if he understood me. He always look so happy. I'm sort of glad I forgot to train him to kill. He's better off without the knowledge. Maybe that'll make the rim just a little bit safer."

    "I can still see him waiting outside the ship, smiling. He helped me get in the cryptosleep casket. I think he knows that I have to go. I really hope he finds a new loving owner. I don't want to leave him here... But... Well, maybe this place will become his when we're gone. Maybe, just maybe, he'll make this his home forever. The walls would keep him safe, and he has more shiny stuff than he could ever need. Who knows. It's not for me to decide after all. I just hope he's happy with what we've left for him. Goodbye Scarby."

    -End of Transcript-

    The Raids Collide

    Fourteen Days of Hell

    Our Brave Allies

    The Destruction

    We Head to the Ship

    I say Goodbye to Scarby

    He Watches as We Leave

    Scarborough is Left to Fend for Himself

    And this is His Prize

    submitted by /u/DraconianH
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    A group of wild people wandered in and one of them was a Countess!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Does anyone else setup secondary settlements to strip mine mountains?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    ★ [HC] Giant, additional outfit + equipment. by HellCross

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Something's just a little suspicious about this Empire town...

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    preferred mid-late game resource acquisition?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    so what is everyone's approach to get resources after the regular veins on the map have been depleted?

    disregarding special mods the options should more or less look like this:

    A) ground-penetrating scanner & deep drill

    since 1.1 deposits are infinite (i.e. spawned instead of added with initial map generation)


    • you don't have to leave the safety/comfort of your base at all


    • 700W / 200W power drain
    • initial resource cost of combined 400 steel, 10 components and 2 adv. components
    • requires a researcher and time to uncover deposits
    • results are random, both ore type and location
    • if you need components you have to find steel and convert that on a fabr. bench

    B) long-range mineral scanner


    • can focus specific resource (even components)


    • 700W power drain
    • initial resource cost of combined 200 steel, 6 components and 2 adv. components
    • requires a researcher and time to find nearby deposits
    • sites can be defended
    • might require pack animals to haul

    C) strip mining random map tiles

    (either via temporary second colony or set-up camp mod)


    • no initial ressource cost
    • might find other useful stuff (e.g. archotech, artifacts) in ancient dangers if 2nd colony


    • site is subjected to events (unless using set-up camp mod and deactivating that option)
    • vein locatons are unknown thus it will take longer
    • main base amenities unavailable
    • probably requires pack animals to haul or local pod launchers

    D) trade caravans

    i.e. mainly via actively sending caravans to other factions nearby


    • no initial steel & components cost
    • might find other useful stuff (e.g. archotech, artifacts)


    • need to acquire silver in some way (e.g. organs, drugs, art)
    • might take visits to several bases to find what you are looking for
    • main base amenities unavailable
    • probably requires pack animals to haul

    E) passively via smelting, ship chunks, quests, orbital trading beacon...

    i.e. not leaving your base and just doing what you would be anyway


    • no initial steel & components cost
    • you don't have to leave the safety/comfort of your base at all (unless you deliberately accept those quests)


    • requires patience and you don't get to see the other parts of gameplay (i.e. caravans, encounter maps, ...)

    the pro/con lists are certainly not complete, i.e. I disregarded some points like caravan ambushes since they generally seem to be a non-issue or that mining yield is based on skill

    please correct any misinformation

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Tiryan122
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    Velasquez died!!

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    So for those wondering what's the difference between randy on medium, and randy on highest (no save mode):

    BEFORE: Raids are 2-5 ppl Heatwave is 45 C Mechanoids = 2-3 units

    AFTER: Raid was 16 ppl (13 with bows) Heatwave is 59C Mechanoids dropped a crop-destroying wreck +6 sleeping scythers...

    So at first i thought i might just build a couple columns and be ok, but then a caravan was passing by right through the scythers, so i jumped on the opportunity and rallied my troops to assist the caravan... who was equipped with bows and clubs... By the time i got to the scythers the caravan had already been decimated with not a single hit landing on the mechs...so here i was... out in the open marsh... ducking around with 6 scythers with my 5 colonists... (1 left to sleep off the previous raids injuries).

    Nestor got unconcious right away, as Toni kept throwing emp grenades on his body as others retreated. Scythers broke through the stun area and 1-shotted Velasquez (98% sharp defense). After barely killing the last 3 Scythers, Nestor was saved. Velasquez goes into the corps pile.

    1 colonist left standing. 3 unconcious. 1 dead.

    Kagara is missing an eye and HER STOMACH. Just gone.

    I need to capture me some people... lots of "rebuilding" to do

    submitted by /u/grummor
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    Haunted Rimworld

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    It's only an herb, bro.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    Want to Buy RimWorld but Will it Run on my Laptop ?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    I have a pretty old Laptop(I Think / Acer V3-771)

    • i5-3230M | 8GB RAM | GeForce GT 730M

    I currently don't have the funds for a Computer but I have plans to build a Desktop with RTX 3070. For the time being, am I run this game one my current Laptop?

    Also, Should I buy the DLC content ?


    submitted by /u/NEETologist
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    Rimworld Tribals in a nutshell

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:13 PM PDT

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