• Breaking News

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    RimWorld 817 hours played and I just realized that the auto turret is not centered to its range. I am about to have a mental break.

    RimWorld 817 hours played and I just realized that the auto turret is not centered to its range. I am about to have a mental break.

    817 hours played and I just realized that the auto turret is not centered to its range. I am about to have a mental break.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Drugs are the solution after all

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Made a delightful little marriage spot for my colonists but NOOOO the guests would rather leave the deck and stand in the river to watch through the fence than just sit down. Ungrateful twerps.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    My 100hr+ colony. Enjoy :)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    Imagine, in the middle of a thunderstorm, seeing 25 manhunting elephants come from the ocean

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    And that's when you know your colony is over

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Newborn Thrumbo

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Sometimes you want to build an extravagant and beautiful base even if is not efficient. But I think it's time to let it go and focus again on the main goal of the game, harvesting humans.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:37 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Got this from r/memes, every time I see stuff like this I think of you guys

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Rimworld Moment

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Glorious end by 160+ Xenoraid... 8th Aprimay, 5505

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Audio log, year 5505, 8th of Aprimay, User: Christopher Jensen, Alias: Seeker....Begin playback...

    This was hard day. We got raided by formidable squad of Xenomorphs. Not the first time this happened, but this time we got few people injured. Our freshly joined warrior Nag got bitten quite hard by one of the Hunters. Doc and Triss were sent to his rescue, but my wife have been injured as well. Damned XENOS! Their blood is pure acid and even stepping on it can hurt you bad. Gray got a bit taste of that. Well, this day got us some troubles, but nothing we can't stop. We have seen and dealt with many raids like that, I am sure we can hold even longer. I am planning on beginning Project "Escape", our research towards escape ship is almost completed. Soon we will finally get out of here! Even though, it is warm today, wind is a bit chilly... I have a bad feeling...

    Audio log, year 5505, 8th of Aprimay, User: Madea, Lieutenant of the Confederation of Lenum....Begin playback...

    Our leader have dealt with our Xeno problem today, as usual - perfectly. Archotech implants and bionics are miracle. I never seen a man move so fast, fight so hard, aim so perfectly. He worked so hard to get this and to get us so far... Even though, I just joined his colony few month ago, he already made me his Lieutenant... I was his enemy, but he showed me kindness. Even when I asked: "Why?", he just said: "You didn't give up on your life. You fought until the end. I don't think that Crystalloid collective will appreciate your efforts. I don't want you to be a pawn, I want you to be a part of something big, a part of our family". I will never forget his words. *Sigh* Anyway, my usual report. Computer, exclude message until I begin managing report...
    *Ahem*, report #73. Usual stockpile count - exceptional. Traumas to colonists - little. Accidents - Xeno attack. Food stockpile - exceptional. Energy grid - standard approximate of 300kW. End log.

    Colony overview, 8th of Aprimay, 5505


    Combat audio log, user: Seeker

    Seeker: HOLY SHIT! WHY SO MANY OF THEM DID ARRIVE HERE? Madea! Get Sergeant Garner back on her feet!
    Madea: Yes sir!
    Garner: I got damaged by acid, sir! I think... my arm won't be that effective anymore. Bionics are damaged!
    Seeker: God damn it! How's Nag?
    Nag: I can fight, bro.
    Seeker: Get Plasteel Glaive from weapon stash!
    Nag: On my way.
    *Fighting sounds, one can hear a lot of shooting from USCM Combat turrets and continuous shots from some kind of Plasma rifle\*
    Seeker: Shit! I am getting surrounded! Madea! Wake the fuck up Private Shallath! I NEED HER RIGHT NOW!
    Madea: Sir, I will go there to help you!
    Seeker: Disregard! I didn't give such order! There are too many of them, I have Archotech and Attomachinery defensive cloth, I can handle it!
    Madea: But sir!..
    Seeker: SHUT UP AND DO WHAT I SAY! Madea, please. Just do it.
    Madea: Yes.. Sir.
    Private channel - Triss: Chris, are u sure you can do it? Maybe we should abandon settlement. Our lives... Your life is more important...
    Private channel - Seeker: There's no coming back now. I must stop them. Or all of you will die. Hide in living area. I can handle myself. Block channel.
    Private channel - Triss: CHRISTOPHER, WA...
    Seeker: Listen to my order *heavy breathing\, everyone, hide in living areas, Madea, get all batteries you can from reactor area and install them in living area. Defend the doors, I will hold them back. Request aid from nearby settlements and USCM, we need them asap. I will cut the line so you won't break my concentration. Seeker out...
    *Running sounds***
    Seeker: Computer, play the song number 291. This is going to be fun...
    Acknowledged. Playing song: Shadow Cliq - State of Mind.

    Enemy overview

    *Heavy breathing\*
    "You won't get past me, bastards..."
    *Shooting sounds, Xeno screams\*
    "Gah! Shit, this acid can even get through Atto... What the fuck?!"
    *Heavy panting, shooting sounds, Xeno Screams\*
    "...The mother of God... Record camera A-S-M31..."

    Recording from Security Camera A-S-M31

    Last record, battle log #481, User: Seeker.
    *Xenomorph screams\*
    "Take that, take that u fucking piece of shit! You want more?! YOU WANT MORE, BASTARDS?! I'll shove your fucking tongue down your ass so far you'll start coughing!"
    *Shooting sounds, Xeno sounds get much closer\*
    "Fuck! Get of me! You wanna piece of my saber?! I'll give you that!"
    *Slicing sounds, Xeno screams, scratching sounds\*
    "You think you can chew through me, huh?! You will rather break your fucking teeth! TAKE SOME MORE OF THAT YOU BASTARDS!"
    *Battle sounds intensifies, Xeno screams fills coms so loud is barely possible to hear anything besides that, for several long minutes battle continues\*
    "*Panting, weird acid sounds\, Bastards... Too much acid... How many more?.. How many... more?.. **Slashing sound somewhere behind**"
    *Warning, life signs are lost... User Seeker suffered critical brain damage, all vital system continue to function... Resuscitate attempt... Fail... Attempt two... Fail... Cause - severe brain trauma... Shutting down all systems, deleting Archotech system record... Lo..-di.. Ex... Syst... b-z-z-t..

    Moment of death captured by camera A-S-M28

    Beginning playback from audio point #19-s-12:
    Triss: No-o-o! Let me out! Let me help him! We have resurrecting mech serum! We can help him!!
    Madea: We can't do it, sorry, Triss... It is too dangerous. We must leave asap. Seeker wouldn't want it...
    Thiss: Let me out! You fucking walking cold piece of stone! You don't understand! LET ME OUT, NOW!
    System message: Warning. User - Triss, beginning to suffer from mental break...
    Madea: Shit... Sorry, Triss. *hitting sound, body drops\*
    Doc: I will get her back as soon as I can...
    Madea: Thank you. I will install power nodes, we are loosing energy fast. I'll deal with that. Computer... Play... Play song number 83 from Seeker's library, he would like to listen to it when we will hold off this bastards here.
    Acknowledged. Playing song: We are Fury - Demons (feat. Micah Martin)

    Colony overview before catastrophic recording failure

    Medbay audio recording log:
    Triss: \whispering\** Nag, you must help me, you are strong and nimble, you can get to Seeker. Deliver him mech serum and insert it into his head, he will help us...
    Nag: I see, I'll do it.
    Skipping silent recording...
    *Xeno screams\*
    Nag: *Screaming\*
    Madea: No! NAG!.. Shit, everyone, grab a weapon! We must hold them off!

    Recording from camera A-S-M14

    Autodoor audio log:
    Madea: Hold them! Hold them off!
    *Shooting and fighting sounds, Xeno screams\*
    Gray: I... Can't! A-A-A! Too many of them! A-A-A!
    Madea: Gray! STOP! YOU WILL KILL US ALL!
    Shallath: Enemy detected from behind, Lieutenant. I suggest u all retreat from here.
    Madea: What?! How? Whe-...
    *Xeno screams from afar\*
    Shallath: LT, you leave. I will die protecting you.
    Madea: Shallath don't be silly, we can leave together! We must find...
    Garner: I will stay with her. Madea, you are the only one here left, who have all the knowledge and skill to leave from here. You must understand, Seeker left so much faith in you because he knew that there's something inside of you, that differ your persona from any other Crystalloid... He had faith in you. Carry our legacy. Carry our word...*Xeno screams nearby\* Go now. Run through the medbay. Get Seeker's items and run from here and don't look behind.
    Madea: *Sobbing sounds\* B-but, I can't just leave you all to die here!
    Shallath: You must. You have feelings. Crystalloids barely do. Seeker knew that. You must.
    *Shooting sounds, Xenomorph screams\*
    Garner: MADEA - GO! NOW!
    Madea: I.. I'm sorry...

    *Several minutes pass. Shooting sounds, xenos screams everywhere\*
    Shallath: Did she left?
    Garner: Yeah. So.. We die here, right?
    Shallath: Yes.
    System message. Colonist Gray, the cook - decayed. Cause - critical trauma to the lungs.
    *Dying Xeno screams\*
    Garner: Damn you Gray...
    Shallath: I think my body sustained critical amount of damage. I will shatter any moment now. I've done all I can.
    Garner: Shallath?
    Shallath: I am sorry, I think I can't continue... I.. Have... Tried...
    Garner: Shallath!
    System message. Colonist Shallath, protecting Sergeant - decayed. Cause - acid melting.
    Garner: FUCK! Where are USCM?! We have called them hours ago! They... won't come, right?..
    *Shooting sounds, Xenos sounds getting closer\*
    System message. Colonist Doc, the Doctor - decayed. Cause - hemorrhagic shock, blood loss.
    System message. Colonist Mamaea, the cook - decayed. Cause - fatal heart wound.
    Garner: *Panting\* I still can't die... Until I know... Come get me sons of bitches!
    *Shooting sounds intensifies, Xenos screams, Garner screams\*
    System message. Colonist Triss - decayed. Cause - severe acid burns.
    System message. Colonist Nag, the fighter - decayed. Cause - chestbursting unknown organism.
    Garner: *Heavy breathing, Xenos chatter nearby\* C'mon... Madea... C'mon... *Grenade activation sound\*
    System message. Colonist Madea, colony Lieutenant have left colony scanner range.
    Garner: *relieved sigh\* Finally...
    System message. Colonist Garner, USMC Sergeant - decayed. Cause - thermoplasmic explosion. Class VII.
    Warning, colony sustained severe damage. Activating code Delta-Echo-3. Authorization - Commander Seeker. Cause - colony abandoned. Activating plasmic charge inside Plasma generator. Quantum detonation in the reactor core... Central reactor core will reach critical state in T-minus, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, t-w-w-w-w-w-o-o-o-o-o.. z-z-z-z-t... o-o-o-n-n-n-e... zzzzt

    *Colony record black-box finished. Exiting log\*

    Upon the forest floor lie trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. They have the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind Madea of seaside waves; even the color of the moss is kelp-like. They are soft, damp, yet her fingers come away dry. She were walking away from timid horror, but forest seemed as quiet and peaceful as ever. She left all behind, everything. However, she knew that she must go and carry legacy of the Lenum with her.

    Madea tilts her head upward, feeling her hair tumble further down her back; the trees are several houses tall, reaching toward the golden rays of spring. Birdsong comes in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing working together as well as any improvised melody. A new smile paints itself upon her clear face, rose-pink lips semi-illuminated by the dappled light while her shiny blue hair left reflected sun rays in a way as it makes forest around ocean-like. Before she knows it her feet have begun to walk, body and mind both on autopilot - it's morning-time and no-one knew which story she witnessed. What have happened to her."What name should I give to the new colony?.. Hm... I know. I'll call it, Seeker's Settlement."

    submitted by /u/Altremo
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    So I was rebuilding my base and I had to move some stuff around but I forgot some stuff. Note to self: Dont leave beer outside!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    [MOD] ★ HC_Animal_3 ★

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    [RELEASE] Rimworld: Altered Carbon - Stacks and Sleeves || Immortality has arrived! For Rimworld 1.1 and 1.2!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Romance on the Rim.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    The end of a colony. Destroyed by my own greed and and modding addiction.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Ever just hate your own attitude so much you insult yourself to your daughter?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I would like to share my Royalty DLC run as a timelapse video. It was played on the hardest difficulty. I hope you like it! I would appreciate any feedback <3

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    I didn't know quests would scale up this much!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    an animation i made inspired by the loss of my colonist to a hungry bear :(

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Would you bring yourself in a crashland?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    My perfect colony

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

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