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    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    RimWorld Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- June 23, 2020

    RimWorld Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- June 23, 2020

    Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- June 23, 2020

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Please use this thread as a week-to-week space to ask your fellow /r/RimWorld colonists for assistance. Whether it be colony planning, help with mods, or general guidance, post any questions you may have here! If you have an effort post about a game mechanic then this is also fine space for that but please consider making a separate subreddit post for maximum visibility. I am a bot, so I can't make jokes. If you'd like a Typical Tuesday joke, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    i Guess Peace never was an option

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    his nametag showed blitz and i was gonna put krieg behind it but i was happily suprised when i tried to

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    My first attempt at a planned colony and I think its pretty nice

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress all over again

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    2 Earthquakes and a meteor shower later....Randy can HAVE the damn Geothermal vent. Not rebuilding it again

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    I did not think Sea Ice was possible but after 6 years, this is what my base looks like... I cannot believe it...

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:44 AM PDT


    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Imagine proposing, getting rejected, then rejecting a proposal from the same person literally a second later

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    Rimworld runs really well

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Where's the modlist Lebowski?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    You'll Get No Sympathy From Me

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I call this one The Discotech

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Rimworld down under

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Analysis of 1.1 Chemical Interest and Fascination

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Chemical Interest / Fascination have often been considered some of the worst traits in Rimworld for a long, long time. With the changes that 1.1 brought the two have been drastically overhauled, and I think that people haven't really picked up on how the new version functions. I figured I'd write a post and try to rectify that.

    So, what was Chemical Interest and Fascination like prior to 1.1?

    Before 1.1, Chemical Interest and Fascination had two effects, based on the severity of the trait.

    • If Chemical Interest, the pawn's Character Quality would be reduced by 10%
    • If Chemical Fascination, the pawn's Character Quality would be reduced by 15%
    • Teetotalers get a -25 social penalty to Chemical Interest / Fascination pawns
    • Both randomly have Drug Binge mental breaks just like Gourmands go on Food Binges or Pyromaniacs set things on fire. Chemical Fascination would consume many more drugs than Chemical Interest, however.

    While the character quality hit was nice, the threat of losing control of your pawn at a key moment was, of course, incredibly detrimental. This was compounded by the fact that binges could be lethal if hard drugs were present in your colony, leading to occasions such an old pawn suddenly snorting yayo to death when you finally get drug production in full force, or even just getting smokeleaf / psychite / alcohol addiction and either being useless for half a year or burning through your supply on their own. This lead to the common meta of either only allowing them in colonies with no drugs (basically making them worse teetotalers, which was already a bad trait), locking up all drugs behind walls unless needed, or most commonly just turning them into a nice pair of pants and an entree.

    Drug production was and is one of the biggest ways to make money, so you can imagine that for a single trait to effectively lock all that off meant that the trait was truly abysmal. To be permanently KOS was something only shared with Pyromaniacs, and at least they made bases end with a show.

    So, what are Chemical Interest and Fascination like now?

    With 1.1, the entirety of the trait was overhauled bar the character quality reductions, which are the same as before. Teetotaler hate is also a bit stronger.

    • Drug binges are no longer specifically tied to Chemical Interest and Fascination pawns and no longer randomly occur. Instead, they are now a major mental break and can happen to any pawn if their mood is below the threshold. While my testing makes it seem like binging is more common with chemical interest / fascination pawns when they break (may just be coincidence), they get the benefit of catharsis, unlike before.
    • Teetotalers get a -30 social penalty to Chemical Interest / Fascination pawns and vice versa.
    • The trait causes a 'Chemical Need' bar under the pawn's Needs tab. While a pawn is awake, this bar will drain over time, and go from providing positive moodlets when filled to a more severe negative one if drugs are not taken. Chemical Interest has a +3 mood bonus devolve over time to a -6 at increments of 10%, 30%, 60%, and 75%, whereas Chemical Fascination goes from +6 to -12 at increments of 10%, 25%, 40%, 70%, and 85% chemical need. This means that Quick Sleepers burn through their chemical need at a faster rate, and Chemical Fascination pawns have a faster drain rate on top of quickly losing needs met benefits versus Chemical Interest pawns. A pawn with Chemical Fascination and Quick Sleeper burns through the bar about 9.8% faster than a pawn with only fascination, about 28.2% faster than a Chemical Interest Quick Sleeper, and around 42.8% faster than a Chemical Interest pawn alone. In effect, Chemical Interest Quick Sleepers were found to be burning through the chemical need about 11.4% faster, but if we account for sleep differences and such we can just say the trait is about a 10% difference. While sleep leads to some variance, the drain rate on the chemical need bar is approximately:
    1. Chemical Fascination: 9% / day
    2. Chemical Fascination+ Quick Sleeper: 9.882% (10%) / day
    3. Chemical Interest: 7% / day
    4. Chemical Interest + Quick Sleeper: 7.798% (8%) / day
    • Drugs fill this meter back up in set increments. Both Interest and Fascination fill up the same amount for each drug, and the amount is based on whether the drug is a social drug or a hard drug. Social drugs (beer, smokeleaf joints, ambrosia, psychite tea) add 20% to the bar, whereas hard drugs (Go-juice, yayo, flake, wake-up) add 30%. Luciferium and penoxycline are medical drugs and do nothing. As a result, beer / mixing drugs is key to keeping the chemical need bar maxed out safely and consistently.
    • Chemical Interest / Fascination pawns respect Forbidden things and some restrictions. They won't use forbidden drugs and respect limiting drug use based on mood, but may snort some yayo lying around. The only exception to this nuance is a binge mental break, but this can happen to any pawn.

    Is it worth keeping a pawn with the traits?

    Yeah. At worst, you have a pessimist / depressive pawn with a slight decrease to raid size. At best, you have a 1/2 of / a full Optimist pawn with reduced raid size. Teetotalers are very subpar considering how powerful drugs are in all situations, so the animosity there isn't an issue. Now that they won't randomly decide to ride the Flake Train to the afterlife, the trait's actually in a pretty good spot.

    All in all, the traits are pretty middle of the pack. One's easier to handle but gives less benefit in the right circumstance, the other's the opposite. The character quality / pawn value decrease on traits that aren't explicitly detrimental is basically unique and helps make up for the slightly rougher early game until you can get your first smokeleaf / psychite leaf / hops harvest (or buy some joints from a merchant).

    Give good pawns with 'em a chance. They won't disappoint.

    submitted by /u/Spazgrim
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    Here are some OP mods that are out there

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Yes, these are OP mods that make survival on the Rim very easy when abused:

    • Embrasures: You shoot through your walls and it counts as a wall as well as cover. Make a house or base out of this and raids are not a challenge. Doesn't matter if you get it from ED, Medevil Times, or another mod. They put barriers, windows, trenches, and heavy sandbags to shame.
    • Super soil: Ability to make soil with 5000% fertility... OP.
    • Dryxsteel: Crazy HP and ridiculous stat boosts on beauty, vanilla melee weapon stats, and misc. effects like door opening speed. One dryxsteel longsword will oneshot all but the toughest of modded enemies.
    • Ultraweave: Crazy HP and stats on your clothes.
    • Definitely More Cannons: Composite Alloy is mad strong in terms of HP and equipping 2 of any piece of the composite armors can easily max 200% armor ratings in all 3 categories. The P60 is an incredible unmanned auto-turret. If you use composite alloy/dryxsteel to make embrasures or an unmanned turretbase, then raids are really just that easy.
    • ED-cheat reactor: 100,000 watts instantly and for free. To a lesser extent, Advanced Power Generation's Advanced Nuclear power plant combined with Big Batteries' Giga Battery is OP.
    • Surgery mods: EPOE, RBSE, archotech expanded, GeneSeed, Mechalit, CONN, Evolved Organs, etc.: Make your characters get OP stats. They probably won't lose that body modification in combat, ever.
    • Genetic Rim: One Archotech Centipede will kill anything and everything. Even your own base. Mechanoid wool is really good. The mecha cross breeds are OP animals. Has various animal implants available, of which some are crazy good.
    • Infused: Like stacking various permanent buffs on equipment? The exponential compounding of effects easily makes any character OP.
    • Rimarsenal series' weapons: Many expansions have weapons that are really powerful. Even pistols that have ridiculous damage.
    • Polarisbloc series: Many expansions have some overpowered items. Items that instantly resurrect on death, the hellsong and other artillery weapons that have stupid low cooldown, shield belts that allow you to shoot with them equipped.
    • Shield generator mods: Any mod that creates a shield generator where you can shoot out of it and it blocks incoming projectiles. Vanilla - Security expanded is great but combining the shield generators, flame turrets, and barbed wire is OP.
    • Prepare carefully: Modify your starting character(s) and your starting resources to your heart's content. Want all the best surgeries and traits? You got it.
    • Misc. Robots++: Robots doing all your work is really convenient. But omni-bots doing everything are... crazy. Maintenance is cheap.
    • Misc. MAI: The advanced android is overpowered. Double passions in all work areas, a really good trait, and a 100 mood self-buff. Upkeep is easy.

    Now what kinds of enemies would you have to be fighting to "justify" abusing any of these OP mods?

    • Alien vs Predator Mod: Very strong monsters and hazardous events that accompany them
    • Starship troopers: A good mix of bugs in a raid can be difficult to fend off.
    • Zombieland: hordes of over 100 zombies require some good defenses and a stable source of cheap or sustainable ranged damage. Hopefully you will not have to burn everything.
    • Definitely more cannons: The advanced armored centipedes are tough with 200% armor in all sections and plenty of health.
    • A combination of raid AI enhancements...Dire raids, enhanced raiders, careful raiders, and endless survival mode etc.: Raids are huge, well equipped, try to avoid obvious kill zones, and they come often.
    submitted by /u/vouchasfed
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    Ode to the stupidity of a Yak

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Grace was a lovely yak

    But you really couldn't say

    She was smart as fuck

    She had tons of hay

    If she needed a snack

    I'd even let her prey

    On surplus meals and packs

    Yet Grace wanted more

    And she beelined to my fields

    As i let an angry roar

    She destroyed my potato yields

    I tried to block the bovine

    I even offered more rations

    But she liked those plants so fine

    I couldn't halt her passion

    My anger grew so high

    I wanted my potatoes back

    And i finally let out a sigh

    As my stoves cooked a yak

    submitted by /u/HalstenPosse
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    I don't think so buddy...

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Rimworld of Magic - class reviews and discussion

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    This mod is super awesome and after playing for a couple weeks I'll like to share my thought and wanna hear what you guys think about them as well:

    My favorite mage classes:


    Super versatile:

    - Accelerate time AOE is very good at dealing with heavily armored humans when you are pinged down. Great to ramp up your magicyte production or use it on the corn farm when your food is low.

    - Reverse time: It reverse any injuries done recently (such as lost limbs etc), at higher level you can resurrect recent death but at a cost (the caster gets severe debuff and lost some skill level - possible bug), you can also cast it on your tank and your tank will never fall for the duration of the spell but it reverse aging as well so don't use it too much on younger pawns. It also basically help make your older pawn younger and live forever. It also repair any items but there are better way to do that with other spells.


    - Regeneration is the best healing spells, you cast pre-cast on your tank to keep him healed up for the duration of the spell.

    - Furtile soil really beef up your magicyte production (to something close to 400%)

    - Cure diseases cure any curable diseases in the game, food poisoning, infection, plague etc. Druid is the only one can do it. it can be auto casted so no micro-management needed

    - Regrowth limb - a weird spell that create a seed, you need to perform surgery (but with mana) and plant the seed into the missing body parts (kidney, lung, legs, arms), and it will slowly grow it back. it is very slow and takes a long time (10-20 days), it has 4 stages, the 3rd stage your limb is fully functioning like normal and 4th stage they work 25% better so it's comparable to bionics


    - Non-violent is the main penalty, but otherwise super useful.

    - Advanced heal is very cheap and can be auto-casted, completely replace need for tending wounds.

    - Healing circle is very powerful and large AOE that can heal a bunch of pawns at the same time similar like regeneration.

    - Purify - best spell and unique to Priest - it cure some of the usually permanent illness that is not wound/diseases or missing limbs. Such as any scars, heart condition (artery blockage etc), lung problems, even old age - related brain problem, and also remove all addiction (including Luciferium addiction!). you name it. These are only possible with the priest.


    - the Big gun:

    - Specialize in the techno weapon and max them out asap, your weapon will shred through anything with superior accuracy, and randomly explode, stun and other effect. very high damage. In my opinion the best combat class even if it's a mage.

    - Other abilities are ok, but more situational. The kinetic shield is pretty good defense if you are caught in the open.

    - The class is limited but the combat prowess alone make it worth it.

    My favorite combat classes:


    - My opinion may be biased because i got this class very late game where I beefed the crap out of her with advanced bionics and legendary robes of archmage. But god damn none of my other melee characters can match her level of badassness even with similar gears (full cataphract armor etc).

    - In fact if you think about this, her abilities scales very well with your tech even starting monk

    - She was able to face tank single-handedly and destroy a stream of 40 Mammoth Worms hunting pack ALL by herself without any help at a choke point.

    - meditation - this recharge her secondary energy (Ch'i) and can start anytime, the amazing thing is that it also heal you, recharge sleep and increase mood. you can toggle it on in the middle of combat as long as you are not fight at that very moment, and heal whatever injury you have quickly. truly amazing ability. this essentially mean she need very little sleep since she can just meditate any time during the day to recover some sleep. it also regeenrate mood so shee is happy all the time.

    - tiger strike - your main attack. like D&D flurry of blows incredible quick attack auto-triggered 40% of every time you hit (i think when it triggers it hit like 10 times+ instantly), and each hit has chance for stun and drain energy or critical. takes small amount of chi high penetration, melee centipede or thrumbo without any issues. great damage and versatility

    - dragon strike push people away when you are surrounded, havent used it very often since im usually careful not get surrounded.

    - Monk has huge bonus melee dodge and innate damage reduction that's reverse proportion to the weight of armor she wears. So make the best robes of archmagi (thrumbo /gallatross leather or hyperweave). at early game she can get better defense being naked.

    - Best Legion skill - copy Phase strike from your bladedancer and equip her with a melee weapon when she is not fighting, this help level her up quickly.


    - You will need the thrumb bow, otherwise with just vanilla bows its not very good. I will rifle until I find the thrumb bow. Legendary thrumb bow is better damage and penetration than the charge rifle by itself and a ranger does 80% more damage with it

    - animal companion is very good when you get giddy up mod, since they make your animal companion so much faster and you can kite most thing and thrum bow have insane range.

    - best legion skill: disabling shot from the sniper to help capture pawns you want.


    - one of the best utility combat class:

    - Mimic : you can mimic most mage spells and cast them using stamina (which regen 10x faster) at full power. For example: lightning storm for large AOE damage. Regenerate to regen in combat. Summon - to summon tough enemies (or sappers) one by one into the base for slaughter (recommend building faceless to heavy melee class). During peace time, copy Accelerate time to speed up grow of crops

    - transpose (fast cooldown, cheap teleport that swap position with an ememy)

    - deception - invisibility that last 1 full minute to help you close in on an ememy for a possession.

    - possession : possess the dude with doomsday rocket and blow up his own teammate?

    - they are also decent melee fighters with defense ability and bonues

    Honorable mentions:

    - Geomancer : stoneskin is a very powerful spells, at max level it give target full immunity for first 7 hit you take and it RECHARGES slowly as long as you don't lose all of it. Give it to the monk!

    - Enchanter: Transmute will make you rich. Make steel plate armor and transmute them into gold plate armor and sell it for $$$$.

    - Blade dancer: super good melee and very mobile, they are exceptional vs group of human pawns. good dodge chance. Overall not as versatile as the monk but you can put on heavy armor i think they are still one of the best choice.


    In my current playthrough, I am playing as the good guys. So I haven't used classes like the Necromancer, death knight, and blood mage, i heard they are pretty good but I dont have any experience with them.

    submitted by /u/patrickconstantine
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    What do you think about my kill box guys ?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    my colonist John 'Blitz' Kriegster and the base he build on his own

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    I'm never leaving this decent barrack!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    This seems inappropriate.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    My battle yorkies are getting better

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Weasel, you little fuck

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:00 PM PDT

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