• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    RimWorld About to have my first child and my friend dropped off a care package including this

    RimWorld About to have my first child and my friend dropped off a care package including this

    About to have my first child and my friend dropped off a care package including this

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    Did a little comic doodle

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I usually get a lot of hate on my posts for using mods, because they are "cheating". I feel like more people need to see this tooltip.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    MRW my melee colonist attempts to finish off a boomrat.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Surviving Mars had this popup for an 'artwork' found in a meteorite. I wonder if the devs play Rimworld!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Legendary Artwork

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Lies Upon Eyes

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Year 2 of my zombie city base

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    She must be REALLY comfy.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Any geologists out there want to correct a year one student's glance at the loading screen?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    How many red foxes?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    So you're probably wondering how I got here...

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    My mountain base over 1100+ days.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    My current colony! I tried my best tagging stuff, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Best change ever

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    While technically possible it is hard to find a more useless pawn

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    One of my colonists leg has been bitten off in a fight. Wanted to illustrate how I imagine that happened

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I (very quickly) sketched a few of my current favorite colonists!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Here's also my base, nothing too great but hei it's (something) work

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I'm kinda fucked, aren't I?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Looks dead to me, but okay, 24 minutes left.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    At long last i gathered enough resources to build this bad boy and now i will never struggle with power again.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Please wait your turn.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Nice namegen there. Poor lad.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Quality: Good

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:46 PM PDT

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