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    Wednesday, November 11, 2020

    RimWorld Coulda picked a better nickname

    RimWorld Coulda picked a better nickname

    Coulda picked a better nickname

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:11 AM PST

    My attempt at a "multi-level" prison

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Event: Refugee Chased

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    I found this while generating a new world...

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 06:29 PM PST

    If this isn't determination, I don't know what is. (They got married a few days later.)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:14 AM PST

    "Oh, Don't mind me. I'm just carrying the world's largest aircraft that was in service.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:12 AM PST

    The alphabeaver from the tribal caravan ate my anima tree :(

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 02:30 AM PST

    Peace was never an option.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Ruins giving me beds from a German colony!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:33 PM PST

    I hate this game

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:01 PM PST

    I have an okay colony going, dug into the side of a mountain and have managed to smooth everything out. Got 5 colonists, no guns yet but researching machining right now, so until then, swords and clubs. Get a quest to hold a man hostage for 10 days, no problem.

    Days go by as normal, when suddenly PRISON BREAK! So I send my one guy with a 12 in melee, fully healthy, cool guy with FULL PLASTEEL PLATE ARMOR AND A LIGHTSABER over to stop this unarmed, naked man. Shouldn't be a problem, right?

    Man procedes to beat my super soldier unconscious with his bare fists, which takes approximately 4 hours of my moron missing swings apparently, picks up my downed dipshit's lightsaber, cuts down all my other idiots in waiting, and gives me a spicy -5 rep with the faction who gave me the quest.

    I was dumbfounded, but rather than ragequit, I decided to just let it go. So what if some asshole managed to defeat my 5 colonists with nothing but his fists, I still got plenty of game left, it was just a sword. So I get my colonists patched up, put to bed to heal, and go along my way. I thought it'd be okay.

    But no. As I prepare to recover, a new notification pops up. A notification no colony should ever hope to see. I knew that this was the end.


    He was here. The man who managed to end my last 2 colonies, now once again at my doorstep to do it a third. I readied all my colonists, and prayed.

    He burst through the trees at mach speed, dodged all my traps, and raced right to the walls, and within seconds had destroyed several layers of steel and limestone. My colonists stood in fear, quivering in their armor in front of death himself, Shia Lebouf. He wasted no time.

    First he sliced through Manny, my main crafter, his axe tearing through his chest as if it were paper, before removing his arm from his torso, incapacitating him before he could even swing. Next was Ellie, the miner/constructor of the team. She didn't even get to move before Shia took her head clean off, killing her instantly. Rhino charged forward, doing his best to avenge his friends by slaying the axe wielding maniac, only to miss like a complete failure. Shia didn't though, and so Rhino went down quickly, several chops to the legs, arms, and neck reducing him to little more than a puddle of loser.

    And so only Gorgon remained of Gorgon Castle, clad in his full plasteel armor, weaponless as he didn't have time to find a new one between ass-kickings. Gorgon stared in disbelief at Shia. These two had a history.

    Gorgon had tried to start a colony before, you see, but on the fourth day of his journey, Shia had arrived and killed him instantly. Now, his nemesis stood before him again, ready to end him a second time.

    Gorgon threw himself at Shia, hoping his armor would keep him protected enough to injure the madman. Little did Gorgon know, armor is fucking garbage in rimworld, even if it's plasteel. So Shia kicked Gorgons ass again with little effort, beating him into ground beef.

    Shia, content with his absolute dick-ery, grabbed Ellie's corpse for some reason, set fire to my base and wandered off into the wilderness, having destroyed my base and hopes once again.

    Then the walking potato sack named Terry woke up, ate food, and walked his pacifist ass straight into a colony of bugs as I tried to salvage my colony. Seeing him go down, I did the intelligent thing to do, and quit to menu before deleting my save, and turned on Minecraft ambience to calm me down.

    In short, I fucking hate this game lol.

    submitted by /u/Glipngr
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    I finally understand why my productivity is so high after my morning shake...

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    I've been blessed by the pups

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:36 PM PST

    I swear these damn monuments are getting bigger every time. This one gives 22k worth in plasteel though

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Midori just cloudwatching and wondering why she couldn't find love...

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Ageing is one hell of a drug

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Amazing game. Moments like this make it.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:53 PM PST

    So ive been playing and getting better and better. Long story short I was role-playing a small black market outpost with slaves, organs and of course drugs. All of this was hidden in mountains. I forgot about the infestation mechanic and gwt a huge spawn right in my three room drug den. Inside my defenses, there was nothing i could do so as soon as it started my fav pawn grabbed an incendiary launcher and just launched a shot in and closed the doors. Everything went up in flames. It reached 1000c in there from the wooden drug labs, breweries and assortment of drugs. I have no clue what all spawned but based on the insect meat left behind it was about to be the end of my colony.

    submitted by /u/CidRonin
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    Which one would you pick

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Has anyone ever considered making a second, "Rehab" colony?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:58 AM PST

    Being a drug lord has a lot of perks, a lot of silver, but it also comes with the annoyance of sometimes your colonists get addicted to the stuff were supposed to be selling.

    I can deal with the debuff and some breaks from the withdrawal, but it sometimes gets annoying that theyll break, go on a binge, take the forbidden drugs again, and reset their addiction.

    Im honestly considering making a second colony right next to mine, run by one dude with good armor and melee, and sending all the addicts there to wander around and have break downs until their addictions are broken lol.

    submitted by /u/tmahfan117
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    Most messed up thing you have done in RimWorld

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:07 AM PST

    This might be a popular topic... But after listening to my friend, and all the stuff he has done in the game, I got curious.

    Question: What is the cruelest, weirdest or most bizzare thing you have done in RimWorld?

    submitted by /u/RJFolsoe
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    Does anyone else feel like non stop shitty weather is a crutch the storyteller relies on far too much?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Like no matter the season, no matter the biome, no matter the storyteller, on harder difficulties the weather pretty much cycles between thunderstorms, foggy rain, and blizzards with very brief one or two days gaps of sunny weather. Like it makes no sense why it would be raining more often than it's not in a temperate zone in the dead of summer. Yet that's always the case.

    Anyone else experience a great excess of shitty weather? Any mods that rework how weather works?

    submitted by /u/Kalehfornyuh
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    45 minutes logged and loving every bit so far!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    I can tell this game is going to be an absolute favorite - I'm just a bit lost, as I should be. Any tips / advice for someone this new to the game? I'm mostly confused on well, just about everything. I'm living the meme of not knowing what you don't know, so you don't know what to even ask. When do you think I should install mods? Are the mods kickass? Without spoilers, what's the end game like? If you could tell one thing to a person this new, what would it be?

    Perhaps I shouldn't ask too much, so then I discover things organically. Sorry if this seem rambled, my brain goes 100 mph when I try to ask about stuff that I'm brand new to but that I know I'll love.

    Edit: Any QOL stuff that I should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/MetalNutSack
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