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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    RimWorld Lo-fi girl

    RimWorld Lo-fi girl

    Lo-fi girl

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    The next morning he became a hat.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    My iguana who had been with me since the beginning of a naked brutality playthrough died after 3 years to a grizzly bear so I built him a very expensive tomb of jade and various green objects.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    Mortar shield? Pathetic.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Medical Operation

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Somebody REALLY hates this noble.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    This yak just gave its life to hold up an entire manhunting pack, and gave me enough time to prep my defense.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    It really is the best

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Pretty good start to a 'solo colonist mountain base' (seed in comments)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Cave is a liar, now I owe Robot Zucchinis!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    I guess prison is not an impediment for some lovin'?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Why does this keep happening? Me and my friend just want to play, can someone please help.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I'm sooo hungry ... Maybe ? Yeah ! Maybe I can

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    The end of a glorious bloodline(story)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    So, I've been a longtime lurker on this sub. I've seen all your guys cool bases, art, and fun but very disturbing stories on the rim. I thought I'd give it a shot and post one of my longtime favourite and also my most disappointing story of the rim. No, this is not a story about a cocaine colony turning on itself and burning down to the ground, that's another story for another time. This is the story of my colonist Jackson, my baby and my child sent from god to look after his fellow colonists and make sure they were out of trouble, and the end of his glorious bloodline.

    To start things off, I guess some context is in order. This is when the game was B18, so it took place a long time ago. I was a new, inexperienced rimworld player. My friend, let's call him Isac, had gotten me into the game just a few months prior, I felt comfortable in vanilla and wanted to try out a few mods. One of my favourite parts of the game was to become invested in every character and see how their lives on the rim turned out, I just liked to roleplay in general in every different playthrough I did. I would always have a theme or something that was the main focus of this playthrough and this time it was getting rich and reaching as high tier stuff as possible, complete decadence. So, I started up a new colony and downloaded a bunch of mods and began my adventure. Among these mods were the expanded prosthetics and android mods which are the mods my story mostly focus on.

    I start everything up. I choose Randy, my boi, to be the story-teller of my adventure. I continue over to the colonist screen, and there I see him, my lad, the man, the myth, the legend: Jackson. This colonist was the best pawn I've ever seen. He had a high shooting and melee, but not only that, he had passion in both of them and a burning passion for construction and social with a nice high skill too. He was beautiful, and he had a will of iron. He was truly a god amongst men. With a smile on my face, I continued on and got some other nice colonists for my colony. No crazy stats or anything just average guys with high enough skill to survive most challenges I was about to face. Delighted with my choice of colonists, I found a nice place to start with a growing period that lasts all year (yeah, I know, I'm that kind of player) with some small hills and a lot of trees. I started it all up and so we crashlanded straight into our adventure.

    The first year or so goes smoothly. We get a nice base going with a party room, some good sized bedrooms, and a lot of nice furniture and statues. A nice prison has been built with a lot of happy prisoners to do my dirty work and willingly surrender their organs to me when needed. Everything is good and during this time Jackson becomes quite the celebrity in my colony. He would always be the guy I sent to fix something if shit hit the fan.

    "You are telling me Robby got hit by a falling roof because he didn't remove it before he tore down the last wall? No problem, Jackson got you covered."

    "Oh, Linda is being mauled by a jaguar halfway across the map because she wasn't being careful when she tried to get that packaged meal? Don't you worry, Jackson is on the case with his bolt action rifle and tough attitude."

    "Is Jacob having a mental breakdown because he was forced to harvest a guys organs and now he is going to break my full stack of components? Well lucky me, I got Jackson here to calm him down with a nice fist to the face.''

    As you can see Jackson was my favorite and for good reasons, he was a saviour and a reliable defender of our colony. After that first year he had been through a lot, legs and arms torn off, eyes shot out, you know, the usual damages sustained when putting your life on the line. My doctor, Sarah, would always patch him up and replace his stumps with the best prosthetics we could give him at the time. Sarah tended to him dilligently, and tried and failed to spark a romance several times, and she certainly wasn't the first to try.

    As my colony grew richer and richer, and I could afford even better prosthetics. I finally got the bionic prosthetics and I upgraded Jackson as much as I could. Jackson had been turned into a cyborg unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. He was covered in enhancements, everything top tier, the best of the best. The man was a fucking terminator, he could single handely take care of raiders whenever there was a raid, becoming not only the most reliable but the sole defender of the colony. The colony was living their best life under Jacksons protection, and everything was going smooth. I tell you this to give you an idea of just how much of a saviour he was to our colony, just how much of a godsend the man truly was.

    Until the day I could finally build the android printer.

    Oh boy, here is when my heart breaks. I had been saving up for this printer for a while. I was so excited that finally I could build a droid that had the function of a normal colonist with passions and high skills instead of these ordinary droids that were disposable. I built two printers and started printing two androids, one male and one female, just in case they would find love in eachother. I thought they would only find love in other androids. It takes a couple of days for them to fully print and I'm waiting patiently but excitedly for them to finish. Then I get a notification; "Android Stacy has been created". I was overjoyed to finally have my first android. Her stats were amazing; she had a lot of high skills in melee and shooting as well in medical and plantwork. I was super happy with my creation and did not think more of it, and gave her a job as doctor and a plant worker. Then my second android printed, no idea what his name is but it doesn't really matter. Anyways, half a day passes since Stacy has been created and I get a notification; "New lovers: Jackson and Stacy are now lovers". Excited to see that my boi finally found love on the rim, I looked who Stacy was. For some reason, I had just completely forgotten who she was, or maybe I was just in the denial stage of grief. It finally clicked in my head and my heart dropped, here I am with my divine colonist, sent from god himself telling me, that out of everyone on the planet, he wanted to bang the fucking robot I just created. I would have created a fucking harem for the guy if he asked me to, I would let him have anyone, women and men alike swooned over him, but instead he chose a robotic p***y over a real human being. As I have said before, I like to kinda RP in my colonies and really get personal with them, and got my heart broken. The dude wanted a robot over anything else. What could I do? His bloodline had ended, not with a bang (well, technically) but with a whimper. I was heartbroken but there was nothing I could do, if he had found love who was I to argue? I built them a double bed and saw my beloved colonist bed the android. The spectres of his ancestors no doubt weeping tears of pride at their bedside.

    And that ladies and gentlemen is the story of Jacksons bloodline ended. Not due to violence, but due to love and decadence, and how he became the biggest meme around me and my friends and the one colonist that will always torment me in my dreams.

    TLDR: My god of a colonist choose to love a robot instead of his own kind, ending his strong bloodline.

    submitted by /u/kulochnoob
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    I accidentally made my struggling base into Mooncake. I didn't even notice until I expanded for the second steam geyser...

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    I incapacitated a centipede... Not sure how though.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    No reason to not let my lonely thrumbo have fun before I turn these guys into stew.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    My colonist hosted an eclipse viewing party!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    Plot twist. Your ship doesn't crashland.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Biomes! Island update!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    From the Island Bioms Team!

    Wondering what we've been up to lately? Why, nothing at all!

    ... Except for the most amazing content update you've ever seen!

    Introducing the Aquatic Animals update!


    We got fish! We got kelp! And we got moxie!

    All present and visible on the game map, not as a resource acquired through some job on some zone.

    With this update, you can now finally enter deep water, and some animals are actually confined to it!


    We've also moved some new islands in from Extra Islands, putting them in the main Islands module. These will be getting running content updates to bring them up to par with the old ones as we go.


    Speaking of the old ones, you may notice that island generation now gives more shapes than before! And you can now see the islands as previews on map reroll if you use that mod!


    We've been working very hard to bring you this content, so give your love to the team and spread the good word!

    Steam Workshop::Biomes! Core


    Steam Workshop::Biomes! Islands


    submitted by /u/SniperSnow
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    My best pawn just cheated death with an absolutely galaxy brained maneuver

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Randy had just sent a couple centipedes my way, so I figured I was safe for a brief window to send some hunters out into the wilderness. Randy thought that was cute, and dropped 3 mechs on "Gray Ant," the absolute workhorse of my colony whom I'd foolishly left in approximately bumfuck, nowhere.

    Ant has been a strict lifelong teetotaler. But forgive him master, as he must go all out.. just this once. That emergency yayo ration he hated to carry around was now his only chance at outrunning whatever hell was about to emerge from the drop pods behind him. Ant shoved his face his face into that bag of blow and pulled it back up a changed man.

    What was this feeling? This pounding in his ears? This heart racing out of his chest? Was this the edge needed to give him a fighting chance against those bastard robots? Nope, it was a fucking overdose.

    RIP Ant I figured. There was fuck-all I could do at this point besides make a mental note not to give 60 year old men cocaine for the first time in the middle of life or death combat scenarios.

    How much more foolish than Ant I was. See Ant knew he didn't have a chance in hell of fighting 3 Scythers at point blank range. But he also knew that by overdosing on enough coke to fuel a frat party, he could teach younger colonists the dangers of narcotic abuse, while simultaneously playing dead convincingly enough for those dumbass mechs to completely ignore him.

    submitted by /u/Bacon_Devil
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    How much does metabolism do?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    I have a pawn with a bionic stomach, and the game says he will survive 8+ days with 10 meals when I put him into a caravan. (image) Is this because of metabolism or something else? I cannot find a source on how much metabolism affects hunger rate

    submitted by /u/TheBobmcBobbob
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