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    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    RimWorld Hospital beds don't need to face the TV for recreation

    RimWorld Hospital beds don't need to face the TV for recreation

    Hospital beds don't need to face the TV for recreation

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Dogs Playing Poker, c. 5508

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Maybe I'm just bad at the game

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings RELEASED || Link in the comments

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Trust no one, especially not a manhunter caribou

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I was today years old when i learned that rimworlds have names

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Okay, so which one of you sadistic psychopaths recently lost two prisoners?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Can't wait to buy Rimworld clothes merch

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    Skill decay: a simple addition to make it realistic

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    After studying how it works, i have this suggestion:

    Make skill decay calculated with one extra factor to its intensity for all pawns: "accumulated experience".

    This will represent the fact that long-time devotion to any profession in real life - produces more and more synaptic connections in one's brain, as well as strengthens such connections which makes them less and less prone to be deteriorated by time.

    The same idea in more layman words: same level of skill can be demonstrated by a greatly talented apprentice and only slightly gifted master, yet that "not so good master" has many years of experience in the profession and is very unlikely to "forget" what he knows even if he for some reason does not practice for a long time - while that talented apprentice is likely to forget lots of what he just recently learned even after relatively short period of time, if not practicing the skill on daily basis.

    To quantify this, i propose the following formula: AE = (1 - SSU x STF / 10000) > AE = MAX(0.05,AE), where:

    • AE: Accumulated Experience multiplyer for skill decay, a number which is never less than 0.05 and never more than 1, to be applied as a multiplyer to skill decay at all times;

    • SSU: Successful Skill Usage, which is simple integer counter variable, stored for each skill of each pawn, which counts how many times the pawn successfully used the skill;

    • STF: Skill's Typical Frequency, a simple integer constant defined for each skill, which balances the efficiency of this mechanic based on how often each particular skill can be successfully performed by a pawn in a typical game.

    The latter - STF - needs to be defined for each skill differently, ideally based on both gameplay and real life considerations. Like, on one hand, it must be high enough for pawns to be able to arrive to the minimum possible (0.05, i.e. 5%) skill decay speed in way less time than their total life spawn, for this mechanism to be of actual gameplay significance. On the other hand, it must be low enough to prevent a pawn to get to only 5% of skill decay after practicing a skill for just a couple in-game weeks. And, of course, it should be low or high enough to result in somewhat realistic SSU numbers for each skill which allow to get to the minimum possible (0.05) AE.

    I'd propose specific STF values if i'd have great knowledge of in-game skill mechanics for each skill, but i am new to Rimworld, so i don't. I can only note that STF, in general, would likely be within the 5...100 range, depending on skill. Which would result in roughly 100...2000 succesful skill usages to get to AE = 0.05. This is because, say, creating 100 great works of Art, in real life, is likely to produce a Master who hardly forgets anything about his developed mastery - but landing just 100 shots to some target does not produce a marksman who knows all the intricacies of marksmanship so well he'll remember nearly all of them for the remainder of his life; but landing say ~2000 shots to targets - quite likely will.

    This ("AE") mechanic, if implemented, will allow pawns dedicated to specific roles to slowly overcome Skill Decay effect, but only if they are able and indeed ordered to complete great enough number of skill usages. I.e., a professional (level 10) cook who keeps cooking for a long time, even if he has no passion for it, will eventually be able to get to 20. If, then, after say few in-game years of doing it, he'd be switched to be say an animal handler - then his cooking would still remain at or near 20 even if he uses cooking only occasionally. This way, pawns who kept alive long time and devoted long time to a specific skill - are not "hostages" of their primary profession anymore (as currently they drop to ~10 rather soon if they are not devoting most of their time to the skill at all times and "forever").

    Thus, from both realism and gameplay perspective, i think this ("AE" factor) addition is very much worth the extra bit of per-pawn data tracked / stored by the game.

    P.S. And good memory trait would of course still work as it does, simply being yet another multiplyer to skill decay. Would still be very useful for "multi-talented" pawns.

    submitted by /u/Fins_FinsT
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    Such Irony to escape an organ harvesting farm and end up in my colony

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Randy giveth so thou must giveth back

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    that feeling when a plasteel vein just so happen to spawn in your throne room (year 2 of undignify throneroom)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    I'm sorry, next time I'll just let them kill us

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    I have the feeling that Randy doesn't want me to play on tropical island

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    So yesterday I downloaded another mod to my way too big mod collection: Biomes! Islands which allowed me to play on beautiful tropical island (big shoutout to u/JoeDaTomato who even reminded me to download this mod).

    I wanted to play witcher style... you know rimcher. Build base and kill monsters - mechanoids mostly. Go and hunt ancient dangers because why the hell not. But instead of sad winter castle in Kaer Mohren I wanted Hawaii Moren.

    Attempt 1:

    I have rule. Two first joining pawns can be useless in combat. All next joiners have to be capable of kicking ass. So Wolf got friend - Bob. Bob wasn't best pawn ever. Decent cook and builder. Also neurotic. Goes on mental break because his kitchen is dark.

    Bob decided it's great idea to unload his fury on T-rex. I screamed "not the motherfucking trex" but Bob landed punch anyway. T-rex instantly entered man hunter state and chomped his dumb head. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to Wolf who was nearby and T-rex attacked him. And kicked his ass. Thanks Bob!

    Attempt 2:

    Second day. Naked wolf gets raided by also naked guy. The problem is wolf has 12 meele while opponent had 18 and he had a knife. Anyway thanks Bob!

    Attempt 3:

    I finally have decent start. Wolf is alone, this is his third quadrum. He defended against couple of raids and man hunting ducks. He gets quite close to inventing electricity. So Randy decided hey you are so brave and tenacious, here have some lether cos your tribal wear sucks. Through the roof he sends 2x 50 human leather. The roof collapses and cuts Wolf badly even taking away his leg. He dies because of blood loss.

    Thanks Bob and thanks Randy!

    Attempt 4:

    I have to build from wood. At least at the beginning. So Randy sends dry thunderstorm. But I survive (buildings don't). So Wolf gets his 47th birthday and artery blockage. Yup he ded.

    Over 1000 hours in this game and it still marvels me how much of masochist it brings in me. And how creative it can be in f-ing me up.

    Now I am running on Cass and first quadrum went smoothly.

    Also sorry if there were some grammar errors, english is not my first language.

    submitted by /u/z0nky
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    Guinea pig ended my naked brutality max difficulty

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I don't blame him

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    My "beautiful" colony, and no, I do not have an animal problem!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    I found Tynan in game!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    He was never meant to leave

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    I bought Royalty DLC and decided to try a new challenge I saw on the internet called Android Progenitor. The idea was to get a batch of mods which included Android Tiers, all I had to do was make a colony with one super advanced android, two tier 2 androids, and the research to make more androids. I decided to use Randy on the third level of difficulty, I was getting back into RimWorld not trying to be a total masochist, but it was androids, so I knew I needed a bit more of a challenge. Our leader I named the advanced android Eden, after the garden, because he provided for his children 1 and 2. I made up his backstory being a rogue Glitterworld android who wanted to make his own world full of his own kind and he despised humans for making him work tirelessly for their benefit. He quietly made his two sons in secret and then tried to take over the ship, failing he rigged it to blow and sabotaged all but three escape pods for him and his children.

    I started the world gen, picked random site, and got lucky for a first go around, a tropical rain forest with mountainous terrain, always summer. Thus, I began building into the mountain and started my play through, I will not be detailing the whole adventure, but I had some personal rules.

    1. Don't help, interact, or trade with humans and their Colonies

    2. Don't keep any human prisoners even if a quest requires it

    3. No organic pets, only mechanical pets

    After all that out the way I had one colony of androids to trade with, though they were very far, and my own colony flourished. After a while of getting raided, doing some raiding, Randy had a better plan for my colony. 3 mechanical clusters... Big ones. One after another barely getting a rest for Eden to repair his android children. On the last mechanoid raid 1 and 2 were killed then the worst thing happened... Eden gave up.


    Afterword's I tried running with the last 3 androids I had but a human fallen empire came in and killed the rest. I just sat there dazed by what happened, Eden, my literal god android abandoned his people when they needed him most. I don't know if I will even try for a second time that was heart breaking lol.

    submitted by /u/PychicTEDYBear
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    A Farewell to Arms Pt 3

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Kitten just took out a mechanoid with a flawless victory.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Cool challenge idea ''Nuclear apocalypse androids'' (Description in the comments)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:19 AM PDT

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