• Breaking News

    Monday, August 24, 2020

    RimWorld New new moderators for /r/RimWorld

    RimWorld New new moderators for /r/RimWorld

    New new moderators for /r/RimWorld

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    Hey gang,

    I wanted to say that there was an incredibly strong batch of applications to moderate the subreddit. It's great to see our community has more than its fair share of contributory members and it really showed in the quantity and strength of submissions. At any rate, there were a few who stood out above the rest so I get the pleasure to introduce /r/RimWorld's newest additions to the moderator team! Each of them has elected to include a snippet about themselves below:

    /u/giftedbyaliens - Greetings colonists, basebuilders and sellers of "Leather" hats and furniture. The name is giftedbyaliens and I am beyond excited to be apart of this team cant wait to see how we can all grow and expand this colony together by any means neccessary (we dont judge, silver doesn't grow on trees - probably a mod for that)

    /u/ISuckAtChoosingNicks - Greetings, my fellow organ harvesters RimWorld players, it is I, Someone Who Is Bad at Choosing Nicknames. For my reign moderator term I promise less raids, and more tables onto which we will feast with nutrient paste and raw human meat lavish meals and beer from the last raiders finest microbreweres from all across the Galaxy. Now go, and keep up the RimWorld spirit!

    /u/AndyTheQuizzer - Hello, RimWorld friends! AndyTheQuizzer here. I'm incredibly honoured to be one of your new moderators. I'm looking forward to doing what I can to help make the community for one of my favourite games better. May you never eat without a table!

    /u/Denkata121 - Hey you organ harvesting, human leather wearing, war crime committing, raider massacring crashlanders, I'm u/Denkata121 (aka Sined). It's a pleasure to become a organ surgeon mod for this great prison community. I've been in the sub since i started playing. I have become a mod to help enforce the rules or make changes to them in a fair way,by consulting the community, if it is needed, also I'm here to help anyone within my knowledge be it for RimWorld, mods, pc components or anything else. You can find me in the discord all the time and if you need something go ahead and ping me.

    /u/JoeDaTomato - Hi Rimworlders! I'm u/JoeDaTomato. I've been organ harvesting, dealing flake, and making human leather armchairs since the good ol' days of A13. I'm excited to be one of your new mods here, and to give back to one of the best gaming communities that I've ever been a part of.

    /u/ausar999 - Hey r/RimWorld! ausar999 here, excited to join the modteam. I'm a veteran of the rim with ~800 hours under my belt, a big fan of warcrimes and taming every animal I can find until they inevitably keep reproducing and destroy my colony's FPS. May Randy's inevitable justice be quick and painless on us all.


    The subreddit will likely operate as normal while the new team is brought up to speed. As always, feel free to shoot a message to the moderators with any ideas, suggestions, or just to ask for a Typical Tuesday joke.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity for a bit of self-indulgence and announce that this will be my last action as a moderator of /r/RimWorld. I've been with the subreddit for more than 6 years and seen it grow from triple digits to nearly 250,000 subscribers. There are many community members who make this subreddit richer with their presence and I appreciate the genuine sense of helpfulness that the subreddit has cultivated. If I have one ask from the new mod team, it's to keep it up!

    I ask now that you help me congratulate the new mods!

    submitted by /u/TheSimpleArtist
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    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Sanity loss indeed

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    What the hell did I just step into?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I gave a bloodlust pawn a kill sorrow persona weapon.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    I have been wondering why Menca's mood was always so low. ... Ohno.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    This guy really likes his pizza...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    How much does go-juice improve a pawns combat capabilities, and how it compares to other mid-game options.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I was curious as to how much go-juice improved a pawns combat capabilities and so I decided to do some tests (way too many in hindsight, if I could go back in time and tell past me to not do this I would) comparing it to a regular pawn, as well as a pawn on yayo and with a painstopper.

    I'll put the results first, and then methodology.



    10% pain

    120% consciousness

    150% movement

    120% manipulation

    135% sight


    50% pain

    115% movement


    0% pain


    The pawns used had 10 shooting and 10 melee, and all weapons and armour are of normal quality.

    Ranged combat

    Assault rifle, 20 tile range

    Hit chance (uninjured)

    -Normal = 36%

    -Go-juice = 45%

    -Yayo = 36%

    -Painstopper = 36%

    No armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 92%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 84%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 76%

    Flak vest + simple helmet

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 96%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 89%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 89%

    Marine armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 99%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 85%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 77%

    Sniper rifle, 40 tile range

    Hit chance (uninjured)

    -Normal = 26%

    -Go-juice = 40%

    -Yayo = 26%

    -Painstopper = 26%

    No armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 75%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 81%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 84%

    Flak vest + simple helmet

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 90%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 69%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 73%

    Marine armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 85%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 83%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 66%

    Melee combat

    Steel longsword


    -Normal = 6.32

    -Go-juice = 6.85

    -Yayo = 6.32

    -Painstopper = 6.32

    Dodge chance

    -Normal = 10%

    -Go-juice = 31%

    -Yayo = 15%

    -Painstopper = 10%

    No armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 93%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 84%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 82%

    Flak vest + simple helmet

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 94%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 82%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 96%

    Steel plate armour + simple helmet

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 93%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 79%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 72%

    Marine armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 94%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 88%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 72%



    -Normal = 9.16

    -Go-juice = 9.91

    -Yayo = 9.16

    -Painstopper = 9.16

    Dodge chance

    -Normal = 10%

    -Go-juice = 31%

    -Yayo = 15%

    -Painstopper = 10%

    Marine armour

    -Against normal pawns, go-juice had a WR of 85%

    -Against yayo, go-juice had a WR of 78%

    -Against painstopper, go-juice had a WR of 80%

    Melee charge

    This test consisted of one pawn (on the relevant things we are testing) charging down to melee a group armed with assault rifles. There are four defenders, all of whom were firing their assault rifles in sync with each other at the person charging them down. The attacker starts outside the maximum range of the gunners.

    If the attacker can get into melee range, travelling 30 tiles the number of attacks done was then counted (note, this is the number of attacks attempted, not how many actually landed on target).

    No armour

    Speed (cells/second)

    -Normal = 4.60

    -Go-juice = 6.90

    -Yayo = 5.29

    -Painstopper = 4.60


    -Average distance travelled = 12.3

    -Average hits on target = 0.00


    -Average distance travelled = 20.8

    -Average hits on target = 0.40


    -Average distance travelled = 20.1

    -Average hits on target = 0.10


    -Average distance travelled = 18.6

    -Average hits on target = 0.05

    Flak vest + simple helmet

    Speed (cells/second)

    -Normal = 4.48

    -Go-juice = 6.72

    -Yayo = 5.15

    -Painstopper = 4.48


    -Average distance travelled = 19.0

    -Average hits on target = 0.15


    -Average distance travelled = 29.9

    -Average hits on target = 2.00


    -Average distance travelled = 25.1

    -Average hits on target = 0.45


    -Average distance travelled = 22.7

    -Average hits on target = 0.30

    Steel plate armour + simple helmet

    Speed (cells/second)

    -Normal = 3.80

    -Go-juice = 5.70

    -Yayo = 4.37

    -Painstopper = 3.80


    -Average distance travelled = 15.8

    -Average hits on target = 0.00


    -Average distance travelled = 23.8

    -Average hits on target = 0.60


    -Average distance travelled = 21.4

    -Average hits on target = 0.30


    -Average distance travelled = 22.7

    -Average hits on target = 0.25

    Marine armour

    Speed (cells/second)

    -Normal = 4.20

    -Go-juice = 6.30

    -Yayo = 4.83

    -Painstopper = 4.60


    -Average distance travelled = 22.7

    -Average hits on target = 0.15


    -Average distance travelled = 30

    -Average hits on target = 4.80


    -Average distance travelled = 28.6

    -Average hits on target = 2.00


    -Average distance travelled = 29.0

    -Average hits on target = 2.15


    Gun and melee tests

    I had 10 pawns, 5 pairs of 2, attack each other with no cover, and no other effects applied to them. I then ran each test 20 times to give me 100 duels in total. I noted if they managed to down/kill their opponent and would award them one point. If the pair managed to kill each other on the same shot I counted that as a draw, and then ran that specific pair again.

    Melee charge tests

    I ran two tests simultaneously 10 times, for a total of 20 tests and then averaged out the result. The attacking pawn would start 31 tiles away (1 tile out of range of the assault rifle) and then close to melee. If the pawn reached melee range, I then counted how many attacks were done. I counted all attempted attacks, not just those that hit, as I didn't want a missed punch or a dodge from the defender to effect the results. I then averaged those out as well.


    So this testing took way too long to do, and I hate myself for spending two days of my life that I'll never get back. Fun fact, originally I only did 50 duels, but then felt that 50 wasn't enough to get a good result. I thought that since I already set everything up I just had to do a bunch of reloads and that'd be that. That added an extra 5 or 6 hours probably, and had I done that maths on how long it would have taken to do those extra tests I wouldn't have done them, but by the time I realised I was already committed.

    The extra 50 tests changed most results by less than 3%, and I think the biggest change was 6%.

    Anyway, so if you could leave a comment that'd be great. I just want to know people actually wasted 10 minutes of their life reading what took me two wasted days to make.

    submitted by /u/Hanif_Shakiba
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    Pawn logic 101

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:40 AM PDT

    How do you guys feel about non-linear base design?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Human boots with natural look

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:22 PM PDT

    Ohh Rimworld...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    So I never had such a crazy yet such relatable situation since I started playing rimworld but basically the following happened:

    I started up a new game with Randy crashlanded and in my first week or so got greetet with the game condition Space Battle (basically a portion of the map is being shelled with wounded, dead, debris and stray shots from the battle). At the same time the wife of a colonist decided it would be the time to raid my settlement and dies from debris originating from the space battle.

    The colonist in question of course took a heavy hit on his mood which caused him to have a mental break in which he tried to kill another colonist which was our melee guy and got downed. When he came back into consciousness this drove him into another mental break (daze) in which he walked around thinking about what he did. Now his friend which was still mad about what happened decided to avenge himself by going on a mental break (cropse obsession) and unburying the first guys wife dead body and presenting it to him.

    Idk yet if this will keep going but if it does I'll let u know

    Edit bc of typo

    submitted by /u/PraiseThalos
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    Tip for pacifists living out on the rim: Don't talk bad about Jillian's family.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    The venn diagram of Darkest Dungeon players and Rimworld players is a circle.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    The Taxman Cometh

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    My Wife Is A Rancher On The Rimworld Part 4: Our First Successful Breeding From Genetic Rim Mod!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    An ideal map for tundra start, protected from 3 sides as well as ideal geysers with starting insectoid hive for the initial start. Seed:carrot, Coordinates:18.57 N & 49.01E

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    Felt in the mood to sketch after years, here's my poorly done 1AM sketches

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    The sad story of Aletta and Hobbs

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    One day, Hobbs, Julia and Ford crashlanded on a planet, whose name is not important. With no rescue on the way, they decided to settle there, and build a colony. The life in the tundra was harsh, and the wind so cold that working outside was a torture, but they survived, and made a life for themselves.

    Ford was a surgeon, the best of the best. Although a bit picky with what he wanted and didnt want to do, his skills were invaluable to the colony: Whether a simple animal bite or a serious wound caused by the bow of an aggressive native, his skill with medicine were keeping everyone alive.

    Julia, in her previous life, had been a police officer. Trained in the use of guns, strong-willed and charismatic, she was a companion and a leader.

    Hobbs was a simple man in his fifties, a farmer. Perhaps it's because he was already used to a life of manual work, but he quickly adapted to his new life: brilliant cook, infaticable hunter, he always managed to bring home food for all in that all-but-barren land. Always working at his best, no matter how menial the task, he was the spine of the entire colony, and his love for hunting made him quickly into a terrific marksman.

    Just a few months after their arrival, the three were joined by a long lost acquaintance of Ford, Aletta. Aletta was being kept prisoner by a few members of The Sniper Squad in a remote outpost when Hobbs and Ford, rifle and sword in hand, stormed in and set her free.

    She quickly became an invaluable asset for the community. While not the brightest girl around (int:0) she was very skilled at building and constructing, a rare skill in the tundra. with her presence, the colony started enjoying some little luxuries that made them feel more at home: electric heating, a refrigerator to keep the meat from spoiling in summer, better cooking implements.

    Maybe its because of the dramatic way in which he freed her, but Aletta immediately fell in love with Hobbs. Almost twice her age, the hardened settler quickly softened to her lovely features and the two became lovers.

    Their devoted love in a life of adversities was a beacon of hope and serenity for the colony, a symbol of life the harsher times. The colony prospered.

    The commercial acumen of Ford opened trading relations with the neighbouring settlements. In exchange for much needed food and medicine, the colony traded clothing, fuel, and beer. More and more settlers joined the community: Tanner, a former cook, Janet, a teacher, Drogo, a native shaman, Chegduegu, a brawling wild man whose iron clad, warhammer-wielding figure terrorized his enemies.

    The last addition to the community was Andy, a builder. Definitely not the intellectual type (int:0) and very particular about his needs (greedy, incapable of dumb labor), he was able to build walls and floors quickly and efficiently and the furniture he made, while lacking any sort of creative design, was sturdy and reliable.

    Plans were in place to build a suitable double room for the loving couple, but the many perils of the life in the Rim postponed its construction time and time again. An excellent double bed had been purchased by Ford in exchange for a beautiful fur jacket, and the bricks for the walls and floors were laying ready in the stockpiles.

    The plans suffered the largest setback when a surprise raid from The Sniper Squad left Julia and Ford dead on the ground and most of the buidings on fire. The colony, in mourning, busy repairing the damage, all but forgot about the double room for the loving couple. In these hard days, without Ford's trading skills, the colony came to rely on Hobbses hunting skills more and more.

    With time, they rebuilt.

    Next spring, after a bountyful harvest and with Aletta recovering from a serious illness, works on the grand room finally began: a spacious structure, separated from the main buildings, with stone walls and a carpeted floor.

    And then, after much hesitation, Hobbs found the strenght to finally propose to Aletta. The colony is thriving again, spring is in full bloom, the nuptial room is almost finished, what could be a better time?

    With great surprise to everyone, Aletta refuses.

    Maybe she doesnt think she's ready, maybe she is not sure about her feelings for Hobbs, maybe all she wants is some more time to think, but Hobbs is deeply hurt and the relationship is broken.

    Everyone is even more surprised when just a few months later, Aletta becomes engaged with Andy. In all likelyhood they became close trough their mutual passion in construction. Hobbs is devastated.

    The grand room is ready. Today, Andy and Aletta are getting married. Hobbs is outside, in the rain, having a tantrum. He says that's because the barracks were too cold, but everyone knows that's not it.

    submitted by /u/slightly_mental
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    An imperial Bestower showed up to knight my colonist, then immediately keeled over from a heart attack.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    R.I.P The people of the field. It was fun while it lasted

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Clean your room, Bucko.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    My comparison of Rimworld storytellers with some modded ones

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Sure, I've seen tamed megaspiders, but this is the first time I've seen an imprisoned one (VFE:Insectoids mod).

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:29 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:14 AM PDT

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