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    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    RimWorld E

    RimWorld E


    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Combat rescue priorities

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Why do they never tell you beforehand how abrasive and ugly they are ?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Camchoga Alliance - 7 year medieval run

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    TIL, apparently Rimworld pawns REALLY don't like organ donation

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    The Transhumanist's Handbook - A Full Guide to Body Augments (1/2)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:08 PM PDT


    Augments are a pretty cool part of Rimworld that have typically been overlooked until someone loses a leg, and then they just replace it with the best iteration at the time. This was well and fine historically, but with the coming of the Royalty mod and 1.1 in general, this "ain't-broke-don't-fix" mentality leaves a lot of efficiency and potential gains unaccounted for, especially if you try and do something like give a base Transhumanist a peg leg.

    While most of the information will be focused on practical application and thus be of limited value to an advanced player that, for example, knows that a cochlear implants results in a 9% reduction to hearing for the first implant and 26% additional reduction to hearing for the second (and gains nothing new from a discussion on why even that significant reduction results in virtually no change to the vast majority of pawns), I hope that even these individuals can benefit from my notes on the pawn wealth impact of each implant and new changes that make the 'bionics are wealth inefficient' mantra outdated.

    Standards used: 3 pawns with 100% character quality value as modified via Set Skill and no incapabilities. 100% in all pawn capacities, unmodified body, 0 beauty. Base Market Value of each pawn (which may be referenced as "Pawn Wealth") is $1,750. "Field" results may result in some minor variation (for example, a pawn with a $1285 pawn wealth value dropped to $1155 as a result of a peg leg, not the anticipated $1156 that would be a perfect 10% reduction as found to be the case with a 100% quality pawn). Medium difficulty used just to avoid savage / merciless mechanics and valuations.

    In addition, a single pawn with 8 in all skills was used to test work impacts. 8 is equal to 100% base for most skills, which makes calculations changes wholly reliant on the tested augment. It's also a very convenient baseline, because 8 is usually when a pawn starts to get good at something.

    Because of the 40,000 character limit, this post had to be divided into two parts, with bionics and endgame tech in a second post. Here is a link to that post: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/g1jvae/the_transhumanists_handbook_a_full_guide_to_body/

    Poor Tech - Available Day 1

    #Peg Leg

    A raider's favorite. Has a 60% base movement speed but there is no reliance on the stronger leg when calculating a pawn's Moving (movement) stat, meaning that each peg reduces movement speed by 20% on a standard pawn. Each peg leg results in -10% character quality and thus a 10% reduction in the affected individual's pawn wealth.

    While most combat calculations will be ignored due to the post-process curve being relatively complex and certainly cumbersome to go through due to having to address the impact multiple replaced parts may have, it bears mentioning that the Moving stat does impact a pawn's ability to dodge, and that this reduction is pretty harsh on the curve. For example, a base pawn with 8 Melee has a dodge chance of 6%, calculated by applying an adjusted value to the post-process curve. For example, 8 melee gives +8 to this value from the skill. Movement is calculated at 18x impact, meaning the 20% mobility loss from a single peg leg results in a -3.6 modifier. This is treated as if the fighter effectively lost 3.6 levels of melee skill. The difference of 8 to 4.2 results in the dodge chance dropping all the way to 0%. As such, movement reductions are something you should be wary of if you have a very melee-focused fighter.

    There really isn't much else to say when it comes to movement-impacting augments because there's no change to amount hauled, surgery chances, mining yields, etc. that can be not very intuitive when it comes to, say, the bionic arm. All pawns use movement to some degree, and indeed 20% movement speed loss is a titanic thing to do early game in the name of the 8-mood swing that is a Transhumanist getting their first artificial part. Workers that are mobile suffer the most, of course, so your researcher is nowhere near as inconvenienced as your hunter / cleaner / melee guy / hauler. Still, though. There are much, much better replacements than the peg leg. Don't fall for the noob trap.

    #Wooden Foot

    And here's that much better replacement, bold and available from the start. Has a base 80% movement speed and thus reduces movement speed by a mere 10% per foot, meaning it's half as harmful as a peg leg. It should be mentioned that a lost toe represents a 4% mobility loss per digit, so after 3 lost toes it's actually beneficial to add the foot. Character quality (and the associated market price) drops by 5% per. Dodge chance is only dropped by 1.8 melee levels. Overall, it's literally half as harmful as a peg leg, and keeps more of your leg around.

    A 10% movement speed loss for a +4 moodlet is actually a fairly reasonable trade-off. Nothing (except the denture) even comes close in cost-effectiveness until cochlear implants and the 2.5% better prosthetic legs, which requires a very hefty 2300 research point investment alongside the steel, component, electricity, bench, and work requirements. If you want to benefit from early Transhumanist moodlets and at the same time allow later progression by swapping out for the better and better variations as they are researched, you can't go wrong here.

    As a small note, you can't double-dip with leg augments, IE you can't have both a wooden right foot and a right peg leg, or a wooden right hand when your whole right shoulder has the prosthetic arm.


    Costs up to this point have been negligible, but the denture is unique in that the only materials are the medicine required for the surgery. Neat.

    A denture reduces Talking and Eating Efficiency by 20%, and results in a $335 value reduction from $1750, or approximately a 19.14% reduction in character quality / pawn value.

    80% Eating Efficiency actually translates to a 81% eating speed, because of how manipulation is factored in to the calculation. Talking, on the other hand, is much more complicated.

    The only area that Talking impacts is social interactions, which includes negotiation ability, trade price improvement for transactions, social impact, and tame / train interactions for animals. Tame / train interactions aren't actually impacted by the denture, though, because all values for Talking from 80% to 100% result in the full 100% efficiency. Due to how this same calculation is applied for the other three categories, the Talking weight for these areas is actually 84% instead of the normal 100% base for a standard, healthy pawn. While an 8 skill pawn traditionally has 100% negotiation ability, a 12% trade price improvement, and a 104% social impact, a dentured pawn with the same stats has an 85.79% negotiation ability, 10.3% trade price improvement, and 89.22% social impact. In effect, merely a 14.21%, 14.16%, and 14.21% reduction to the respective fields.

    Considering that the only actual detrimental impacts are specifically if the pawn is your warden / trader bar a slight reduction in eating speed, a denture is a very effective way to get the Transhumanist moodlet for virtually all pawns for the cost of a few more seconds spent consuming every meal. The only downside of the denture bar not readily apparent is that there is no upgrade available from the denture, nor a way to fix the jaw after removal bar a healer mech serum. For most of the game this is a non-issue, but it might be slightly immersion-breaking when your Bionic Death Machine Tech Priest's gotta get their choppers in their mouth every meal.

    #Wooden Hand

    Operates very similarly to a wooden foot, except with the severity of a peg leg. Has 60% efficiency for a part and thus acts as a 20% manipulation reduction, equal to the loss of 2.5 fingers. Manipulation doesn't favor the better hand, so 1 wooden hand is 80% manip, 2 is 60%. Reduces character quality and pawn value by 10% as well per hand, equal to how a peg leg operates.

    This is the first manipulation-impacting augment, and so I need to hammer home an important note. Manipulation. Is. Important. A 80% manipulation pawn is effectively 80% of a pawn. It hauls 80% as much, does virtually all work tasks at 80% speed, tends 80% as fast, has 80% of the medical success rate, butchers about 80% as efficiently. Smelts and smooths at 80% speed. Arrests pawns at 80% value. Shoots worse, fights worse by effectively 2.4 melee levels and 1.6 shooting levels but the curve makes this not as severe a drop. A few stats mix it up a little; researching, animal tame chance and animal tend chance all have manipulation at 50% importance, with the animal skills not even caring if manip is at or above 80%. The pawn researches 90% as fast, forages at 90% value for caravaning, and is a totally fine handler. Yields have manipulation at 30% importance, so that 80% pawn gets 94% as much steel, potatoes, and milk. And this is just with one replaced hand.

    Point is, replacing arms / hands for mood buffs is a bad idea. Losing an arm is arguably worse than losing most organs. It should be noted, however, that manipulation has no impact on the end-result quality of a craft / construction. While speed and success rate are impacted by manipulation, the quality itself is wholly dominated by the skill of the person.

    Basic Prosthetics - Good Enough

    #Prosthetic Leg

    A very capable leg that slightly improves base speed compared to the wooden foot by 5%, and in terms of replacing the whole leg by a massive 25% over the peg leg, at the notable cost of 40 steel and 4 components (as well as the additional requirements to reach this tech tier and get the machining bench functional) 85% efficiency. Results in a 7.5% movement speed reduction per leg, and a 4% pawn wealth / character value decrease. Dodge chance will also be reduced by 1.35 melee levels, which is a variable amount due to the curve.

    It should be noted that legs don't gain any upgrades until Bionic (which is a significant leap of 13,000 research (14,600 for tribals)) or Archotech, past this point. This augment is by any measure the best until you install one of those; unfortunately, there is no Empire specialized limb alternative for Moving, such as what Manipulation has.

    #Prosthetic Arm

    Prosthetic arms are, in effect, the worst augments in terms of efficiency. Having only 50% efficiency, a 2-fingered hand is more effective than replacing from the shoulder, and indeed at that point a wooden hand does the job better. The pawn wealth and market value reduction is a little awkward; the effect is a $220 reduction / base $1750 value, which translates to approximately a character value of 87.4286% and a pawn value modifier of the same. 40 steel and 4 components can be a little pricey, too.

    Each replaced arm results in a manipulation decrease of 25%, which as stated before effectively means the pawn functions at effectively 75% capacity. With a single arm replaced, the melee damage calculation effectively drops by 3 melee levels, shooting by 2 levels, the pawn hauls 19 less (actually slightly more than a 25% reduction due to rounding the carrying value down), yields and most construction success chances are down 8%, work speed and most speed / efficiency calculations (including medical operations) drops by 25%. Animal tame/train is still at a smooth 94% base (though this will drop very quickly with the addition of a second replaced limb), and forages at a reduced 87.5% efficiency.

    As a result of the overall efficiency reduction, this is a horrific choice to have in terms of a replacement. In terms of purely for Transhumanist reasons, the wooden hand is preferable and dirt-cheap. In addition, the Empire's specialized limbs are also only 5000 research points away...

    #Prosthetic Heart

    So, the heart. It works at 80% efficiency, and only impacts Blood Pumping. 25 steel, 4 components to make. The installation gives you a heart if the part in question isn't damaged (and will count as an organ harvest if done to prisoners), and the surgery itself has a fairly scary 25% death chance on fail. A pawn with a prosthetic heart has a 79.714% value in character quality and pawn value. This all doesn't really sound too bad, but what does Blood Pumping do that makes the quality drop so much?

    The main issue with a weaker heart is that, while it only really impacts Consciousness and Moving by technicality, a significant number of pawn stats care about blood pumping due to these stats being changed; Consciousness, Moving, Manipulation, Talking, and Eating all take a minor hit as a result. Consciousness, Manipulation, Talking, and Eating all take a 4% reduction, while move speed takes an effective reduction of 7.5%, the same as a prosthetic leg. As a whole, you lose half a level of melee skill in fighting, 1.4 levels for dodging, 0.3 for shooting, haul 3 less, gain rest at 94% base value, eat 5% slower, forage at 96% efficiency, yield and succeed at construction 1.2% less and do most skills with 4% less efficiency / speed. While most of these aren't too bad, the relatively high chance of an outright death upon failure makes it debatable at the time you can make them, as it's unlikely you have a particularly strong hospital, doctor, or medicine at the point of being able to create them. However, with merely a 25 steel and 4 component cost, it is slightly more efficient to craft than a prosthetic leg, I suppose? Overall, however, the leg has much less downsides due to having a movement penalty equal to that of the prosthetic heart, and none of the other risks and stat reductions.

    #Cochlear Implant

    This is a really, really good one! The cochlear implant only impacts hearing, and has a 65% part efficiency. The implant results in pawn wealth / character quality being at 95.428% value for the first implant, and 82.571% with the addition of the second implant. The first implant results in a 9% reduction to hearing, whereas the second causes a 26% additional reduction (down to 65% hearing efficiency) to hearing for the second; in effect, the "better" ear has a 76% weight compared to the worse ear's 24% contribution.

    The reason the cochlear implant is so valuable is because Hearing is only marginally important for social pawns, and virtually useless for other workers. A single implant has no impact on negotiations (trading discount / gift-giving, prisoner recruitment, peace talk outlook) and only a very marginal 4% reduction for social impact and animal tame and train chances. A second implant only results in an 81% effectiveness for the negotiations category, and a 68% modifier for social impact / animal train and tame chances. No other work categories are impacted.

    The bottom line: If you don't care about social impact damage, 2 cochlear implants are massively effective at getting augments on your Transhumanist virtually regardless of their jobs. If they're a social / handling pawn, a compromise can be reached at having a single implant for a reasonable mood boost without only a marginal reduction in effectiveness . And, eventually, this can be upgraded to bionic (and the point of doing so, or lack thereof, will be discussed later). For only 20 steel and 4 components, you'd be nuts and bolts to pass on these.

    The Empire's Psychic Tech- Literally Too Good

    While specifics of each part deal primarily with Entropy and other Royalty-exclusive phenomenon and thus commonly have no actual impact on pawn stats, each warrants a brief mention, even if the abilities and in-depth use won't be expanded upon.

    #Psychic Amplifier

    Available day 8 on every map. No modifier to Character Value or Pawn Wealth. Can be installed on anyone, only casts annoy the empire. Randomized ability, many that can really be gamechanging on key pawns.

    Counts as a Transhumanist implant.

    Praise the Empire!

    While higher levels of the amplifier still count as 1 implant, it's still incredibly strong for ensuring that Transhumanist is a consistently beneficial trait instead of oftentimes a minor detriment. By being able to gain the mood bonus without a sacrifice of pawn efficiency and within the first season, the Amplifier is one of the best items on this list, hands down.

    #Psychic Sensitizer

    +25% sensitivity to psychic phenomenon, and is the first augment with a very unique way of doing things for Pawn Wealth. Instead of modifying character value to arrive at the final result, due to it not impacting any physical characteristic it simply adds a +$1000 amount attributable to the implant for the pawn market wealth. Really good for a psyker-centric colony because there's many things you can do with the sensitivity that makes them a better colonist. Just keep the tinfoil psychic foil helmet around for drones...

    #Psychic Silencer

    +20% pain, masks your illegal usage of Amplifier abilities. Effectively a mindscrew that prevents the Empire from crashing your cool wizard party.

    While I haven't gotten to the Mindscrew itself yet, since the Silencer effectively functions the same way down to the exact pain amount, it's worth mentioning how pain impacts work efficiency and pawn stats. To begin with, character value is reduced to 90.2857% of the standard value, but a Silencer value modifier of $1200 is added to make up for this reduction. All pain past 10% results in a small reduction to consciousness, which in turn results in a reduction to Talking, Eating, Moving, and Manipulation equal to the loss of consciousness. In this regard, the consciousness value is about 96.086% as per movement calcs, or more simply a reduction of 4%. In this regard, all calculations are identical to those under the Prosthetic Heart, with a minor exception to a slightly better move speed reduction of only 3.013% and dodge reduction of merely 0.7 a melee level. In addition, the 20% pain results in a -10 serious pain moodlet.

    While masochists get to ignore the resulting negative pain moodlet (and indeed get a +10 one instead), they are still impacted by the resulting work speed / efficiency reduction. Being a masochist isn't immunity to pain, it's merely turning the negative mood positive. With a Mindscrew, the resulting calculations drop work efficiency down to 87%, resulting in a 92% effectiveness of trade / social impact / trade discount modifier / arrest chance, and 3.9% yield reduction. This stacking also results in a +/- 15 pain moodlet depending on being a masochist or not.

    #Psychic Harmonizer

    Merely a +$800 gain to pawn value, 0 impact on character value.

    Another cool one, projects your mental aura as a mood buff / debuff. Get your drugged up joywired happy pawn one and they'll project good vibes, up until they have family die and it becomes a nightmare. Has a range of 30 blocks, it seems.

    #Psychic Reader

    Another one not modifying character value and merely sticking a $1000 increase on pawn value. Adds another 50% of the base modifier (multiplied by psychic sensitivity) to negotiation ability ONLY. Won't get a better trade discount, tame / train better, or even have a better chance of arresting. Won't help social impact around the colony either. Only impacts the negotiations category, and thus only gift-giving, prisoner recruitment, and peace talk outlook.

    Does NOT result in a 50%*sensitivity gain to this category either; it still has to be multiplied by your Talking / Hearing / Social skill, and while Talking / Hearing cannot benefit past 100%, social can. For example, a social 5 pawn has about a 78% modifier, and thus ends up with a value of 116.25% for the category instead of the prior 77.5% without the augment. A psychically sensitive 20 social pawn, on the other hand, gains an additional 70% base modifier and multiplies that 170% figure by 190% for the skill, for a return of 323% negotiation ability compared to 190% without.

    The Empire's Industrial Tech - Specialized Christmas


    A titanic drop to 59.14% character value. +$220 for the joywire doesn't even make this up for most pawns. +30 mood at the cost of 20% consciousness. How bad is that?

    Well, it is pretty bad. A 20% consciousness reduction is a reduction to Talking, Eating, Moving, and Manipulation. This means they walk and dodge as if they had a peg leg, work, forage, and fight as if they had a wooden hand, talk as if they had a denture, and eat as if they had all of the above. In virtually every way, the pawn is reduced in capacity by 20%. Incredibly cheap at 20 steel and 4 components, but that misses an incredibly important issue. It's a permanent augment and cannot be removed; this is not something just to be done until the psychic drone passes. You're stuck with the resulting potato. Because of this, it's a fairly extreme action to take, and even a daily dose of Yayo is more beneficial in a lot of aspects if you're that desperate for the mood boost.


    15 steel, 4 components. Joywires and painstoppers are 20 steel and 4 components. Why is causing permanent pain cheaper than permanent happiness / neutralness?

    Character value is reduced to 90.2857% of the standard value, and the Mindscrew adds a $210 pawn value modifier. Similar calculation to how the Psychic Silencer is valued.

    Most that can be discussed about the Mindscrew has already be done / calculated in the prior Psychic Silencer section. I guess something that bears mention is how the Mindscrew compares to the Joywire on masochists.

    20% pain from a Mindscrew represents a +10 mood at the cost of ~4% consciousness. Stacked with a Psychic Silencer, the reduction becomes ~13% consciousness for +15 mood. Compare to the Joywire, which is +30 mood for 20% consciousness. The only other way to add on additional pain is through scars or continual injuries, which can be relatively tricky to get on non-problem areas.


    0 character value modifier, +$220 pawn value. There isn't much to say; pain is pretty integral to keeping pawns alive in combat, because most entities don't continue combat on a downed opponent. With the Painstopper, instead of being downed through the pain shock threshold (20% wimps, 80% for normal pawns), they essentially have to be downed via Moving dropped below 15%. This can also be incredibly detrimental if, for example, an arrest chance fails / a Painstopper pawn goes berserk or starts a social fight, because usually they'll just keep on slugging to the end.

    If used in conjunction with a Psychic Silencer / Mindscrew, it eliminates the character value reduction via pain but keeps the pawn value modifier of each one (IE, a Painstopper / Mindscrew pawn has 100% character value, but pawn value is increased by both the +210 from the Mindscrew and +220 from the Painstopper. This results in being able to use these augments without their downsides, and indeed allows someone to install a Mindscrew on a Painstopper pawn to get a second augment for mood reasons for free.

    #The Compact Weaponry Trio - Elbow Blade, Hand Talon, Knee Spike

    Despite technically being unique augments, they aren't really unique enough to justify individual categories.

    All three give a pawn value of +$355 and don't modify character quality. All three can be installed twice, and each installation adds to the Transhumanist's mood. All three cost 40 steel and 7 components to make.

    The way that these "on-demand" melee augments work is basically by giving melee attacks a good chance to use the augment as a weapon instead of your currently equipped weapon / fist. This means they are very effective on a bare-handed pawn, better than most equipped guns and ranged weapons, but usually pale in comparison to a high quality melee weapon itself. They also "conflict"; unlike a longsword, for example, where the rolls are limited to a blunt attack with the handle, a stab with the blade, and a cut with the blade, the augments roll in tandem with your fist / equipped weapon to see what is actually used. This means that you might punch a foe instead of using your knee spike rarely, or bash with your gun instead of using your hand talon, or indeed use your elbow blade instead of your legendary plasteel longsword. When you have multiple of the different augments equipped, you sort of roll a roulette on which one will be used. More of each augment reduces the chance of rolling your fist or melee weapon, so for gun-wielders two knee spikes is an effective dps increase over a single one. It's also worth mentioning that dropping said weapon also increases the likelihood of using the augments, and is recommended if you ever see your shooter in melee range.

    The knee spike has 8.46 DPS, 38% armor piercing, and attacks every 2.6 seconds. In effect, it has the DPS roll of a poor quality uranium warhammer but the attack speed and armor piercing of a masterwork steel warhammer. That amount of armor piercing is pretty stupid good, and means that basically every time you'll do full damage to someone with a normal-quality Flak jacket (40% armor), resulting in chances of 1% for full negation, 1% of half damage, and 98% of dealing full damage.

    The hand talon has 10 DPS, with an astonishing attack per 1.5 seconds and a poor 15% armor piercing. Effectively, it has the DPS of a good plasteel knife, armor piercing below even an awful quality plasteel knife, and attacks .1 seconds faster than a plasteel knife. A basic Flak jacket would thus have 25% armor per the calculation, meaning that there's a 12% chance of full negation, 13% chance of half damage, and 75% chance of full damage.

    The elbow spike is a middle ground between these extremes, with 27% armor penetration and 9 DPS, swinging every 2 seconds. This is effectively equivalent to a masterwork wooden mace, which has 27% armor penetration, swings every 2 seconds, and does 9.16 DPS.

    A full set of all of the above can be used to fully satisfy a Transhumanist at the moderate cost of 42 components and 240 steel. They can be removed, but cannot be installed over other prosthetics (wooden hand, bionic leg, etc.).

    #Venom Fang and Venom Talon

    +$355 and no character quality modifier. Same steel / component cost as the regular melee augments too.

    The venom talon has 15% armor penetration and 7.33 DPS at the same speed as the hand talon. Effectively, it's a masterwork golden knife but with the armor penetration limitation noted above. The venom fang, on the other hand,does 7.5 DPS and 22% armor pen at 2 speed, the same as the elbow spike. The venom fang is approximately a masterwork golden axe in effectiveness (the axe does 7.52 DPS with 23% armor pen).

    While effectively the same kind of augment as the ones above, the difference here is that these weapons do a little but of Toxic Buildup on hit. The venom fang seems to do about 5-6% per bite consistently, whereas the talon was around 3-7%. It wouldn't surprise me if they were, in fact, equal in severity of buildup in application (though it should be noted the additional armor penetration did help a lot with consistency during testing against an anesthetized Thrumbo). Toxic Buildup behaves exactly as it does during a toxic fallout event; consciousness dip by 5% at 4% severity, is reduced by 10% total at 20% buildup, and has various other effects at 40%, 60%, and 80% beyond reductions of consciousness of 15% total, 25% total, and total unconsciousness (max 10% consciousness) at the respective levels. While a melee weapon is equipped, occasionally a colonist will bite / use the venom talon instead of the equipped weapon (tested w/ legendary plasteel longsword). While technically these negative effects can make the target more easily killed (-4% consciousness = 4% less movement + 4% less manipulation = less dodge and less melee attack chance / shooting hit chance), it's mostly negligible.

    The most notable impact of the venom augments is that, every so often, a killed enemy will be rotted as if it were killed by the toxic buildup. This was noted a few times on a Thrumbo at around a 22% level of buildup. As a result, if you melee hunt or are relying on raiders for food, these augments may be considered detrimental.

    #Power Claw

    The first of the specialized limbs augments, and also one that bears little note. 40 steel and 8 components to make, 11 DPS and 33% armor penetration make it exactly equal to a normal quality steel longsword. Results in a 4% reduction in character quality and pawn value. Nothing particularly exciting.

    The power claw's main ticket to fame is that, like the other specialized limbs, it gives full 100% manipulation to a hand and can replace a missing limb, identically to a wooden hand in this case. Even if the hand is missing, it can still be applied as long as the arm itself is still present (in that case, refer to the Drill Arm....)

    Of course, the resulting cost is an -8% move speed penalty, which in effect is equal to the impact of a single prosthetic leg and uses the same calculations.

    #Field Hand

    Behaving much like a power claw in terms of character quality / pawn value and granting full manipulation alongside a 8% move speed reduction, there is only one real difference aside from the higher cost of 60 steel and 8 components; each Field Hand results in an additional 160% base speed to plant work speed. No, that's not multiplicative. That's an additional 160% speed, as in 2.6x the regular work speed for one hand and 4.2x the regular work speed with a second. This is multiplied by the plant skill's modifier for the end result, which can reach hilariously high numbers.

    Because the field hand is something that is actually worth installing on both hands, it should be noted that the resulting Moving penalty is exactly 1% more than that of two prosthetic legs. This means you lose .18 melee levels of dodge, and (of course) move 1% slower.

    Field hands really do deserve examples to drive home how good they are 13 plant has a 158% modifier. With a single field hand, you reach 409% work speed, and with 2 field hands you reach 662% plant work speed. A plant skill of 20 has a modifier of 238%, and thus reaches about 1000% work speed with two, or equal to 10 8-skilled pawns working at the same time. If it isn't obvious this is absolutely the PERFECT augment for your grower, and will massively increase your ability to grow crops. Not even a Luci-Juiced archotech gardener will compare to the sheer power of field hands.

    The field hand has 4.5 DPS coming from 9 damage / 2 speed and 13% armor pen. It is fully equivalent to a wielded beer.

    #Drill Arm

    The first thing you should know is that this replaces the full arm, in contrast to the other two augments. Unlike the prosthetic arm, however, it is merely added at the arm level. This means that it allows the loss of a full arm to be remedied with full manipulation value, at the mere cost of 8% movement. It behaves the exact same in terms of character quality / pawn value as the other two. In addition, the Drill Arm can be added even if a prosthetic arm is removed from an individual. Despite this, the clavicle remains missing, and thus causes the drill arm to be nonfunctional in terms of manipulation. Amusingly enough, despite being completely unusable as an arm, this still results in the drill arm mining speed bonus from the unusable arm still being included. Adding a drill arm to the missing arm via devmode doesn't work, so this is possibly a developer oversight, maybe?

    The only difference between the drill arm and field hand outside of the installation point is that the drill arm impacts mining speed instead of plant work speed. As a result, the above calculations are equal in value, and the conclusion is the same: if you have a miner, these are fantastic. A mountain base wouldn't be complete if you didn't have a dedicated room-maker with these.

    A drill arm cheesed in under the above method will never be more efficient than having the functional arm, even for mining. Still, I like Schrödinger's Drill. Is it physically attached to the body, or just floating there?

    End of Part 1/2

    Link to Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/g1jvae/the_transhumanists_handbook_a_full_guide_to_body/

    submitted by /u/Spazgrim
    [link] [comments]

    Hunters kill a Bison - Art with mustard and stew

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Well OK then.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT


    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    The Transhumanist's Handbook - A Full Guide to Body Augments (2/2)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Note: Part 2 of 2

    This is the second part of the Transhumanist's Handbook. A link to the first half can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/g1jv38/the_transhumanists_handbook_a_full_guide_to_body/

    Spacer Tech - Bionic and Beyond

    The vast majority of these augments cost 15 plasteel / 4 advanced components. If the build cost is different, it will be noted.

    #Bionic Spine

    Equal to the performance of a regular spine and has no modifiers to pawn value / character quality whatsoever. Costs as much as any other bionic augment, and thus can be ignored unless a spine is actually shattered. Boring, but effective.

    #Bionic Ear

    No modifiers to value, much like the bionic spine. Grants 125% hearing, and because of how the hearing calculation is done (.76*higher hearing ear + .24*lower hearing ear), that results in always having at least 95% hearing with one installed, which allows full functionality with social / animal pawns even if the other ear is nonfunctional. With a regular ear and a bionic ear, hearing is at 119%, and the second ear brings that up to 125%.

    In effect, however, this is a rather worthless augment.

    The main power behind bionics is the ability to work faster / better as a result of pushing the modified stat above the baseline. For example, 125% manipulation for mining yield results in a 125% modifier for the end result. Everything past 100% is effectively a bonus. However, some calculations have a "100% max" modifier that prevents everything past 100% from applying any kind of bonus. All social / animal calculations have this modifier.

    The end result is that a pawn with bionic ears is no more effective than one with regular ears. Due to the cost being the same as other bionics, there is no reason to craft them because the others actually apply meaningful buffs to the pawns in question.

    #Bionic Stomach

    No impact to character quality / pawn wealth. Seeing a pattern here yet?

    A bionic stomach has part efficiency of 125% but only results in a metabolism of 112%. I believe this is because, while a metabolism of 0% kills a pawn, the stomach has been made a non-essential organ and only reduces metabolism efficiency by 50% if removed. Presumably that calculation has gone from a 100% importance weight on the stomach to a 50% importance weight. Regardless, it is a notable nerf that has not been rectified on the wiki.

    Anyway, what does it do?

    The main thing it does is treat gut worms, which basically just increased hunger rate by doubling it and had a chance to have the pawn vomit (which reduces the hunger bar). Bionic stomachs can't get the illness. Aside from that, it results in a 4% rest gain modifier (the 12% over 100% *.3 importance). It does not impact how much a pawn eats, how fast a pawn eats, or indeed whether it can get food poisoning. Irritatingly enough, it actually removes the Eating Speed calculation from showing up in the info tab on a pawn it's installed on. I have no idea why it even does that.

    For reference, bed quality / a royal bed is effectively equal to the modifier of a bionic stomach. A normal bed has a rest rate modifier of 100%, and a royal bed has a modifier of 105%. Awful quality modifies this base by 86%, poor by 92%, normal by 100%, good by 108%, excellent by 114%, masterwork by 125%, and legendary by 160%. So, instead of using plasteel and advanced components for a bionic stomach, you will get notably more effectiveness by merely upgrading the pawn's bed from normal to good quality, hands down (and note that stone block beds have a 90% rest effectiveness modifier!).

    #Bionic Heart

    At this point, you guessed it. Bionics have no impact on character quality and pawn value. Previously, there was a very notable +$~800 per bionic modifier to pawn value (and $2800 for archotech! see this link for a fuller list, credits to Astasia https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/974371471302370606/293E8FD7AB235EC10F6D920D05279F06D0AD6108/), which was particularly important because of how raid power is calculated with a colony's wealth (note: the Wiki's formula is outdated). The specifics can be provided on page 6 with RawCode's and Zizard's explanation (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=43206.75). Simply stated, a few augments were effectively doubling the average amount of wealth a pawn provided between base market value, clothing, and the space / amenities required to keep it happy, and this was at a high character quality (with the example pawn, the pawn itself is only contributing about 2.1987% of the total pawn wealth contributed, wholly due to the silly amount of wealth bloat from augments). At higher wealth values, this is less of an issue, but adding raid points (and 2-3 more enemies to mow through) because your soldier had cool bionic parts made it a very questionable decision midway on higher difficulties was a questionable decision. But, I digress.

    A prosthetic heart was noted to have a small negative impact across the board. What does the bionic heart impact?


    125% on Blood Pumping actually only raises Moving by 5%, and that's it. So you dodge 0.9 melee levels better and move 5% faster. Also harvests an undamaged heart without penalty and prevents heart attacks. That's really, really it. It's a shame the bionic heart doesn't impact Blood Filtration, because then it would, among other things, have a substantial impact on immunity gain for beating infections.

    I guess technically if you had a Go-Juice withdrawal (-20% Blood Pumping) or some other negative modifier to Blood Pumping the higher value would act as a buffer to the detriments that come from <100% Blood Pumping. But still, it's not that great an upgrade from a base heart, though quite a fair one from prosthetic hearts. It's pretty decent if the pawn in question runs the risk of heart attacks due to age / drug usage, however.

    #Bionic Leg

    Getting to the good stuff, now. A bionic leg has 125% efficiency, meaning the first leg adds ~12% move speed and the second ~13% additional to end up at 125% total. A single leg adds 2.2 melee levels worth of dodge, and with the second that total reaches 4.5 melee levels. Pretty valuable for a dedicated melee pawn, or indeed anyone who's constantly moving throughout the day.

    In reference to the specialized limb augments that reduce move speed by 8%, it's actually just a subtraction from the end value while a bionic leg multiplies the base 100% by the increased efficiency. IE while a single bionic leg adds about 12% move speed, a field hand reduces that by 8% to arrive at a 104% move speed, and 96% with two. With two bionic legs, the 125% move speed goes to 117% with a field hand, 109% with two.

    #Bionic Arm

    Sweet, sweet manipulation gains!

    Bionic arms have 125% manipulation values, meaning a single one adds 12% manipulation and a second adds the 13% to arrive at 125% total manipulation, just like how legs work.

    Unlike most other calculations, manipulation really doesn't cap out until you hit a few select amounts like 150% manip for cooking speed and 140% manip for tend quality. However, arrest chance, animal tame / train, and shooting accuracy all cap out at 100% manipulation. Bionic arms, as as result, should be prioritized on melee fighters and non-social pawns.

    In terms of cooking speed, a single arm is about 1.9 cooking levels. With two, that's 3.8 levels.

    A single arm results in 104% eating speed and animal product yields, adds 1.5 melee levels for melee DPS calcs, no additional plant / mining yields, but indeed carries 90% of that bonus for butchery efficiency and things like mechanoid disassembly efficiency. Research speed is notable in that it only gains half the value and caps at 110% manipulation, so 1-2 arms grants 5% additional speed. Most tasks, however, gain the full 112%. With both arms, you eat / get animal products at 108% speed, gain 3 total levels in melee calcs, gain 90% of the bonus for butchery efficiency / mech diassembly efficiency, and just work 125% faster and medically better and more efficient in general. Very, very powerful augment.

    #Bionic Eye

    Eyes follow the same mechanics as ears; 76% weight on the stronger part, and 24% on the weaker. A single eye is 119% Sight, and the second makes it go to 125%.

    This is actually the first eye augment that can be obtained, which goes to show that losing an eye is really rough. Sight is very important in most / all calculations, and indeed while it usually has a 100% max for skills unlike manipulation and is typically weighted at a reduced importance varying by activity, it is almost as universal.

    Sight is factored into melee calculations the same way manipulation does (up to 150%, just like manipulation). A single bionic eye gives a +2.3 melee level buff, and two total gives an additional 3 levels of melee skill for DPS calcs. Unfortunately it's worse than manipulation in dodging terms, having both a 140% cap and 8x weight instead of manipulation's 18x. A single eye this results in 1.5 melee levels of dodge, whereas two results in 2 levels.

    On the other hand, it's much more effective for shooting accuracy, having a cap at 150% compared to manipulation's 100%, as well as having a 12x weight instead of manipulation's 8x. A single eye thus adds 2.3 shooting levels, and two eyes adds a total of 3 shooting levels in terms of accuracy checks.

    While most skills are unaffected due to the sight cap, tend speed / quality, cooking speed, and research speed all are impacted to varying degrees. Much like bionic arms, 1-2 eyes adds 5% research speed, and cooking speed is increased by a reduced 0.8 cooking levels for 1 eye and, with 2 eyes, is increased by a single level. Tend quality has the post-process curve, but the amount plugged into the curve is multiplied by 113% with a single eye and 117% with two. Tend speed is modified by 115% with one eye, 120% with two.

    A very capable augment, especially for shooters.

    #Detoxifier Stomach

    No character quality / pawn wealth modifier.

    A very simple augment, the detoxifier stomach simply eliminates any chance of getting food poisoning. However, if EMP'd, the augmented pawn will vomit. A Zeushammer will not cause the wielder to vomit, but the target will vomit if they have this augment.

    In addition, this augment impacts metabolism and rest rate in the same way that a bionic stomach does (+4% rest rate, 112% metabolism in effect despite having a 125% part efficiency). As such, it can be seen as a direct upgrade but with the detriment of EMP vomiting.

    #Nuclear Stomach

    No chracter quality / pawn wealth modifier and eliminates food poisoning chance. Behaves exactly like a detoxifier stomach (including EMP risk) except with a hunger rate modifier of 25%. This means that a standard pawn's effective nutrition need per day is 0.4 instead of 1.6. In exchange for this, a user has a small chance of coming down with cancer due to the stomach literally being nuclear, and will have a cancer on the torso appear every 120 days mtb.

    The value for a base, of course, depends on how much of a problem food is. The torso, of course, cannot be replaced, and thus cancer represents a hefty medicinal cost. However, this could be incredibly valuable on Sea Ice / Extreme maps by reducing the colony's food reliance and indeed even on regular maps by reducing the immediate danger of food / freezer-threatening events like toxic fallout, volcanic winter, and solar flares. Being able to keep pawns drafted longer without annoyances like starvation and having to eat is helpful. However, all of this is merely a shadow of the true potential of this augment.

    The true value is for caravaning. The foraging calculation lets a pawn with 5 plant skill forage 0.45 nutrition a day with no augments at all, and a nuclear stomach pawn needs 0.40 nutrition a day. This lets you go infinite incredibly easily, which would only otherwise be possible when a pawn possessed 18+ plant to get >1.6 nutrition a day from foraging in perfect 1.0 nutrition area conditions, only possible on temperate forest / tropical rainforest tiles. With this augment, a 5 plant skill pawn can go on forever through tropical rainforests and temperate forests, a 9+ plant skill pawn can trek through all swamps and boreal forests infinitely, 14+ plant skill pawns can go through tundra and arid shrubland without fear, and 18+ plant pawns can go straight through a desert for years with a single packaged survivor meal. Indeed, the only limiting factor becomes whether pack animals can forage during that time of year, if you even care enough to use them. Have an event and your colony is running out of food? No biggie, just send Jim caravaning for a week. One less mouth to feed and your problem will be solved in a week with no food cost required.

    #Learning Assistant

    No character quality modifier, but +$1030 to pawn wealth.

    So, what's it do? It adds a global learning factor of +20%! To better understand what impact this has, here's a calculation of base learn speed, credit to Boboid on the Ludeon forums:

    Normal pawn with no passion: 1*0.35 or 35% Fast Learner with no passion: (1x1.75)*0.35 or 61.25% Slow Learner with no passion (1*0.25)*0.35 or 8.75% With passions it's Normal:1*1 = 100% Fast:(1*1.75)*1 = 175% Slow:(1*0.25)*1 = 25% Burning passion Normal:1*1.5 = 150% Fast:(1*1.75)*1.5 = 262.5% Slow:(1*0.25)*1.5 = 37.5%

    Now, here's what that all looks like with the Learning Assistant applied:

    Normal pawn with no passion: 1.2*0.35 or 42% Fast Learner with no passion: (1.2x1.75)*0.35 or 73.5% Slow Learner with no passion (1.2*0.25)*0.35 or 10.5% With passions it's Normal:1.2*1 = 120% Fast:(1.2*1.75)*1 = 210% Slow:(1.2*0.25)*1 = 30% Burning passion Normal:1.2*1.5 = 180% Fast:(1.2*1.75)*1.5 = 315% Slow:(1.2*0.25)*1.5 = 45%

    Takeaway: Very good gains for passions, and good lord is fast learner good and slow learner horrendously bad.


    No character quality modifier, but +$1030 to pawn wealth. Just like the learning assistant.

    This augment increases research speed's base by +20%, very similar to how the drill arm / field hand function. This means that it's not a perfect +20% to research speed, because the other modifiers like manipulation, sight, and your Intellectual skill multiply off this 120% base. This is good for an Intellectual skill >8 or manipulation / sight >100% because they gain more research speed than a 20% boost would give, and intellectual skill / manip / sight below those figures gain less than 20%. At 8 and baseline manip / sight, it's just a +20% speed boost.

    It's pretty late to get an augment like this because the only thing that's really left is the spaceship and any end-tier research you haven't done yet, but this naturally makes running through all that research much more managable. If you can buy this early it'll be much, much better!

    #Toughskin Gland

    These glands are pretty odd. They effectively grant full-body armor but at varying costs.

    The toughskin gland effectively reduces character quality to 97.428% (98%) but adds a pawn wealth modifier of $1030.

    The impact of this gland is to reduce Moving by 5%, but provide sharp armor of 35%, blunt armor of 10%, and heat armor (against burns and incendiary weapons) of 30%, as per the rebalance. Most weapons are going to have armor penetration values low enough that these will consistently offer a reasonable layer of protection, and indeed it would take a normal quality steel longsword to consistently hit through (33% armor penetration). Wool jackets offer 33% heat armor, for a reference. The heat armor is okay, but not fantastic for preventing burn damage.

    The main benefit of these glands is that they represent an additional layer of armor and thus have a chance to potentially stop weak attacks. After the rebalance, the toughskin is reasonably effective at negating crappy tribal weapons, but is not particularly reliable (especially against normal quality weapons, spears especially will punch through with ease).

    #Armorskin Gland

    Reduces character quality to 75.142% (75%) and adds a $14750 armorskin gland modifier. 20 plasteel, 6 advanced components.

    This gland reduces Moving by 10%, beauty by 1, and provides sharp armor of 52%, blunt of 20%, and heat armor of 40%. At this level you have a very decent level of defense against most of the crappy tribal weapons and even the occasional warhammer / axe / longsword (a normal quality steel longsword has 33% armor penetration and would be negated 9% of the time, cause half damage 10% of the time, and deal full damage 81% of the time. A steel club only has 19% armor penetration and thus would cause full damage 67% of the time, deal half damage 17% of the time, and full damage 16% of the time). Thus, while it is not very effective against more geared raiders, it is pretty good at weakening your typical poorly equipped tribals.

    Beauty reductions are quite interesting because they are treated as a reduction to character quality (and thus pawn value) and because, while it isn't stated in any calculation, it does have a pretty big impact on how colonies function. A -1 beauty is effectively a Ugly trait and thus is -20 to social for all pawns, to say nothing about the impact on relationships.

    #Stoneskin Gland

    Reduces to 52.57% (52%) character quality. Adds a $1920 stoneskin gland modifier. 25 plasteel, 8 advanced components.

    This gland is the biggest and strongest of the glands. 70% sharp armor, 30% blunt armor, and 50% heat armor is not too shabby. For reference, a legendary flak jacket is 72% sharp armor, 14.4% blunt armor and 18% heat armor, and poor quality recon armor is 73.6% sharp / 32% blunt /36.8% heat armor. A legendary plasteel longsword only has 61% armor penetration, so even when going against some of the best melee weapons around the stoneskin gland has a reasonable impact. -2 beauty is pretty bad, though, and makes a pawn equivalent to being staggeringly ugly. This -40 social impact can cause a lot of problems when managing a colony; social fights and relationship failures are something you want to try and avoid!

    For reference, however, negative beauty pawns have gained a saving grace in 1.1 / with Royalty. Ascetic and Kind pawns no longer hate them for being ugly. This allows Ascetic / Kind pawn couples to not be absolutely wrecked by these augments, and potentially allows a specialized colony to use these without issue.

    Counters beautiful lesbians.


    No character value modifier, +$1030 pawn value modifier for the augment.

    Causes pawns to bleed out at 50% speed. That's it.

    Won't stop someone from killing themselves with smokeleaf, dying from infection, or stop decapitation. All it does is give you double the time to save a pawn dying from bleed out. Very effective for giving you more time for saving downed pawns.

    #Healing Enhancer

    No character value modifier, +$1030 pawn value modifier for the augment. Hope you're not sick of this yet, Royalty loves the $1030 figure.

    Multiplies natural healing factor by 1.5x. So basically that bruise from a social fight heals at 150% speed. Doesn't cure addictions faster, infections faster, make drugs expire faster, etc. Very basic but with no drawbacks outside of the pawn value gain.

    #Aesthetic Nose

    120% character quality / pawn value from the +1 to beauty alone. 10 plasteel, 2 advanced components so it's comparatively cheap versus most augments.

    All it does is add +1 beauty to a pawn, and can replace a shattered nose. While kind and ascetic are good traits for ugly people, they're actually bad for beautiful people because ascetic and kind pawns don't gain a social bonus from the beauty! This can be a blessing in disguise, though, because it means relationships with those pawns are much more stable.

    As an important note, surgery for removal of the aesthetic nose can be done as remove part (nose) and remove aesthetic nose. Removal of the aesthetic nose leaves a normal nose behind, even if said nose did not exist before. So the surgery itself is simply making the nose ugly.

    #Aesthetic Shaper

    120% character quality AND a +$830 modifier from the aesthetic shaper. Wealthwise this augment is thus inefficient compared to the aesthetic nose.

    Functionally the same as the aesthetic nose. +1 beauty, that's it. Stacks with the aesthetic nose. 15 plasteel, 3 advanced components.

    #Love Enhancer

    No character value modifier, +$1030 pawn value modifier for the augment.

    So good it had to be nerfed! Down to 1.5x lovin' mood bonus, from 2x. Not much to say, ridiculously good for pawns in relationships. A single augment is good for a couple.


    No impact on character quality, +$830 modifier to pawn value for the augment.

    Literally is just a +5 cooking skill buff only for cooking speed. Does not reduce food poisoning chance. Cannot be stacked with the aesthetic nose, and has to be applied to an existing nose. Cannot act as a part replacement, like for a shattered nose. It's really kind of weird how this augment functions, and it's pretty niche. I guess the 15 plasteel / 3 advanced component cost compared to the usual 15/4 is a sort of apology for it.


    It's back! No character value modifier, +$1030 pawn value modifier for the augment.

    So, this is what I'd call a case of false advertising. It says it "speeds up immunity gain significantly", but in fact only acts as a +8% immunity gain speed base value. For reference, a regular bed has an immunity gain speed factor of *107%, a regular hospital bed has a gain speed factor of *113%, a vitals monitor is +2%, and resting is *110%. Sure, 8% is pretty okay, but it's not going to let you ignore tending Plague or not be resting in a bed. At best, it lets you use herbal medicine instead of the better stuff. Is it worth the 15 plasteel / 4 advanced components to make? Probably not, unless you're doing a solo pawn challenge.

    #Circardian Assistant

    No character value modifier, +$1030 pawn value modifier for the augment.

    So, it makes the rest fall rate reduced by 20%. This actually isn't the same as the quick sleeper trait, which makes the rest bar get filled at 150% speed (or effectively take 2/3 as much time sleeping). It's actually more like the psychite tea x80% tiredness effect, but permanent. So usually 8 hours of sleep is good for like 16 hours of active work. Now it's good for 19.2. It's good, but means your pawn will need a slightly modified sleep schedule as a result to really benefit.

    #Circardian Half-Cycler

    67.714% character quality (68%) +$1030 pawn value modifier from the augment.

    -15% consciousness in exchange for never having to sleep, and actually removing the Rest meter from the pawn's needs tab. Remember the joywire? It's basically the same kind of augment but with a whole different set of problems on top of the basic consciousness drop, but with the ability to change your mind and remove it.

    As noted before with the joywire, a -15% consciousness hit means Moving, Manipulation, Talking, and Eating are all dropped to 85% as well. You haul 11 less (meaning you're hauling slightly more than 85%), move about 85% speed, eat at 82% speed, dodge 2.7 melee levels worse, DPS 1.8 melee levels worse, shoot 1.2 shooting levels worse, negotiate / trade at about 90% efficiency, talk and arrest a negligible amount less (like 1% or less), and taming / training is unaffected. Yields are down about 4%, you cook 2.4 levels worse, and basically do all work tasks at 85% efficiency.

    The gain from this, though, is that you effectively cut out all that time you were sleeping so you can do productive work. The downside? You don't get any of the benefits from sleeping!

    Sleep is actually a very powerful tool for mood management. It freezes mood changes until the pawn wakes up, which means that it acts as 6-8 hours for negative moodlets like from seeing corpses and getting insulted to expire, to say nothing about letting food poisoning, pain, psychic hangovers, and just regular hangovers tick down. Sleeping itself also gives a "comfortable" buff that can scale up to 10 based on bed quality / the presence of a dresser and end table, and also gives a small little buff from sleeping in a good room. In addition, you get lovin' benefits from pawns in relationships, which both help keep the relationship strong and add very powerful, consistent moodlets.

    Seriously, sleep is good. Getting an extra 50% workable time from this tradeoff isn't something that's an obvious win, and indeed that time may not be beneficial on certain pawns anyway. Plant growth is limited by daytime, and animals can't be trained at night. If you think the tradeoff is worth it for a particular pawn, menial / time-consuming tasks like research, hauling, cooking, and cleaning gain the most from this implant.

    The Last Stretch - Archotech

    #Archotech Eye

    Just like bionics, all archotech has no impact on pawn value / quality. They can be used with abandon.

    An archotech eye has 150% part efficiency. A single eye gives 138% Sight (remember, strong part * .76 weight + weak part *.24 weight), and the second brings it up to 150%. Most of this enhanced ability gets squandered, sadly.

    Remember the bionic eye. Only combat skills and tend speed / quality, cooking speed, and research speed were impacted because of how sight typically caps at 100% for most skills. You still only get 105% research speed because of this limitation and cap at 109% tend speed with a single eye. Cooking speed does go up to +1.5 cooking levels, though, and tend quality goes up to 127% pre-curve. A single eye also grants 4.6 melee levels for the DPS calculation and 3 melee levels for dodging. Shooting accuracy is improved by 4.6 shooting levels.

    The second eye is mostly wasted, though, outside of a few combat calcs. Melee DPS gains go up to an effective 6 melee levels gain, 3.2 melee levels for dodging, and caps at 6 shooting levels gained for shooting accuracy. Cooking speed caps at +2.0 cooking levels, and tend quality caps at 128% effectiveness. Thus, the second eye is kind of overkill in a lot of aspects.

    #Archotech Leg

    150% part efficiency = +25% movement per leg = speed. Dodge increases by 4.5 melee levels. That's it!

    #Archotech Arm

    Remember, that two bionic arms gives 125% part efficiency. Because the archotech arm gives 150% part efficiency and thus 125% manipulation with one replaced arm, a single archotech arm is in every way equal to two bionic arms, down to the copy-pasted text. You eat / get animal products at 108% speed, gain 3 levels in melee DPS calcs, gain 90% of the bonus for butchery efficiency / mech diassembly efficiency, and just work 125% faster and medically better and more efficient in general.

    With the second arm, you go to a ludicrous 150% manipulation. You eat at 115% speed, max out at +6 melee levels for melee DPS calculations, do everything at 150% speed and efficiency. Surgeries are 150% better, tend quality sadly caps at 140% pre-curve, cooking speed is increased by an absurd 8 cooking levels. This arm is the best of the best.

    A Few Final Words

    #Transhumanism, and why Body Purists suck

    A Transhumanist has a -4 to mood with 0 artificial parts, jumps to +4 with a single part, and continually gains a small amount of mood per new part until they max out at 6 parts and +13 mood. Thus, in midgame / endgame, they become superior to Sanguine. This is common knowledge.

    A lesser known fact is that Transhumanists appreciate other colonists with artificial parts. Each part installed on a colonist makes the Transhumanist gain a +8 social buff towards that colonist, up to 5 parts and a +40 social. This means that, when the colony gets to bionics and starts replacing everything, they like everyone by default, and don't even hate the staggeringly ugly ones.

    Body Purists, on the other hand, on top of freaking out if you try to upgrade them, get massive, permanent mood debuffs and hate other colonists with augments by -8 per augment, capping out at -40. This means they'll cause problems in your colony, even though the person they hate is doing way more than they are.

    As a result, Transhumanists are cool guys and Body Purists should be Warg food.


    Bionics / Archotech has no impact on pawn wealth, and thus are now safe to use as wealth dumps to decrease the point value given to raids.

    Mix Psychic Amplifier / Cochlears / Empire Melee Augments / Empire Specialized Limbs Augments to get an earlygame mood boost with little negatives. Wooden feet / prosthetic legs optional for even earlier gains.

    01010000 01010010 01000001 01001001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01001111 01001101 01001110 01001001 01010011 01010011 01001001 01000001 01001000

    submitted by /u/Spazgrim
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    Devil strand?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    Im pretty sure this is the wrong scenario...

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    62 year old begging to join, won't tell me whats chasing him 182 hives sprout afterwards.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Capturing 300 raiders, time to browse prisoner applications.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    This person came to a unused settlement of mine, killed buncha chikens then was killed by them.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:16 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Farthest I've gotten in Naked Brutality and Randy decided to give me a huge reward. Thanks Randy!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Poor squirrel does not deserve to eat without a table!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I hear randy's laugh echoing through my kingdom

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Swordsman was clearly a Rimworld player counting on trapping Indy in melee

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Tfw you crashlanded over a year ago and nobody else joined yet so progress is slow and you pretty much live in the "temporary" but at least you tamed a cool bug and a cat

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    "spacious interior +5"

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Stockholm Syndrom at its best

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    One of my prisoners just managed to seduce his warden. And even though he does want to sleep with him now he still doesnt want to join the colonie.

    submitted by /u/Romanmemepire
    [link] [comments]

    The God-Queen has fallen.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    After more than 8 years of brave leadership, our beloved colony founder has been struck down in the prime of her life. Reports indicate that she was pulling a fellow soldier to safety and was only a few hundred feet from our strong walls when the fatal blow landed.

    When asked why two such decorated soldiers were deep in enemy territory poking around dormant mechanoids, military command would only say that their mission was top secret. Our sources have given a contradictory story however, we were told that some idiot in high command had them out hunting around the dormant threat.

    We must hold the faith in these troubling times as all hope is not lost. A contact in military intelligence told one of our intrepid reporters that they have a potential lead on a sample of the mythical resurrector mech serum. With our leader gone, can we be brave enough to face down hundreds of elite mercenaries in this suicidal quest? Only time will tell.


    submitted by /u/misty-sunrise
    [link] [comments]

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