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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    RimWorld Headon Inn's first night in business

    RimWorld Headon Inn's first night in business

    Headon Inn's first night in business

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    The human cost of organ farming

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    They're stealing my barricades, can't have shit in Rimworld

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Here is my Freaking Automated Warcrime System or FAWS for short.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Damnit how am I going to eat this now? It's so cute.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    *Furiously Meditates*

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Live by the monkey die by the monkey.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Wintergarden | 16 People + 4 Androids | Boreal Northern Hemisphere | Planned Devmode City | 100+ Mods

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Since some liked my last two colonists, I drew another one. It’s their older brother General Apach! (Second pic got blood)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Work in progress. I'll admit, I made myself a suuuuper OP starting scenario, but I wanna build a really cool base, then crank the difficulty and try to defend it.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I suppose this is why colonists avoid shipbuilding.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Another day of colony life, farming, mining, raining and about 50 Scythers

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I just started to play this game, my crafter lvl 13 got inspired and made a excellent bed, should i sell it? Im running llw on silver due to buying meals so my people can eat while i grow glorious potatoes ��

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    What a way to ruin Strange's marriage ceremony

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    When I was comparing DPS and armor penetration values of melee weapons I noticed that they were not what I was expecting. When I calculated them myself I received different values. How are they calculated exactly? What am I missing? Here a normal steel longsword as an example:

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    A question for the well versed regarding components...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    In short, how tf are you supposed to get more once you've run out?

    I read what most people say online about trading for them and that you can make your own with the fabrication bench but I have problems with this because:

    1. I already used all in my base area.

    2. I haven't seen one trader that has any, I've even been asked by other settlements for some.

    3. As far as I can tell, you can't travel to another area nearby and mine some, or if you can I wasn't able to figure out how in the 30 mins I tried.

    4. I ran out of components after I unlocked the high tech bench, so can't craft the bench that makes more.

    So I'm basically locked in place and can't do anything anymore because I need components to build more to move on in the game but I can't get any anywhere.

    Is there something I'm missing? An obscure way to find more? Or do I just have to go year by year and hope that eventually there's enough traders come through with a few that I can build the next bench and hope nothing that uses components breaks?

    The last time I played was when the game was in Early Access and I really thought they were going to redo components because of how much they don't make sense but it looks like it's stayed almost exactly the same.

    I don't understand why I can craft auto gun turrets, flat screen televisions, Shields, and transport pods before I can even craft basic components. It makes absolutely no sense and its driving me crazy.

    submitted by /u/Badassfully_Elcor
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    Turrits now cost more to rearm than to build? Why does Tynan hate turrets?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    New mods to start playing again?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    After playing 200+ hours in a short time and then taking a break from rimworld, I'm looking for some new mods to get back into the game. I already have most of the Vanilla Expanded mods, as well as some QOL mods. I'd like to keep it a little bit vanillaesque, so no fire-breathing mutant anime attack helicopters or anything of the sorts please. Thanks for your suggestions!

    tl;dr. Need new mods after break

    submitted by /u/kesnie
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    Sending less colonists than required

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Yesterday on my modded playthrough (I believe the quest is vanilla but ill tell you the playthrough is modded to be upfront) I got a quest from the Empire to send 18 colonists on a raid to take out 26 pirates. The rewards were very enticing, however it required me to send my entire colony with no one left behind. I only have 7 dedicated fighters, another 5 or 6 perhaps could pick up a gun but the 7 see are augmented super soldiers with advanced bionic parts, I'm sure they could take the 26 pirates.

    Does anyone know of any way, legit, modded, or otherwise, to send less people than required into a shuttle for such a quest?

    submitted by /u/NamarJackson
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    Colony bedrooms, where do you put them?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    I'm currently planning out a large colony and i am considering where to put the bedrooms, so i would like to hear a second opinion, how do you lay out where your pawns sleep?

    submitted by /u/doirellyhaftohelp
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    Randy is love. Randy is life.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    I just want to share a story that happened to me a few minutes ago in my game.

    My base is a veritable fortress. Layered walls, murderholes, and close quarter combat is forced upon any attacker who wishes to come close. And my colonists are very, very good at melee.

    So, seeing this, Randy must've gotten pissed. Royally pissed.

    Like a grandmaster moving his pawn to a seemingly innocuous position before he checkmates the enemy king, Randy threw over a small herd of Thrumboes at me. Well, by small, he meant five, apparently. Doesn't seem small to me, but I digress.

    Then, not even an ingame hour later, Randy moves his bishop into position, putting me in check. An outlander siege has begun.

    Now, I despise sieges. I think they're obnoxious, and my base is an open air base with multiple separate buildings, so perfect mortar kibble.

    My palm firmly in my face, I send out most of my colonists to attack the position before they become too entrenched, leaving one behind to man my mortar and possibly blow up their ammunition before they get a chance to shoot.

    Well, that failed, and I quickly ran out of shells (seeing as I only had two), so the rest of the small army went to attack.

    Thinking I had moved my king out of check, I moved my knight forward. Right into Randy's trap.

    Another goddamn raid began. A three-pronged tribal assault, dozens of almost nude maniacs wielding spears and small arms came onto the map.

    Goddamnit, Randy!

    Thinking quick, I order my colonists back inside. I'm not going to get one shotted by an arrow today (again) thank you very much.

    I undrafted my colonists so they could eat and play some hoopstone before the enemy forces hoarded in for the final attack.

    Then, as if by divine intervention, the tribals attacked the outlanders. One by one the savages got their heads blown clean off by pump action shotguns and heavy SMGs, while some outlanders made the mistake of letting them get within melee range and suffered a terrible fate.

    That's when I noticed the enemy mortars have fired off a salvo.

    A salvo of incendiary rounds.

    At my primarily wooden base.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. But I just haven't gotten around to changing it to stone, okay?

    The first shell hit my corn fields, where my slaves were sowing and harvesting. Many of them, still injured from an infestation I battled just a few days prior, suffered terrible burns from what I assume to be futuristic napalm. One of them even had his hand scarred to the point where it made more sense to amputate it and replace it with wood. Well, I would've if he had survived.

    The second round went straight over my chemfuel caves, thankfully...

    ...and straight into my hospital.

    Cursing Randy's name, I order everyone to put out the blazing inferno before it spreads to the chemfuel refinery or, god forbid, the chemfuel caves. However, this is a Combat Extended fire, and it was not about to be put out so quickly. Soon, the hospital reached over 1000 degrees Freedom Units, and the only way to stop this hell was to move my only fire popper that I stole from a shuttle raid to the hospital, and finally, the fire died.

    So did two of my slaves. Ironically, the pyromaniacs. And nothing of value was lost.

    But there were still the tribals bearing down on me.

    They finally began their assault, so I prepared my defenses. Some of my forward lines of defense were damaged by the mortars, so I ordered them inside the walls, to fire at them through muderholes and with ballistas.

    Calpurnia, bless her, just recovered from a small instance of friendly fire (read: shotgun blast to the back of her head) and eagerly manned a ballista. She skewered two tribals with it before they reached the walls.

    Now, the others open fire. But, Randy had, once again, baited me right into another check.

    A stray bullet hits one of the Thrumboes.

    Another bullet hits yet another.

    Both of them became pissed. Royally pissed.

    Seeing the imminent danger, I lock all the doors to the outside. The few hounds I have outside the walls will have to wait to come back inside, this is much more important than the lives of a few wardogs.

    Thankfully, the Thrumboes attack the tribals outside the walls, scaring them off before turning on my defenses.

    I have assault rifles, machine pistols, a longsword, two pikes, a few revolvers, and a charge rifle. I think I can handle this.

    A few minutes later, I realize that I cannot.

    This was after the Thrumboes broke through the door, slaughtered my melee fighters with ease, and closed the distance on the rest of them. The slaves were no help at all, simply cowering from the beasts, but all were cut down in the end. The only survivor was Antony, the houndmaster, who cowered in the barn with the muffaloes and juvenile hounds.

    When he stepped outside, he saw they were dead. Not the thrumboes, but his comrades that he had known for years. His favorite war hounds had been slaughtered trying to defend their owners, the slaves had been mercilessly hacked to pieces in their quarters, his comrades in arms died valiantly in battle against a superior foe.

    Well, he was a psychopath, so he didn't really care, but you get the point.

    Finally, Randy decided to give me something that would cheer me up. A few drop pods landed, giving me some weed.

    Antony was a teetotaler.

    It was at that point where I simply shut the game down, knelt to my Randy shrine, and prayed to RNGesus to spare me on my next colony.

    submitted by /u/Mushroomian1
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    Disable Fast Forward?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys! It's kind of the opposite of what most people seem to look for, but I was wondering if there was a mod to completely disable the fast forward button in RimWorld? I'd like to slow down progression and force myself to micromanage, explore my colonists, etc. I always tell myself to just not use it, but after a little while it's just too convenient and I end up warping through much of the game.


    submitted by /u/JayDogSqueezy
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    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:08 AM PDT

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