• Breaking News

    Monday, September 21, 2020

    RimWorld Stanley is incapable of violence

    RimWorld Stanley is incapable of violence

    Stanley is incapable of violence

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    I WAS having fun...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    2nd Stage of Warcrimes

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Life on the rim can be quite unfair

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Encounters on the Rim Issue #1: Sticky Situation

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    My hunter took two shots (call that a deadeye)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Our home flagship, was built from raiding pirate and imperial bases of 5 planets. It was always a dream to "take the fight to the Mechnoids" when the game first came out years ago in beta. Years later, that dream has come true. I'm thankful for all of the amazing mods that are out today

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    "Hey, you seem pretty open to advances now you're no longer in a relationship lol" *wait that worked?*

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    He survived a crash during a space battle, stood up to heal himself, and blew up

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    I got a quest to babysit some noble kids, and one went and bit my colonist's leg off

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Hey guys! If you are hungry, I'd be much more than glad to offer you a steak...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    I just made a new mod that lets you conserve meat for much more time by combining it with salt from Vanilla Cooking Expanded.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I have created a one man and about 20 grizzly bear army

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    My trapped river

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Out of the skills the refugee could have

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    i've made a mistake

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Try Adhatsua's Chemshine Reserve. It gets you drunk! (Just don't ask how it's made)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    My Sea Ice shack

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Randy going full Art of War style with the surrounds. baiting me in for some easy jelly from 55 hives and following that with a back stab of 12 centipedes.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    what do you think about my save with 400 mods.. umm

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Flashstorm just turned my colony into California

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:17 PM PDT

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