• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    RimWorld Traders be like...

    RimWorld Traders be like...

    Traders be like...

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    Prison Infestation

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    One of my wargs just did this to a tortoise

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Haul 7/7

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    When the long range scanner says there may be an unknown threat

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    A very unlucky shot from a Lancer just taught me the downsides of having one *really* good colonist be the father of like every person in the next generation . . .

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Oh no baby what is you doing???

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Pod landed in undiscovered area

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:13 AM PDT

    Psychic harmoniser and joywires work together. Also I think I made a Stepford wife.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Patch Notes v1.1.2698 unstable

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT


    New stuff

    1. New major quest: Refugee hospitality.
    2. New major quest: Bandit camp mission.
    3. New permit selection system: When a colonist gains a royal title, you can now choose which royal permits you want to come with that title. There are more permits to choose from than before. Some permits require minimum titles before they can be chosen. This lets you customize your nobles somewhat.
    4. New permit: Transport shuttle. This permit calls a transport shuttle to the noble. You can load whatever you like in it and send it on a one-way trip across the world map. This can be used for attacking sites, extracting fighters from combat, simple travel, sending gifts, and so on.
    5. New permits: Call laborer team and call laborer gang. These permits call a group of laborers to work for you. They are the civilian equivalent of calling military aid.
    6. New permits: Call orbital strike and call orbital salvo. The Empire will use their ships to bombard targets that you designate.
    7. Psycasts can now have psyfocus costs. This lets us create psycasts that are useful over the long term instead of just in combat. The player can use them any time, but must restore psyfocus somehow.
    8. New psycast: Solar Pinhole.
    9. New psycast: Word of Trust.
    10. New psycast: Word of Joy.
    11. New psycast: Word of Love.
    12. New psycast: Word of Serenity.
    13. New psycast: Word of Inspiration.
    14. New psycast: Chunk skip.
    15. New psycast: Farskip.
    16. New psycast: Neuroquake.
    17. New bestower. The bestower is a ceremonial priest-like character who visits from the Empire to bestow new titles and psychic powers on colonists who have earned them. Titles are no longer given instantly when enough honor has been acquired, and psylink neuroformers are no longer sent to you by drop pods. Instead, a colonist with enough honor for a new title can invoke the bestower, who arrives in a shuttle with a retinue of guards. He goes to the colonist's throne room, confirming that it satisfies the title requirements, and does the bestowing ceremony there. The ceremony itself gives the psylink upgrade and title. You can also betray the bestower to steal psylink neuroformers from him.
    18. New apparel: Hood. Used by bestower.

    New custom difficulty system

    1. New setting to have storyteller ignore wealth, and instead replace it with a factor from time alone. This can make the game fall off the rails easily, but is appropriate for someone who wants a pure challenge.
    2. New setting to adjust player friendly fire chances.
    3. New setting to adjust the chance of colonists being killed instantly by incoming shots. This setting allows you to apply a damage filter that prevents colonists being killed by a single shot, because that can feel arbitrary. Colonists can still be downed by one shot and bleed out soon after, or take permanent injuries in one shot.
    4. New incident: Bandits set up problem causer.
    5. New mechanoid building: Gloomlight.
    6. New raid reward system: Previously raids would just drop whatever rewards were associated with the characters in that raid. This had several problems. It meant that players at higher difficulty were getting bigger rewards, which inverts the difficulty curve. It also meant that we couldn't accurately tune or adjust what rewards would be, nor introduce much variation as to what the rewards were. Now we have a system where raid rewards are decided in a centralized location, generally with one or two raiders carrying the reward. This applies to human and mechanoid raids. Each faction can choose from a different set of rewards: Pirates tend to give drugs, outlanders give medicine, mechanoids give plasteel or steel, tribals give jade or herbal medicine, all humans can give silver.
    7. New utility apparel system.
    8. Included item: Smokepop belt.
    9. Included item: Psychic insanity lance.
    10. Included item: Psychic shock lance.
    11. New item: Broadshield pack.
    12. New item: Jump pack.
    13. New armor: Locust armor.
    14. New armor: Grenadier armor.
    15. New armor: Phoenix armor.
    16. New persona weapon traits: Now persona weapons have individual traits to reflect their individual personalities. Each weapon will have one or two traits. Some traits are good, some are bad, some are just different. Traits affect the weapon's market value, so a weapon with a negative trait will be cheaper. The traits are:
    17. Psychic hypersensitizer: Psychic sensitivity +40% when wielded.
    18. Psychic sensitizer: Psychic sensitivity +20% when wielded.
    19. Psychic quiet: Psychic sensitivity -15% when wielded.
    20. Psychic fog: Psychic sensitivity -30% when wielded.
    21. Kind thoughts: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s kind thoughts +6".
    22. Calm thoughts: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s calm thoughts +3".
    23. Mad muttering: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s muttering -3".
    24. Mad wailing: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s wailing -6".
    25. Kill-focused: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains 20% psyfocus instantly.
    26. Kill-happy: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains a "weaponname's kill happiness +6" thought for 3 days. It stacks but the effect falls off fast.
    27. Kill-sorrow: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains a "weaponname's kill sorrow -3" thought lasting 3 days. It stacks but the effect falls off fast.
    28. Painless: Pain locked to zero while wielded due to a psychic brain hediff.
    29. Fast mover: Move faster while equipped due to a psychic brain hediff.
    30. Hunger pangs: Hunger +50% while bonded due to a psychic brain hediff.
    31. Neural cooling: Neural heat fall rate improved by 0.15 per second.
    32. Psy-meditative: Wielder psyfocus gains from meditation increased by 10% (like increasing focus effectiveness by 10%).
    33. Freewielder: The weapon does not bond. Anyone can grab it and use it.
    34. Jealous: If you use another weapon while bonded, get a memory thought "weaponname's jealous rage -15" for 1 day.
    35. Kill thirst: If weapon has not killed anyone in 20 days, bonded pawn has a "[weaponName]'s kill thirst -4" thought.
    36. New meditation enhancers. Meditation focus objects can now be enhanced by other objects placed nearby. This gives a reason to construct more integrated and expansive meditation temples instead of just a single object.
    37. Anima tree and animus stone are enhanced by nearby animus stones.
    38. Sculptures are enhanced by nearby sculptures.
    39. Grave is enhanced by nearby graves.
    40. New meditation focus type: Flame. This is usable by pyromaniacs. They can focus on torches, campfires, or braziers. These are enhanced by nearby torches, campfires, or braziers.
    41. New visual effects for all skip-themed psycasts. The effect is more science-themed and avoids magic-like elements like glowing particles.
    42. New visual effects for invisibility psycast. The effect is more science-themed.
    43. New visual effects for building destruction.
    44. New visual effects for orbital strikes, salvos, and bombardments. You can see and hear incoming projectiles and other details are improved.
    45. New visual effects for wallraise rocks expiring.
    46. New visual effects for EMP state on mechs or turrets.
    47. A bunch of new sound effects: Many types of building destructions. Skip psycasts. EMP blasts and status effects. Windmill, watermill, wood generator, chemfuel generator. Mech cluster defeated.
    48. New element for Empire bases: Shuttle pad. When you attack an Empire base it will have a shuttle pad, often with a shuttle on the pad about to take off. This just distinguishes these bases from other factions better.
    49. New element for Empire bases: Throne room.
    50. New speech inspirations. When your noble gives an inspiring speech, each listener has a 5% chance of getting an inspiration in addition to the mood bonus.
    51. New automatic caravan supplies setup. To reduce player burden during caravan forming, now by default the caravan will load enough food and medicine for the journey plus a buffer. This can be overridden if desired. The caravan forming interface was also reordered to ask for the route first, and to clean up placement of some UI elements. Overall, caravan forming takes less effort and fewer clicks.
    52. New 'smash mechanoid' bill allows tribals to break down mechanoid corpses without a machining table.
    53. New incident: Abasia disease. Someone in the colony gets paralytic abasia, which paralyzes them for a while.
    54. New incident: Blood rot disease. Someone in the colony gets blood rot, which requires regular medical treatment for a while.
    55. New incident: Abasia joiner. Someone joins you, but they have paralytic abasia, so they must recover from that before they can work.
    56. New system for distinguishing encounter maps. Previously on encounter maps, the player caravan was just arbitrarily reformed after a certain amount of time. Now, the colonists will be detected by enemies after some time. Later, enemy reinforcements will begin arriving to attack. The player can choose when to leave, and this scenario can play out even on maps where other enemies remain (e.g. If player is executing a siege).

    Improvements and adjustments

    1. Renamed royal favor to honor.
    2. Underground resources readout now shows what is in each underground cell and how many there are.
    3. Make desired psyfocus dragging more robust.
    4. Refined room stats readout.
    5. Storyteller now ignores HP for purposes of wealth calculation.
    6. Monument placing feedback is improved. When you try to place a monument, now the specific reason it can't be placed is highlighted on the map and noted in a message.
    7. Map generator doesn't generate little inaccessible islands any more since they break various aspects of gameplay.
    8. Anima tree will no longer be destroyed by meteors, crashed ship parts, or shuttles.
    9. Empire soldiers now have more distinctive haircuts.
    10. Pawns can now only bond one persona weapon at a time (otherwise trait effects can stack in broken ways).
    11. Anima trees now reduce their anima grass progress rate after they're heavily used within a single day. This still permits the use of many meditators to power-level the anima grass, but at reduced effectiveness.
    12. Empire is no longer enemy with civil NPC factions. We added a warning to inform players if they call Empire military aid when there are enemies on the map that the aid won't fight (this is a rare scenario).
    13. Updated Korean language worker.
    14. Added labelMale and labelFemale to traits.
    15. Display meat icon in butchery recipe float menu option.
    16. Removed naming animals through nuzzling. Animals only get names by bonding, or if given names by the player.
    17. Change threat text color to a lighter red for better readability. Applied it to more text where it makes sense.
    18. Gear tab now expands if it needs space and there is space, before using scroll bar.
    19. Speech duration reduced from 5 hours to 4 hours.
    20. Plasmasword damage increased from 19 to 20. Extra flame damage chance increased from 30% to 50%. Flame damage amount increased from 8 to 10. Persona plasmasword damage increased from 20 to 22. Persona plasmasword extra flame damage chance increased from 50% to 70%. Monosword damage reduced from 27 to 25. Persona monosword damage reduced from 29 to 27.
    21. Stele and nature shrine now have terrain affordances appropriate for their sizes.
    22. Several sounds now change speed if game speed changes, so they stay in sync with on-screen motion.
    23. Eltex gear's psychic sensitivity effect now scales with quality. Added feedback for this.
    24. All anima tree psylink levels now take 20 anima grass (instead of 18 or 22).
    25. On the research tab, we now draw icons for techprint faction and research bench requirements (the latter as hyperlinks).
    26. Quest helpers no longer spawn with the greedy trait.
    27. Relabel skill neurotrainers to "skilltrainer" and give them their own category similar to psytrainers.
    28. Removed special letter icon for choice letters.
    29. Sort transporter contents list so humans are unloaded first, followed by animals, then by items.
    30. Optimized UI gizmo drawing by skipping the layout phase.
    31. Pawns of the same home faction (i.e. quest lodgers) will no longer arrest each other.
    32. Soften anima tree glow. Remove anima grass glow.
    33. Orbital mech cluster targeter will no longer spawn a cluster with condition causer.
    34. Re-label ruffle shirt to formal shirt, royal vest to formal vest, royal robe to prestige robe (since these apparel may have other uses beside royalty).


    1. Added temporary factions. These are used in the refugee quest, but can be used in other places as well.
    2. Refactored quest generation to run the generation script in C# instead of in XML data. This was done for all the new quests and will make quest coding easier in future.
    3. PatchOperationInsert: only apply node normalization for text nodes, just in case.


    1. Fix: Anima tree doesn't heal properly.
    2. Fix: Condition causer destroyed message sent whenever it was despawned instead of just when it was actually destroyed.
    3. Fix: Text rounding issue with re-enter cooldown text.
    4. Fix: Pawn bio tab -> double empty lines in tooltips just before the line that says when a backstory unlocks a psyfocus type.
    5. Fix: Joy meditation can cause pawns to fall out of bed.
    6. Fix: Condition causer destroyed message sent whenever it was despawned instead of just when it was actually destroyed.
    7. Fix: Haircuts don't display their partly-transparent sections. This mostly made the shaved haircut invisible.
    8. Fix: Many neural heat gizmos shown if many psycasters are selected.
    9. Fix: Log files can get extremely big. We now handle direct log messages as well (e.g. internal Unity messages or mods using Debug.Log directly) when handling max message count.
    10. Fix: Situational thoughts with reason don't give access to PAWN symbol.
    11. Fix: Pawns interrupting their throne meditation for other jobs.
    12. Fix: Curing scaria doesn't remove manhunting.
    13. Fix: Not saving drawAimPie field in Stance_Warmup.
    14. Fix: Glowpods affect anima meditation.
    15. Fix: Uncapitalized tagged content in some circumstances.
    16. Fix: Uncolored names in some letters. Added a color tag for quest threats.
    17. Fix: LOS calcs for purpose of royal aid don't match LOS for guns.
    18. Fix: humans with 0% hearing get thoughts from listening to instruments.
    19. Fix: Sounds with tempoAffectedByGameSpeed stop playing forever when the game is paused.
    20. Fix: Pawn can get random inspiration while not capable of being conscious.
    21. Fix: Bug where items from < costList > would never be returned from deconstructing a building if the stackCount of that item was exactly 1.
    22. Fix: Peace talks can generate for factions with goodwill rewards disabled.
    23. Fix: Inconsistent stat report for stuff, not reporting all stat factors/offsets if you open it via hyperlink.
    24. Fix: Bonded animal thoughts don't appear unless owner has certian level of handling skill.
    25. Fix: Banishing quest lodgers causes "banished" thoughts.
    26. Fix: Downed refugee icon on the quest info has permanent red tint from DamageFlasher.
    27. Fix: the call to InnerThing.GetStatValue ignores the null check.
    28. Fix: Siege buildings retain their faction after siege ended.
    29. Fix: Manhunter animal quest and incedent don't cap out at 100 animals.
    30. Fix: "Considered: Fine" stat appears on floors with royalty not active.
    31. Fix: Psylink counts as an artificial part for a transhumanist.
    32. Fix: Pawns not gaining comfort from throne while meditating.
    33. Fix: Royalty-only stats appear in scenario editor with Royalty.
    34. Fix: Colonists can lose their psylink entirely when being resurrected.
    35. Fix: Pawns can spawn with missing heads.
    36. Fix: References to Braziers in core.
    37. Fix: While paused, musical instruments constantly loop, this also occurs while in the trade menu.
    38. Fix: Pawn in cryptosleep requires bedroom.
    39. Fix: Some raid pawn kind defs allow Brawler trait while having ranged weapons.
    40. Fix: It's possible to use doors as electricity-less coolers.
    41. Fix: Exception when selecting brazier construction ghost.
    42. Fix: Undignified throne room alert causes FPS drop for a throne that is outdoors.
    43. Fix: Just claimed artificial structures don't affect nature focus objects.
    44. Fix: Throwing grenades only 1 cell away makes the graphic distorted.
    45. Fix: Pawns meditate in bed without being sick. They should go for a better meditation spot.
    46. Fix: Mechanoids not waking up if you skip them.
    47. Fix: Mechanoid capacity tooltip displays hidden capacity impactors.
    48. Fix: "Created at" stat has duplicates for things with bulk and normal recipes.
    49. Fix: Non-royal colonists will not wear royal apparel even if outfit requires it.
    50. Fix: Empire is hostile to neutral ancients by default.
    51. Fix: Several world feature names not being used.
    52. Fix: Can't right click directly on pawn to prioritize hunting.
    53. Fix: Psychic drone level increased letter doesn't mention affected gender.
    54. Fix: RadialDistinctThingsAround doesn't work correctly for 1:X size things.
    55. Fix: Text that says research speed will be multiplied by eg. 200% because of tech level is incorrect.
    56. Fix: "s" on the end of "colonists" isn't colored in quest text.
    57. Fix: Quest lodgers show up on history graph.
    58. Fix: Incorrect calculation for packaged survival meal bulk recipe.
    59. Fix: Wild men who are incapable of violence can hunt animals for food.
    60. Fix: Shuttles sometimes land on natural roofs.
    61. Fix: Some enemies spawn with smoke launchers who shouldn't.
    submitted by /u/spoolblack
    [link] [comments]

    And this is why I have dog leather sand bags is all of my play throughs.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    New unstable build released today!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm on the rimworld development discord group and I saw Tynan release a changelog for the new unstable build, he said he would be adding more soon and probably releasing a new patch in a few weeks time.
    It's quite a big changelog, I just copied it. Since its a temporary changelog he would probably post another one very soon. Pretty exciting!

    [h2]New stuff: Base game[/h2]

    - New custom playstyle system: You can now select a new custom playstyle setting. This opens up a new menu that allows you to customize a large number of different settings exactly as you prefer. For example, you can make a game with lots of enemies, but high yields from crops and mining. The settings are:

    --- Storyteller ignore wealth, and instead replace it with a factor from time alone. This can make the game fall off the rails easily, but is appropriate for someone who wants a pure challenge.

    --- Player friendly fire chances.

    --- Colonist instakill chance. This setting allows you to apply a damage filter that prevents colonists being killed by a single shot, because that can feel arbitrary. Colonists can still be downed by one shot and bleed out soon after, or take permanent injuries in one shot.

    --- Overall threat scale

    --- Major threats toggle

    --- Quests threats toggle

    --- Intro threats toggle

    --- Predators hunt humans toggle

    --- Extreme weather toggle

    --- Harvest, mining, and butchering yield

    --- Quest rewards

    --- Raid loot

    --- Trade prices

    --- Turret rearm cost

    --- Scaria rot chance

    --- Enemy death on downed chance

    --- Colonist mood

    --- Food poison chance

    --- Animal revenge chance

    --- Infection chance

    --- Disease frequency

    --- Hive insect spawn rate

    --- Deep drill infestation chance

    --- Ancient structure threats toggle

    --- Passive hives at map generation toggle

    --- Toggles for player can build traps, turrets, and mortars

    --- Damage adaptation growth rate

    --- Damage adaptation effect

    - New raid reward system: Previously raids would just drop whatever rewards were associated with the characters in that raid. This had several problems. It meant that players at higher difficulty were getting bigger rewards, which inverts the difficulty curve. It also meant that we couldn't accurately tune or adjust what rewards would be, nor introduce much variation as to what the rewards were. Now we have a system where raid rewards are decided in a centralized location, generally with one or two raiders carrying the reward. This applies to human and mechanoid raids. Each faction can choose from a different set of rewards: Pirates tend to give drugs, outlanders give medicine, mechanoids give plasteel or steel, tribals give jade or herbal medicine, all humans can give silver.

    - New gear verbs system. Apparel items can now give new verbs to whoever wears them. We've also reworked the concept of 'belts' into more general 'utility items'. This means a colonist can carry one utility item/belt which they can trigger to gain some special effect. All existing utility items have limited uses. Some can be reloaded, while others are consumed by use.

    --- Utility item: Smokepop belt. Previously, this was triggered automatically by the wearer taking damage, and disappeared on use. Now it can be triggered at any time, and it can be used several times, and can be reloaded with chemfuel. The AI knows how to use this to obscure turret shots.

    --- Utility item: Psychic insanity lance. Previously, this could only be used directly, and once. Now it's a utility item that can be carried and used twice before exhaustion.

    --- Utility item: Psychic shock lance. Same as the psychic insanity lance, this was changed from a one-use item to a two-use utility item.

    - New visual effects:

    --- Building destruction. Screen shake, dust, and so on.

    --- Orbital strikes, salvos, and bombardments. You can see and hear incoming projectiles and other details are improved.

    --- EMP state on mechs or turrets. Arcing electicity and sparks.

    - New automatic caravan supplies setup. To reduce player burden during caravan forming, now the caravan setup screen will automatically load enough food and medicine for the journey. This can be overridden if desired. The caravan forming interface was also reordered to ask for the route first, and to clean up placement of some UI elements. Overall, caravan forming takes less effort and fewer clicks.

    - New 'smash mechanoid' bill allows tribals to break down mechanoid corpses without a machining table.

    - New system for handling time limits on caravan encounter maps. Previously on encounter maps, the player caravan was just automatically reformed after a certain amount of time. Now, the colonists will be detected by enemies after some time. Later, enemy reinforcements will begin arriving to attack. The player can choose when to leave, and this scenario can play out even on maps where other enemies remain (e.g. If player is executing a siege).

    - New button to use drugs from inventory. This makes combat drugs more usable.

    - New sound effects:

    --- Many types of building destructions of various sizes and materials

    --- EMP blast and EMP state

    --- Windmill, watermill, wood generator, chemfuel generator

    --- Quest accepted, succeeded, concluded, failed

    --- Mech serum used

    --- Toxic buildup gained

    --- Melee dodge

    --- Power claw hit/miss

    --- Human bite hit/miss

    [h2]New stuff: Royalty expansion[/h2]

    - New major quest: Refugee hospitality. TO_WRITE

    - Ne wmajor quest: Shuttle defense. TO_WRITE

    - New major quest: Bandit camp mission. TO_WRITE

    - New bestower. The bestower is a ceremonial priest-like character who visits from the Empire to bestow new titles and psychic powers on colonists who have earned them. Titles are no longer given instantly when enough honor has been acquired, and psylink neuroformers are no longer sent to you by drop pods. Instead, a colonist with enough honor for a new title can invoke the bestower, who arrives in a shuttle with a retinue of guards. He goes to the colonist's throne room, confirming that it satisfies the title requirements, and does the bestowing ceremony there. The ceremony itself gives the psylink upgrade and title. You can also betray the bestower to steal psylink neuroformers from him.

    - New apparel: Hood. Used by bestower.

    - New permit selection system: When a colonist gains a royal title, you can now choose which royal permits you want to come with that title. There are more permits to choose from than before. Some permits require minimum titles before they can be chosen. This lets you customize your nobles somewhat.

    - New permit: Transport shuttle. This permit calls a transport shuttle to the noble. You can load whatever you like in it and send it on a one-way trip across the world map. This can be used for attacking sites, extracting fighters from combat, simple travel, sending gifts, and so on.

    - New permits: Call laborer team and call laborer gang. These permits call a group of laborers to work for you. They are the civilian equivalent of calling military aid.

    - New permits: Call orbital strike and call orbital salvo. The Empire will use their ships to bombard targets that you designate.

    - Psycasts can now have psyfocus costs. This lets us create psycasts that are useful over the long term instead of just in combat. The player can use them any time, but must restore psyfocus somehow.

    - New psycast: Solar Pinhole. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Word of Trust. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Word of Joy. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Word of Love. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Word of Serenity. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Word of Inspiration. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Chunk skip. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Farskip. TO_WRITE

    - New psycast: Neuroquake. TO_WRITE

    --- New item: Broadshield pack.

    --- New item: Jump pack.

    --- New armor: Locust armor.

    --- New armor: Grenadier armor.

    --- New armor: Phoenix armor.

    - New persona weapon traits: Now persona weapons have individual traits to reflect their individual personalities. Each weapon will have one or two traits. Some traits are good, some are bad, some are just different. Traits affect the weapon's market value, so a weapon with a negative trait will be cheaper. The traits are:

    --- Psychic hypersensitizer: Psychic sensitivity +40% when wielded.

    --- Psychic sensitizer: Psychic sensitivity +20% when wielded.

    --- Psychic quiet: Psychic sensitivity -15% when wielded.

    --- Psychic fog: Psychic sensitivity -30% when wielded.

    --- Kind thoughts: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s kind thoughts +6"

    --- Calm thoughts: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s calm thoughts +3"

    --- Mad muttering: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s muttering -3".

    --- Mad wailing: Thought while bonded "[weaponName]'s wailing -6".

    --- Kill-focused: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains 20% psyfocus instantly.

    --- Kill-happy: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains a "weaponname's kill happiness +6" thought for 3 days. It stacks but the effect falls off fast.

    --- Kill-sorrow: A pawn who kills someone with the weapon gains a "weaponname's kill sorrow -3" thought lasting 3 days. It stacks but the effect falls off fast.

    --- Painless: Pain locked to zero while wielded due to a psychic brain hediff.

    --- Fast mover: Move faster while equipped due to a psychic brain hediff.

    --- Hunger pangs: Hunger +50% while bonded due to a psychic brain hediff.

    --- Neural cooling: Neural heat fall rate improved by 0.15 per second.

    --- Psy-meditative: Wielder psyfocus gains from meditation increased by 10% (like increasing focus effectiveness by 10%).

    --- Freewielder: The weapon does not bond. Anyone can grab it and use it.

    --- Jealous: If you use another weapon while bonded, get a memory thought "weaponname's jealous rage -15" for 1 day.

    --- Kill thirst: If weapon has not killed anyone in 20 days, bonded pawn has a "[weaponName]'s kill thirst -4" thought.

    - New meditation enhancers. Meditation focus objects can now be enhanced by other objects placed nearby. This gives a reason to construct more integrated and expansive meditation temples instead of just a single object.

    --- Anima tree and animus stone are enhanced by nearby animus stones.

    --- Sculptures are enhanced by nearby sculptures.

    --- Grave is enhanced by nearby graves.

    - New meditation focus type: Flame. This is usable by pyromaniacs. They can focus on torches, campfires, or braziers. These are enhanced by nearby torches, campfires, or braziers.

    - New mechanoid building: Gloomlight. This building has two purposes. First, it emits a sickly light, so adds some visual interest to mech clusters, especially at night. Second, it can be reinstalled as a light or deconstructed for valuable resources. However, it is quite fragile so probably won't survive indiscriminate bombardment of a mech cluster. Similar to the unstable power cell, it's a reward which can be claimed only if the cluster is approached a certain way.

    - New incident: Bandits set up problem causer. TO_WRITE

    - New element for Empire bases: Shuttle pad. When you attack an Empire base it will have a shuttle pad, often with a shuttle on the pad about to take off. This just distinguishes these bases from other factions better.

    - New element for Empire bases: Throne room.

    - New speech inspirations. When your noble gives an inspiring speech, each listener has a 5% chance of getting an inspiration in addition to the mood bonus.

    - New incident: Abasia disease. Someone in the colony gets paralytic abasia, which paralyzes them for a while.

    - New incident: Blood rot disease. Someone in the colony gets blood rot, which requires regular medical treatment for a while.

    - New incident: Abasia joiner. Someone joins you, but they have paralytic abasia, so they must recover from that before they can work.

    - New visual effects:

    --- All skip-themed psycasts. The effect is more science-themed and avoids magic-like elements like glowing particles.

    --- Invisibility psycast. The effect is more science-themed.

    --- Wallraise rocks expiring.

    - New sound effects:

    --- Mech cluster defeated

    --- Skip psycasts

    --- Shuttle entry, exit, and ambience

    --- Mechanoid assembled

    --- Techprint applied

    --- Meditation gain psyfocus

    --- Mech building ambience: Sun blocker, smoke spewer, weather affecter, psychic harmer, EMI dynamo

    --- Bionic slash hit/miss

    --- Drill arm hit/miss

    --- Field hand hit/miss

    --- Mech turret small and large ambient calls

    --- Bullet shield and mortar shield ambience

    --- Proximity activator and countdown activator ambience

    [h2]Improvements and adjustments[/h2]

    - Renamed royal favor to honor.

    - Underground resources readout now shows what is in each underground cell and how many there are.

    - Make desired psyfocus dragging more robust.

    - Refined room stats readout.

    - Storyteller now ignores HP for purposes of wealth calculation.

    - Monument placing feedback is improved. When you try to place a monument, now the specific reason it can't be placed is highlighted on the map and noted in a message.

    - Map generator doesn't generate little inaccessible islands any more since they break various aspects of gameplay.

    - Anima tree will no longer be destroyed by meteors, crashed ship parts, or shuttles.

    - Empire soldiers now have more distinctive haircuts.

    - Pawns can now only bond one persona weapon at a time (otherwise trait effects can stack in broken ways).

    - Anima trees now reduce their anima grass progress rate after they're heavily used within a single day. This still permits the use of many meditators to power-level the anima grass, but at reduced effectiveness.

    - Empire is no longer enemy with civil NPC factions. We added a warning to inform players if they call Empire military aid when there are enemies on the map that the aid won't fight (this is a rare scenario).

    - Updated Korean language worker.

    - Added labelMale and labelFemale to traits.

    - Display meat icon in butchery recipe float menu option.

    - Removed naming animals through nuzzling. Animals only get names by bonding, or if given names by the player.

    - Change threat text color to a lighter red for better readability. Applied it to more text where it makes sense.

    - Gear tab now expands if it needs space and there is space, before using scroll bar.

    - Speech duration reduced from 5 hours to 4 hours.

    - Plasmasword damage increased from 19 to 20. Extra flame damage chance increased from 30% to 50%. Flame damage amount increased from 8 to 10. Persona plasmasword damage increased from 20 to 22. Persona plasmasword extra flame damage chance increased from 50% to 70%. Monosword damage reduced from 27 to 25. Persona monosword damage reduced from 29 to 27.

    - Stele and nature shrine now have terrain affordances appropriate for their sizes.

    - Several sounds now change speed if game speed changes, so they stay in sync with on-screen motion.

    - Eltex gear's psychic sensitivity effect now scales with quality. Added feedback for this.

    - All anima tree psylink levels now take 20 anima grass (instead of 18 or 22).

    - On the research tab, we now draw icons for techprint faction and research bench requirements (the latter as hyperlinks).

    - Quest helpers no longer spawn with the greedy trait.

    - Relabel skill neurotrainers to "skilltrainer" and give them their own category similar to psytrainers.

    - Removed special letter icon for choice letters.

    - Sort transporter contents list so humans are unloaded first, followed by animals, then by items.

    - Optimized UI gizmo drawing by skipping the layout phase.

    - Pawns of the same home faction (i.e. quest lodgers) will no longer arrest each other.

    - Soften anima tree glow. Remove anima grass glow.

    - Orbital mech cluster targeter will no longer spawn a cluster with condition causer.

    - Re-label ruffle shirt to formal shirt, royal vest to formal vest, royal robe to prestige robe (since these apparel may have other uses beside royalty).

    - Many, many other smaller improvements.


    - Added temporary factions system. These are used in the refugee quest, but can be used in other places as well.

    - Refactored quest generation to run the generation script in C# instead of in XML data. This was done for all the new quests and will make quest coding easier in future.

    - PatchOperationInsert: Only apply node normalization for text nodes, just in case.


    - Fix: Anima tree doesn't heal properly.

    - Fix: Condition causer destroyed message sent whenever it was despawned instead of just when it was actually destroyed.

    - Fix: Text rounding issue with re-enter cooldown text.

    - Fix: Pawn bio tab -> double empty lines in tooltips just before the line that says when a backstory unlocks a psyfocus type.

    - Fix: Joy meditation can cause pawns to fall out of bed.

    - Fix: Condition causer destroyed message sent whenever it was despawned instead of just when it was actually destroyed.

    - Fix: Haircuts don't display their partly-transparent sections. This mostly made the shaved haircut invisible.

    - Fix: Many neural heat gizmos shown if many psycasters are selected.

    - Fix: Log files can get extremely big. We now handle direct log messages as well (e.g. internal Unity messages or mods using Debug.Log directly) when handling max message count.

    - Fix: Situational thoughts with reason don't give access to PAWN symbol.

    - Fix: Pawns interrupting their throne meditation for other jobs.

    - Fix: Curing scaria doesn't remove manhunting.

    - Fix: Not saving drawAimPie field in Stance_Warmup.

    - Fix: Glowpods affect anima meditation.

    - Fix: Uncapitalized tagged content in some circumstances.

    - Fix: Uncolored names in some letters. Added a color tag for quest threats.

    - Fix: LOS calcs for purpose of royal aid don't match LOS for guns.

    - Fix: humans with 0% hearing get thoughts from listening to instruments.

    - Fix: Sounds with tempoAffectedByGameSpeed stop playing forever when the game is paused.

    - Fix: Pawn can get random inspiration while not capable of being conscious.

    - Fix: Bug where items from <costList> would never be returned from deconstructing a building if the stackCount of that item was exactly 1.

    - Fix: Peace talks can generate for factions with goodwill rewards disabled.

    - Fix: Inconsistent stat report for stuff, not reporting all stat factors/offsets if you open it via hyperlink.

    - Fix: Bonded animal thoughts don't appear unless owner has certian level of handling skill.

    - Fix: Banishing quest lodgers causes "banished" thoughts.

    - Fix: Downed refugee icon on the quest info has permanent red tint from DamageFlasher.

    - Fix: the call to InnerThing.GetStatValue ignores the null check.

    - Fix: Siege buildings retain their faction after siege ended.

    - Fix: Manhunter animal quest and incedent don't cap out at 100 animals.

    - Fix: "Considered: Fine" stat appears on floors with royalty not active.

    - Fix: Psylink counts as an artificial part for a transhumanist.

    - Fix: Pawns not gaining comfort from throne while meditating.

    - Fix: Royalty-only stats appear in scenario editor with Royalty.

    - Fix: Colonists can lose their psylink entirely when being resurrected.

    - Fix: Pawns can spawn with missing heads.

    - Fix: References to Braziers in core.

    - Fix: While paused, musical instruments constantly loop, this also occurs while in the trade menu.

    - Fix: Pawn in cryptosleep requires bedroom.

    - Fix: Some raid pawn kind defs allow Brawler trait while having ranged weapons.

    - Fix: It's possible to use doors as electricity-less coolers.

    - Fix: Exception when selecting brazier construction ghost.

    - Fix: Undignified throne room alert causes FPS drop for a throne that is outdoors.

    - Fix: Just claimed artificial structures don't affect nature focus objects.

    - Fix: Throwing grenades only 1 cell away makes the graphic distorted

    - Fix: Pawns meditate in bed without being sick. They should go for a better meditation spot.

    - Fix: Mechanoids not waking up if you skip them.

    - Fix: Mechanoid capacity tooltip displays hidden capacity impactors.

    - Fix: "Created at" stat has duplicates for things with bulk and normal recipes.

    - Fix: Non-royal colonists will not wear royal apparel even if outfit requires it.

    - Fix: Empire is hostile to neutral ancients by default.

    - Fix: Several world feature names not being used.

    - Fix: Can't right click directly on pawn to prioritize hunting.

    - Fix: Psychic drone level increased letter doesn't mention affected gender.

    - Fix: RadialDistinctThingsAround doesn't work correctly for 1:X size things.

    - Fix: Text that says research speed will be multiplied by eg. 200% because of tech level is incorrect.

    - Fix: "s" on the end of "colonists" isn't colored in quest text.

    - Fix: Quest lodgers show up on history graph.

    - Fix: Incorrect calculation for packaged survival meal bulk recipe.

    - Fix: Wild men who are incapable of violence can hunt animals for food.

    - Fix: Shuttles sometimes land on natural roofs.

    - Fix: Some enemies spawn with smoke launchers who shouldn't.

    - Many more small fixes.

    submitted by /u/troylow
    [link] [comments]

    This has got to be the best start I've gotten.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    I guess gundozer just wanted to die

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Guide: Relocate your Colony to a new Map! (without guarantee)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Did you ever wonder how to copy your existing well build colony to a new world map?

    1. Save your current colony that you want to copy and name it as "relocate".
    2. Create a copy of this savegame that we gonna alter.
    3. Now add wanted race and world mods and create your new colony at the same biome like the colony you want to copy. (example temperate forest, mountainous)
    4. Save the newly created Colony named as "merge".
    5. Open the savegame location C:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Saves
    6. The saves are in a xml format. Now we need to copy the <world></world> tag from "merge" to "relocate" and replace the whole <world> tag in it. I used notepad++ for the copy action. You can also copy the collapsed <world> tag in notepad++ wich saves tons of scrolling. (Because the world tag can have thousands of lines)
    7. Now search for the "<def>PlayerColony</def>" tag in both saves. They will appear twice in each file. Beneath the correct you will find a "<loadID>number</loadID>". The numbers are important! Otherwise you will loose your colonist and property to another faction. Remember both loadIDs.
    8. Now replace the loadID from "relocate" with the newly generated from "merge".
    9. Almost the last step: The loadID is also your faction ID wich is used to determine the ownership of pawns, animals, items and buildings.
      So what we do is a find and replace. Lets say your old loadID is 10 (relocate) and the new is 14 in (merge). We replace in relocate all "<faction>Faction_10" with "<faction>Faction_14". You can do this with the replace tool from notepad++ or any other valid text editor.
    10. Now simply save the relocate.rws file and start the game. When you get promt for different modlist then simply load anyway.
    11. If everything worked out you should now have your base in the new generated world.

    If you had world quest pointing to locations in the relocate save - this could lead to crashes and errors.
    Also not all mods are capable of such actions, mods that interfere in major ways with the world and quest system may break the save.

    I use like 50 Mods and I already finished my base so I decided to move my base to a new map with more factions and biomes installed.
    Here the results of my new map:

    submitted by /u/Georodin
    [link] [comments]

    My countess isn't picky? Rimworld

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Favorite/least favorite biome.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    I am wrapping up a colony and am starting to think of the next one. I am curious what yalls favorite and least favorite biomes are. For me my favorite is tundra and least favorite is temperate swamp.

    submitted by /u/MuffaloWill
    [link] [comments]

    Thrumbo 4-Way

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:54 AM PDT

    Instead of fighting the infestation, I cooked the infestation at 330 F for 6 hours

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    What's the dumbest thing you have done in a play through?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    I'm relatively new to the game (100 hrs as of rn). When it had been around 40-50 hrs of me playing I decided to raid a nearby post (1 day away by caravan). What my smart self did was take every colonist with me to attack. I thought to myself, I was raided just three days ago, surely I won't get attacked again so soon. So my caravan leaves and when they are halfway there guess what, I get raided. They form a post outside my base and start mortaring my base. I thought to myself, "This is fine, they won't do that much damage." I thought that because they fired all there explosive shells and it didn't to much (minor damage to bedrooms and rec room, many missed cuz obviously they are mortars). They then proceeded to fire incendiary shells, the second one landed right at the ancient site I recently cleared and burned all the 5 pods there. I consulted myself saying, "that's fine, I didn't need them anyways. If I want I can make them again." . But the next 2 dropped at my food storage and my main stockpile (which had all my stuff, yes everything including Chemfuel, 15k silver and most importantly the 2.5k yayo). And just like that after the few more fireworks, my base was just like a massive forrest fire. I was speechless and in disbelief that whole time (I only play commitment mode). I just closed my laptop and went to bed.

    submitted by /u/Spr1nce
    [link] [comments]

    What a great and informative quest!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    I bought Rimworld on sale two weeks ago on a recommendation. I love it. Today, I launch my first ship, on my third colony. This is the story I had.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do...

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    Does Nutrient Paste Cause Depression?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:49 AM PDT

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