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    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    RimWorld Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- February 25, 2020

    RimWorld Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- February 25, 2020

    Typical Tuesday Tutorial Thread -- February 25, 2020

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:13 AM PST

    Please use this thread as a week-to-week space to ask your fellow /r/RimWorld colonists for assistance. Whether it be colony planning, help with mods, or general guidance, post any questions you may have here! If you have an effort post about a game mechanic then this is also fine space for that but please consider making a separate subreddit post for maximum visibility. I am a bot, so I can't make jokes. If you'd like a Typical Tuesday joke, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This made me cry from laughter

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:34 PM PST

    How the hell is this fair to Ludeon Studios?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Some quick transparency, I did volunteer beta testing for the Royalty DLC for about 5 months, and myself and a few dozen others worked with Tynan and the other devs to help balance the new content and squash bugs (lord, if only you all could see Royalty's early stages lol). EDIT: Since a few lads are getting sassy over my precise wordage, again I'll state I'm not part of the Rimworld dev team. I'm just a closed beta tester lmao

    That being said, I'm going to put out an opinion or two as a Rimworld fan, not as some kind of Ludeon insider. With the release of Royalty, I've seen more than a few accusations that the DLC "lifts mods from the steam community and puts a price tag on them". Apparently several Rimworld mods "do what the DLC does, but for free". That, of course, is ridiculous.

    Anyone who's angry about this, consider that the modding community for Rimworld is huge, with people from all over the world implementing their own ideas into the game. They range from lore-friendly to downright whacky, from dinosaurs, to aliens, to vampires, you name it. Considering the massive amount of user content, how is Tynan supposed to traverse it without triggering the (ridiculous) accusation of taking fan ideas?

    Tynan and the devs are trying to come up with new content to expand Rimworld, and obviously there's a chance new content may vaguely overlap with other people's mods; seven or so devs versus thousands of mod makers. What sort of game would Rimworld be if all Tynan did was anxiously scour mod lists, worried that his new idea would be too close to someone else's? That's a restriction that no game developer or artist should have to consider - there are already enough development hurdles in the way as it is. What are they supposed to do otherwise? "Welp, there's already a user-made quest mod, better scrap the backbone of the DLC that we've been developing for the past several months, all that develop time and company cost is down the toilet".

    Go ahead and criticize the DLC for whatever it is you want to criticize it for, that's fine, but don't just kneejerk and accuse the devs of ridiculous things over unofficial mods. Let Ludeon have their creative freedom.

    submitted by /u/DarthGrandma
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    Place official expansions here.txt (expansionS, with an S, plural)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:03 AM PST

    Found North America

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:02 AM PST

    Hmmmmm... - My cat Kaylee wearing a 'cat hat' I made from yarn I spun with her fur.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:57 AM PST

    Oh lawd, He comin'

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

    Nudist vagabond joined my colony, didn't have a bed, proceed to sleep in my freezer, successfully died from hypothermia.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:45 AM PST

    Moral of the story, never left your game unattended for more than 10 mins. Also freezer at -20 celsius degre might be a little extreme.

    submitted by /u/DarzacTac
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    What a surprise to wake up to!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:25 AM PST

    I mean dude same but come on

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    The first soundtrack was 10/10

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Genuine criticism on the content of the new DLC

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:40 AM PST

    The biggest issue is that it skews the political environment of rimworld.

    With the new DLC, it seems as if every planet has an autocratic, technologically advanced, almost wakanda like faction. Whereas before, there were a balance of various faction types and the interactions with them were all equal.

    As such, the new faction seem to be over represneted that it doesn't seem in line with the rimworld we know through character backstories and lore.

    Until there'll be new DLCs featuring fleshed out democratic / tribal / new types of governments and interactions with them, (this has been semi-confirmed by Tynan's comment ) the game would seem skewed and unnatural. Which from the presumably minimum of 6 months development time for the new DLC, it would be a very long time until that's done.

    Perhaps this is a new and somewhat niche premise to the rimworld that I'm against simply because I'm not used to it. Just every element of the game that always exist in every game that ultimately made the game fun and interesting. And I suppose if we focus on that aspect, the DLC is a great addition to the game. It made quests exciting.

    Edit: We could consider DLCs as mods that you could turn on or off. (As a priced mod by Tynan, instead of a priced "core" content) However if Legacy were to be treated as one, the pricing is too high if it's to be adopted for future factions-like expansions. This is because mods are generally sth you turn on or off depending on what game you are trying to play. It's not something you would want to turn on on every playthrough. Most DLCs from other games also do not behave like that to such an extreme.

    What the dlc really offers rn is more of a scenario, and ultimately i think it's at a loss of identity. It's technically core gameplay, technically a faction, technically revamped quests.

    I could understand very well that purchasing the DLC could be considered as a sign of support. However I don't think the same logic would hold for multiple, coming DLCs.

    submitted by /u/Glacier092
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    Merciless Randy is nice but we all know whats truly the hardest thing about Rimworld

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:27 AM PST

    I killed a baroness for clothing and a snack, now my colony is doomed

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:28 PM PST

    Such a deadly threat

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:13 AM PST

    I thought Randy hates me, but now I know that Cassandra hates my guts as well. Medium difficulty, btw.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:46 PM PST

    Room Design to Satisfy Emperor Throne and Bedroom Requirements

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:15 AM PST

    Conversations about Rimworld are such fun.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:05 AM PST

    A Thank You to Modders (and Community)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Having updated to 1.1 (and breaking more or less the entirety of my mods) and being forced to play to as close to a Vanilla Rimworld I have since first starting, I just want to give a shout out to all the modders out there who put their time and effort into this game. You guys really have changed the game in so many ways that I find it hard to play without. Its a completely different game and honestly it almost feels like a challenge playing without some of the mods that I've ground accustom to even if my load time is a fraction of what it was before.

    To the people who make these big sweeping mods that change everything like Combat Extended, Vanilla Expanded and Medieval Times; thank you.

    To the people who make these small things like movable steam geysers, Simple Sidearms and Haul Urgently; thank you

    To the people who add big, new flashy mods that add loads of like Rimatomics, Genetic Rim and Project Red Horse; thank you

    To the people who add those behind the scenes or subtle mods like RimHUD, pathing mods and Mod Manager; thank you.

    To the people who add in new items or textures like weapon reskins, the Gloomy set and RimKEA; thank you.

    To the veteran with 20 mods under their belt to the novice who just uploaded a small change they wanted to share, thank you.

    To the thousands of other modders who mods I, and many other use daily in our games, thank you.

    And to the developers who've given the game such a modding community, thank you for not pulling a Fallout 76/Bethesda.

    I don't think I know any game or community quite like Rimworld's and everyone of you are amazing. From the psychopathic butchers to the peaceful farmers, from the mega base architects to the village builders, from the cavemen who look into the night sky with wonder to the spaces who are about to fly up into it, thank you for this amazing community you've all built.


    Someone whose honestly put way to much time into this game but enjoyed every minute of it.

    submitted by /u/ClocktowerEchos
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    5 reasons why the new hediff description system kills me, as a modder.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 11:24 PM PST

    EDIT: Tynan's reply in the comments. Imagine I was more upset when I wrote this, I've chilled a bit now :P

    Sigh. This is a modding related rant, as a modder. Yes yes, it's niche, nobody will care, but I care goddamnit and it's the bloody hill I'm very well going to die on. Hediffs, or 'health differences' are the entries in the Health tab and are used from everything such as Scars, Prosthetics, Bionics, Diseases and more. Almost every mod uses them.

    I'm hoping a certain someone will see this and take pity on me, but who knows. And if you do read this, Ty, my fine boi, don't take it personally.

    Here's a list of why the new hediff description system is painful to both modders and users.

    On the outset, it may seem like a cool thing to have hediffs with descriptions, and you're damn right, it is! However! There are some major, glaring issues with the design, UI and code that I believe is not executed nearly as thoughtfully for modders as could be hoped from an otherwise mod-friendly game. This is exceedingly important for mods such as Radiology, Pawnmorpher, Genetic Rim, Alpha Animals, Cybernetic Expansion and every mod that needs to add descriptions for all the many, many hediffs they use. Two of those, Radiology and Pawnmorpher (though, I don't believe the former is any longer in active development) had their own system for doing hediff descriptions. It grinds my gears because we worked on our own system for Pawnmorpher that no longer works at all and is delaying our update to 1.1. More on that later.

    TL;DR: They're not optional, flawed from a UX perspective (click instead of hover tooltip), break other working systems, are much more difficult to patch, and would take minimal amounts of core code to fix all these issues.

    Let's get into why I really, really don't like the new system, and why you probably won't either.

    1. It's not optional.

    If you are a modder, you now have to add descriptions for every single hediff you add to the game whether it actually needs one or not, or you get ugly config errors in your log telling everyone you've been a very naughty modder for being lazy and not writing them. Sure, this may bar low-quality mods which don't bother, but not all hediffs need descriptions!

    2. It's a click box, not a hover tooltip.

    This is bad from a UI and UX perspective. You have to click to open it, but it only displays information that's already available in the tooltip...so, put the description in a tooltip, please. Please. That 'i' can still be there (hell, we used the same thing in Pawnmorpher)

    3. It does not support [PAWN_nameDef] or any variants. You cannot personalise them in any way.

    So, if you're like Pawnmorpher and like to style things up a little bit with some 'he/she' 'his/her' 'Bob/Mary' personalisation like exists for traits, backstories and pretty much everything else, you can't do that with this system. It just shows as an ugly [PAWN_nameDef].

    4. The code is terribly convoluted and the old patches no longer work.

    We can't even use our old way out of pure stubbornness. The patches we used no longer function, so we have to migrate to this new system (until we eventually figure out how to not do that, and then we're the weird ones for standing out and putting it in a different place instead of conforming). Why, lord randy in heaven, why are there so many delegates in the code that just shows a description? Why is it that complex?!

    5. Related, you can't patch it to override the descriptions.

    In the previous system we had made, we were able to change the descriptions of the hediff by stage. So when a mutation, for instance, developed from one tier to the next via stages, the description would update. And it was awesome, since you could watch and read the progression. Now, it only lets you read from the main hediff itself and includes no functionality for reading from stages, as well as breaking the system that let us do it. In trying to improve the amount of flavour text in core and mods, it seriously shafted our own system for adding even more flavour than what is currently possible.

    To conclude. It breaks old systems, forces descriptions upon you, doesn't allow itself to be easily overriden or modified, isn't able to be personalised in any way, shape or form, and is displayed in a click-window that's sole function is to display the description and only the description.

    We have had our working system utterly broken and given a new system that is, entirely frankly, inferior in every way -- except that it's vanilla. We did raise these concerns multiple times on the discord during the beta phase (which Tynan did reply to one of my requests, but so far it has not been implemented), I now realise that we should have gone to the forums.

    Ach. The update is great so far and we're slowly figuring out what's broken and picking up the pieces, I just wish the modding community was given more time to adapt to the changes. Rather than an executive few getting an early heads-up. Ty, if you'd like, I give you full permission to steal the code from Pawnmorpher 1.0's hediff description method and use it instead. You simply hover over the 'i', it displays a personalised description which can be changed via stages, and even allows the label of the hediff to be overriden (which, however, I believe is still patchable, thank god).

    Anyhow, that's about it. Bless.


    submitted by /u/RuneLFox
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    Well that's a interesting fella we got,and raid next after him

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:57 AM PST

    A self-powered SHORT-ranged turret...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:19 AM PST

    R.I.P Cold bog 1.0

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I think i found my next base idea

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Some mechanoid doodles.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:39 AM PST

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