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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    RimWorld Dude... Really?

    RimWorld Dude... Really?

    Dude... Really?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:32 PM PST

    Beware the Double Heat Wave

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:25 AM PST

    So things are going well, six colonists and maybe 15 domestic animals. Pretty good stockpile of food, and I built my base around three geothermal vents so no problems on power. I get a quest opportunity where some royal jerkoff wants to give me a week-long heatwave for shits n gigs in exchange for some junk. The reward's not worth the pain, so I don't bother responding.

    Next day I get a natural heat wave. Ooh, good time to accept that heat wave quest, I think. Free reward!

    Well it turns out heat waves stack. Next thing I know it's 68C (154f) during the day outside, AKA 20 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the highest recorded temperature on earth. My freezer goes from -15C to 30c+ almost immediately, food starts rotting. Food stops growing. Every bedroom heats up to 40-50c. All wildlife on the map immediately GTFO's.

    I try to build coolers for every room possible but there's a component shortage and I run out pretty quick. Animals, the lifeblood of my colony, start getting heatstroke. Nearly all bedrooms become uninhabitable.

    I move everyone to the fridge, including all animals - it's the only room life can survive in for more than a few hours. Our food reserves that once seemed impressive is gone in a day - the livestock gobbled nearly everything.

    My one royal pawn is pissed as hell since their throne room's braziers are no longer lit, there's no fancy food, and their bedroom is a fridge shared with 5 pawns and a bunch of fuckin alpacas. I manage to send them off on a vacation caravan to a nearby settlement with a few bundles of crack to barter and pretty much our last bit of food. They were at major/extreme break risk half the while, I'm lucky they didn't go berserk and slaughter everyone else.

    Meanwhile we're still out of food in the fridge back at base, and it's impossible to survive outdoors for more than a few hours. Whelp, time to eat the animals. I slaughter nearly all of my alpacas, leaving just one breeding pair alive. The dogs eat what seems like half the meat before I even get a chance to cook it. Funny thing is I got a raid during this time, but it was 'prepare before attacking' raid and enough of them got extreme heatstroke before attacking that they retreated without me doing a thing.

    Finally, after three and a half days, the natural heat wave breaks and the outdoors temperature drops from 65c+ to a balmy 40c. A few deer wander onto the map, so I'm able to hunt them to avoid starvation. A few more days and the artificial heatwave is over, and somehow everyone survived.

    I've been dealing with food shortages ever since, as all our crops stopped growing during the heatwaves, so I've basically had to hunt and eat every rat, guinea pig, and tortoise unlucky enough to wander into the map. I'm about fifteen days out past the heatwave now, and am finally starting to get back on my feet - our corn is nearly regrown and pretty soon we'll have our first real harvest. Hopefully better times are ahead.

    submitted by /u/5dvadvadvadvadva
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    Cleaning the Killbox

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:23 PM PST

    "Things are going well so I'll just leave my game run while I make breakfast..."

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:53 PM PST

    Randy's Rampage

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:21 PM PST

    Best part of new DLC

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Muffalos, both how they look in the game and how they appear in my head.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Anatomically correct representation of a charging Mufalo.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:18 PM PST

    This hits close to home

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Reverse Art #2: Abstract Depictions

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:17 PM PST

    A Rich Explorer arranging some protection

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:14 AM PST

    thought something smelled bad

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    So about a week ago I showed my wife (Super fan of Banished) this game

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Banished is pretty hard and unforgiving game, but she mastered it and no longer has problems in any of her playthroughs. so I showed her this game and said

    "This is kinda like Banished but somewhat darker and you try to manage not only the colony but the people aswell and sometimes things will get desperate"

    So she shruged her shoulders and tried it out.

    Today I saw her cussing under her breath so I asked whats wrong.

    Turns out her entire colony powergrid runs on several bio reactors that she fills up with enslaved people that she hunts down and are not good enough for her colony.

    And the reason she was angry is because she was running out of people because she refuses to "feed some human shaped batteries"

    Rimworld actually brings out cold calculation and lack of humanity from everyone

    submitted by /u/Philip_Raven
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    He sold himself to slavery to pay for his boomrat pizza addiction, and he is a psychopath. I let him be a part the colony, obviously. (I didn't know what flair to use, sorry if it's wrong-)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:03 PM PST

    1.1 Massive Turret Nerf

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:45 AM PST

    I myself have not updated to 1.1 yet because of a few mods but I read that all turrets were heavily nerfed.

    Mini-turret: Burst 3 ➜ 2

    Autocannon turret: DMG 40 ➜ 20, armor pen. 60% ➜ 30%, increased reload cost

    Uranium slug turret: DMG 75 ➜ 30, armor pen. 112.5% ➜70%, range 49.9 ➜ 39.9, increased reload cost

    Those changes seem way over the top for me. Did the balance somewhere else change or why were they nerfed so much?

    Is there a mod that reverses those changes? All my mods that add defenses now seem way overpowered because of these changes and make the vanilla turrets useless.

    EDIT: I have those numbers from the Rimworldwiki page. I have not confirmed them in-game/in the game code, so I can not guarantee that they are 100% accurate.

    EDIT2: It seems like the hitpoints of turrets got reduced too? (unconfirmed)

    submitted by /u/Kythblood
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    That moment when you realize you could explode

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    When you get an infestation early on in your Merciless/Lost Tribe/Randy game, have everyone caravan away, but don't truly abandon it.... I think they finally stopped spawning hives by now lol

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:52 PM PST

    My interpretation of the tier 3 Androids, inside and out.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:16 PM PST

    A sad farewell to 1.0

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:59 PM PST

    The following is a fitting end to my 1.0 story.

    1st Septober 5505. 325 days since I found myself naked and alone on this strange world. There were worst places I could have ended up I mustered to myself. The aurora of the night sky illuminating the valley I called home. Nestled in a clearing between two small mountains with a river cutting through. It was an idyllic setting to live in. I shared my time here with two people I grew to call friends. Vladislav was the first, a thirty something pessimistic night owl by nature but by God he was as strong as an Ox and the reason the colony prospered as it did. The second was Pearson. A 17 year old cult kid on the run from a group of bandits who Vlad dealt with in his own.. way. I wasn't so sure on her to start with but she was great with animals and Vlad convinced me we could use the help during a particularly cruel winter.

    As we prospered we found ourselves at odds with a couple of local factions. Macy's Mortars and The Gray Dog Tranca were whom we often clashed. Regular raids meant we had to adapt. Having always been outmanned I knew that strategy and courage would be what we would need to survive on the Rim. And that's precisely what we did.

    There were two entrances to our abode. A Northern and Eastern gate. There was nothing fancy here, no turrets as we have seen out in the world and no proximity explosives. Just a couple of traps more akin to catching animals than people. But time and time again we fought off larger numbers and larger threats. One spring though it struck me. Could we find a way to weaponise the steam geyser that heated our colony during the cruel winter that just passed? And I did. I developed an automatic fire door. Utilising this technology I hypothesised we could trap those caught in the tunnel in a fiery abyss. We got to work constructing a thick tunnel about 15 metres long and laid the floor with hay. Should we ever need to fall back from our frontal defences we could make our stand here.

    It worked.

    And then again.

    The tunnel was a resounding success in its operation frying all those caught within it. The colony felt protected. Until this fateful day.

    The alarm went off and we found ourselves being shelled all over the base. Not one to sit idly by I took my sniper and felled them in the Northern fields. One by one they fell. It felt as if victory would be once more within our grasp and it was only a matter of time.


    A second raid appeared, this time to our east. There was no way we could fight on two fronts so we retreated into the compound. Pearson locked down the auto doors to the warehouse meaning the tribesmen had a free run at us through the open tunnel. As they grouped at the entrance and began charging towards us Vladislav laid down suppressing fire with his trusty LMG, Pearson activated the second auto door locking immediately behind them. Forward they came.

    As I pulled the trigger the world seemed to grind to a halt. There was an explosion, but it wasn't the chemfuel barrel designed to ignite the hay floor the barbarians found themselves stood upon. It was a stick of dynamite that landed in the doorway separating the compound from the tunnel. I watched in horror as the explosion decimated the fire door and sent a wave of fire hurtling towards the chembarrel and Geyser. The explosion shook the very foundations of the earth upon which we were based. The entry fire door shut locking the barbarians behind a double door effectively sealing their fate. Vladislav required immediate medical attention and he was my first thought. During the battle he had taken a couple stray bullets and was bleeding out so I rushed him to medbay to patch him up whilst Pearson took stock of the situation. It was then we realised the situation we found ourselves in. The tunnel was superheating... 250...500..750...1000.... The temperature continued to soar as the lack of fire door meant the tunnel, corridor, rec room, bedrooms, medbay, cell block, armoury and warehouse were all connected. I was locked in the hospital with Vlad where I was coming down with heatstroke, I moved myself and him into the adjoining Medbay freezer where it was a mildly colder 118c. I watched as everything we had built began going up in flames. Spontaneously combusting due to the extreme temperatures which maxed out our temperature equipment in places at 2000c.

    In our never say die attitude we still believed there was time to save the situation. Pearson took the backdoor through the warehouse to get to the entrance of the tunnel and try remove the door to vent some of the heat whilst I frantically broke the medbay freezer wall and dug as fast as I could to try get through the mountain to the outside world to release more heat. The fire was spreading and the smoke was building. Inhalation was becoming a problem but the chem fuel room could not be allowed to burn. As the fire approached the daunting reality was setting in. Someone needed to put it out. As initial flames in the tunnel subsided Pearson took it upon herself to charge through the cloud of ash and try douse the encroaching flames. She soon succumbed to the heat in the warehouse. This poor 17 year old girl fell valiantly trying to do her bit. Not on Vlads watch. As I watched him charge headfirst into the flame and smoke it reminded me of a human show I had seen back on the Glitterworld prior to me landing here on the Rim, Chernobyl.

    I stood waiting.. and waiting..

    And there he was.. Pearson in arm, coughing his guts up. Burns to his arms, ears and legs. Bullet holes still adorning his chest, we looked at each other and then to the smouldering ruins of our much loved home.

    Time to move on, he mused.

    submitted by /u/LFCBrand0n
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    She did what?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:44 PM PST

    No one has triggered it yet, but I can't wait until they do. (Mountain dropping)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:14 PM PST

    After a thousand deep penetrating scans, the results are...

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

    DLC idea: megacorporations

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:23 PM PST

    With the whole royalty DLC coming out of nowhere I've suddenly got a ton of ideas which would be too large for an actual mod but would be great for some kind of DLC

    I'm thinking along the lines of mega corporations - big interstellar names that you can strike contracts with and work for for some unique and special rewards

    I've got 3 ideas for mega corporations in mind:

    1. The Military Contractor

    Specialises in starting wars and making all things that go boom. Earn their trust by accepting quests to raid enemy factories, crafting tons of guns and armour or sending up prisoners to be drafted into their armies.

    Doing these tasks will increase your standing with the corporation as well as special rewards such as shield modifiers to protect turrets, laser weapons that cut rapidly through walls and defences and a traction beam for dragging your fleeing raiders back screaming for processing at the organ farm complex.

    By spending some goodwill and a bit of silver the military contractor can be persuaded to send down some troops to fight your cause, deploy an orbital bombardment satellite or even send a special cargo pod down with your own temporary main battle tank.

    Earn enough goodwill with the Military Contractor and they may give your colony some commanding positions on their space cruiser and let you escape the planet.

    2) The Industrialiser

    Likes to build big factories, mines and farms and produce manufactured resources with the flick of a switch. Earn their trust by making bulk simple items, going out on mining expeditions for rare resources such as titanium, tungsten and platinum, repairing their automated warehouses and stamping out those pesky climate activists.

    Doing these tasks will increase your standing with the corporation as well as special rewards such as research openings for GM crops that allow to to grow odd materials like uranium from plants, automated hydroponics bays and low-skill crafting stations and big mining bores that work much faster than a normal deep drill.

    By spending some goodwill and a bit of silver the Industrialiser can be persuaded to send down some builders or crafters to help you out for a short time, get you any orbital trader you could ever want or even send you the blueprints for a colonist exoskeleton that allows them to carry 3x more stuff.

    Earn enough goodwill with the Industrialiser and they may give you the opportunity to set up a space elevator that can connect up to an industrial star base and let you escape the planet.

    3) The Shady Dealer

    Likes dealings with the less ethical and more open minded. Can provide many drugs, body modifications and more that those on glitterworlds may see as unethical. Earn their trust by sending up prisoners for experimentation, stealing industrial secrets from other mega corporations or unearthing long lost glitterwold tech from ancient ruins.

    Doing these tasks will increase your standing with the corporation as well as special rewards such as new drugs to enhance your colonists or aid them in life threatening situations, brain chips that allow you to communicate with sentient AI for mathematical predictions on events or during combat or special sensor implants to see into hidden areas.

    By spending some goodwill and a bit of silver the Shady Dealer can be persuaded to trigger certain events such as a psychic sooth, tamper with enemy factions to make their raids fail or bases fall easier and even send down a genetically modified creature that is a very capable killing machine.

    Earn enough goodwill with the Shady Dealer and they may let you upload your colonists minds into their data banks to be installed into robotic bodies back on a glitterworld.

    That's all the ideas I have right now, let me know if any of these are good or would be pretty game breaking

    submitted by /u/PlasmaticStatic
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    local imperial does an oops

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:51 PM PST

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